Chapter 179 Yan Di Jue! Dethroned Xia Kui! [Second update, please customize]

Tian Meng’s questioning of Tian Guang seemed very innocent.

You never asked, how do I know what you want to know?

Originally came to seek revenge in a rage, until now, there is no hope for revenge, but instead it is full of complaints!

However, Tian Guang didn’t say much about it, instead he insisted on the matter of assassination and victory.

“Although Lao Hong is also a peasant disciple, I believe what he said. But what he meant can only represent an individual, and it doesn’t explain much!”

“Furthermore, Qin’s tyranny is mainly to the outside world! The harm to the Six Nations!

“Qin’s foreign war has caused millions of deaths and injuries in the past 100 years, which also represents the fragmentation of millions of families!”

“Bao Qin said, worthy of the name, recognized by the six countries.

“Simply speaking of winning politics, the age of nine has already caused the deaths of more than two, three, thirty, and one hundred thousand people, which is slightly inferior to the battle of Changping. If he really waits for him to reach adulthood, among the six nations, Who can resist him?”

“At that time, Qin’s foreign war will definitely be unavoidable! The number of deaths is likely to exceed the sum of the previous 100 years!”

“There is nothing wrong with the plan to assassinate the winning government! The farmer sacrificed himself in order to quell the war! It is honorable to die! Moreover, only by getting rid of the winning government can we have a chance to promote sweet potatoes!

“Stop! Tian Guang, it’s useless to say more!” The Zhu family quickly interrupted him.

After all, it is still the topic that cannot be convinced by each other, which is completely meaningless.

On the surface, it is righteous and awe-inspiring, but in fact it is to consolidate position and gain personal gain. Tian Guang will not admit his intention in any case.

After the Zhu family interrupted Tian Guang, they looked around at the crowd and slowly said:

“Now the six hall masters are all there, not one is missing, and the six great elders are also there. Why can’t we perform the Yandi Jue? Tian Guang puts the farmhouse in a dangerous place. I propose to depose Tian Guang’s chivalrous position!”

Everyone’s hearts trembled suddenly!

Dethrone the chivalrous man!

This is something that has rarely happened in the millennium heritage of the peasant family.

If you want to depose Xiakui, just such a proposal, you must have the six elders first make the Yan Di Jue before it can be established!

The Zhu family actually proposed to depose the man at this time of life and death.

Everyone looked at the six elders.

The six people had already made a judgment on the situation on the scene, and they were insightful to the focus of the contradiction between the Zhu family and Xiakui.

In addition, some important people in the farm family have their own characteristics. As the six sages of the farm family, even if they are in the family of the six sages, how can they not know?

Even Tian Mi, the newly appointed Hall Master Chi You, the six elders also know some details.

The Zhu family’s compassion, the world’s heart, Tian Guang’s utilitarian, unstable status, these things, the six sages have their own judgments, and there is no need for others to explain.

The six elders glanced at each other, all nodded, and Gu Shen opened his mouth and said to everyone:

“The six of us unanimously agreed that the resolution to depose Xiakui is established and can be carried out! Six hall masters, you can vote for Yan Di Jue.,

As soon as Gu Shen’s words were uttered, Tian Guang’s expression changed drastically!

Regardless of whether the position of this hero can be retained in the end, the attitude of the six elders has already explained some problems.

This chivalrous man of his really failed!

Even the six elders who don’t ask about world affairs don’t support him!

Tian Meng, Tian Mi, Tian Zhong, Chen Sheng, Situ Wanli, and Zhu’s family, the masters of the six halls gathered to begin the Yandi Jue.

“Shanquanzhiye, put the people first, make decisions for the public, and don’t hesitate to be loyal!” everyone shouted.

“Tian Guang, you, as a chivalrous man, should have put the people first, but you actually put the whole farmhouse in danger for your own benefit! I, the master of Shennongtang, the Zhu family, agree with the deposing of the chivalrous man!” Zhu Jiayi said righteously. .

This vote of the Zhu family was expected, and Tian Guang was not surprised.

Next is Tian Meng.

“Xia Kui took action for the farmer’s disciples, and he did not hesitate to commit dangers for the people of the world, and he is not ashamed of the title of Xia Kui. I, Hall Master Lieshan, Tian Meng, do not approve of deposing Xia Kui!”

Hearing Tian Meng’s statement, Tian Guang’s mind calmed down.

There are six churches in the farmhouse, and his direct line has three churches! Now Tian Meng has also voted against it, and the result is no suspense!

After Tian Meng was Situ Wanli.

“I, the hall master of Siyue Hall, Situ Wanli, agree with the deposing of Xia Kui!”

Situ Wanli didn’t say anything nonsense, and his statement was expected.

Originally, he stood firmly with Zhu’s family, and Siyuetang also followed to Qin, so it was naturally impossible to support Tian Guang.

“Boss Xiakui!” Chen Sheng looked at Tian Guang, his eyes hesitant.

“Wu Kuang’s death has made me confused. I can’t judge whether the plan to assassinate the government is correct.”

“But I, Hall Master Kui Wei, Chen Sheng, don’t agree with the deposing of Xia Kui!!

Chen Sheng voted against! Tian Guang’s expression also began to ease.

Kuiweitang is equivalent to Tian Guang’s family, and Chen Sheng is personally cultivated and promoted by him. In any case, Chen Sheng wants to support Tian Guang.

The remaining Tian Mi and Tian Zhong absolutely support him. Tian Guang looked at the Zhu family gloomily and said in his heart: Your son has already taken refuge in me secretly, can’t you think of it? Humph!

The next one is Gonggongtang.

“I believe in adoptive father’s choice! I, the master of Gonggongtang, Tian Zhong, agree to depose Xia Kui!” Tian Zhong voted for it, but the reason is that I believe in the choice of the Zhu family!

Tian Guang couldn’t believe his ears, and personally planned and promoted Tian Zhong to become the hall master. He actually betrayed at this time! What a wolf’s ambition!

I must have seen the strength of the Zhu family, and want to go back again!

The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

Three votes in favor and two votes against.

Only the last Tian Mi is left.

In fact, Tian Guang is most assured of Tian Mi.

The last Xia Kui was almost a solitary person, and he handed Tian Mi into his hands!

And Tian 1.3 just watched Tian Mi grow up, that kind of feeling can’t be wrong, absolutely will not be like Tian Zhong’s variables, temporary refusal.

As long as Yan Di Jue’s votes cannot exceed half, then the resolution is invalid!

At this time, Tian Mi had a pretty face and frost, uncharacteristically.

“This trip to the State of Qin, I think everyone should be aware of the current situation of the State of Qin! What is the life of the people, everyone can see with their own eyes!” Tian Mi looked at the more than ten peasant elites behind Tian Guang.

“Tian Guang went so far as to squander the lives of so many of us for his own selfishness, as an excuse to avenge Tian Hu, in order to prevent the split of the farming family, not only to assassinate the winning government, but also to assassinate the Zhu family and Situ Wanli, who are both hall masters!

“This kind of behavior I, Hall Master Chi You, Tian Mi, agree with the deposed Xiakui!

Tian Guang’s face changed drastically as soon as he said this!

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