Chapter 178 Benevolence and tyranny are not your final say! [First update, please customize]

Although the farmers were surprised that Tian Mi and Tian Zhong suddenly appeared at this time, the most surprising thing was that the Sixth Elder also came here.

The six elders are all the people with the best qualifications and the most upright character recommended by the hall masters of the past generations. Virtuous.

The so-called six sages include Bingzhu, Lishi, Yaowang, Gushen, Yutu and Xianzong.

There are six unique skills corresponding to it, including footwork, swordsmanship, physique, knife skills, palm skills and acupuncture~special skills.

All in all, the six sages are the most boastful and experienced people in the farmhouse in terms of personal strength and ethics.

“Teacher, how did you come to the Qin country in person?” Chen Sheng walked up to greet him quickly, with worry in his tone.

Perhaps the other people in the farm, even Tian Guang, had no problem coming to Qin, only the six elders could not!

It was the six elders of the farm that attacked Bai Qi!

The soldier shook his head lightly and motioned Chen Sheng not to say more.

Tian Guang also brought a group of peasant disciples to salute the six elders, and said with some doubts:

“I don’t know why several elders came to the dangerous place?”

“According to the Zhu family, our farmer is now facing a moment of life and death. He wants us to do a verification!” Li Shi answered Tian Guang’s question.

Tian Guang had to refute subconsciously, but the situation in front of him was indeed extremely dangerous. It would not be too much to say that he was alive or dead. This made him unable to refute, so he could only target the Zhu family again.

“Zhu Family! What is your intention? You even tricked the Six Great Elders to the Qin! Do you want to win the government even the six sages of our farm family have to get in?”

“Cheat? Do you think the elders are idiots like you?” The Zhu family said with disdain.

He has deliberately tested the attitude of winning politics. Winning politics has no vengeance on the six elders, and does not remember the things that hate Wu Anjun in vain.

In the final analysis, killing four hundred thousand soldiers is indeed hurtful in the eyes of the people of the world.

No matter what kind of consideration, Bai Qi has already carried this cauldron thoroughly, and there is no need to forcibly change the world’s opinion because of this matter.

The six elders make a moral sense.

When the Zhu family went to invite the six elders in person, they had already talked about this matter.

The attitude of winning the government is the attitude of the State of Qin; if winning the government is not pursued, the State of Qin will not pursue it!

Precisely because of this, the six elders also became interested in winning politics. After some questions, the Zhu family recounted everything he knew.

After that, the Zhu family brought up the theory of winning the government and said his own choice.

Except for hunting Bai Qi, the six sages have not asked about the world for many years, but their brains and insights are not comparable to ordinary people.

The unification of the Seven Kingdoms is indeed the best way to make the world peaceful!

It’s just that whether the winning government is really as described by the Zhu family, whether the Qin State is really so rich and peaceful, the truth of all this, they must see it in person to fully believe it.

The purpose of the six sages coming to Qin is for this.

Taking personal risks is also a consideration of the character of winning politics.

The Zhu family continued:

“Bao Qin! Luo said that Qin State was so unbearable, Tian Guang, have you actually gone to see how Qin State treats the people? What is the life of the people?”

Tian Guang took it for granted:

“The Violent Qin is the Violent Qin, and no one in the world knows it? Not only is it inflicted on the outside, the internal tyranny is not too much! Qin’s laws are harsh, and it is a crime of imprisonment at every turn, and the people are miserable. brutal?”

“That’s your understanding! Take it for granted!” Zhu Jia said, “What kind of living conditions the people of Qin State are in, it must be up to them to say!”

After all, he helped out a lame old man by the six sages.

“This elder Hong is a disciple of Lieshantang. He has lived in Qin for generations. You can ask him yourself!” The Zhu family pointed to the elder and said to Tian Guang.

“Lao Hong is indeed a disciple of Lieshan Hall. I can testify to this. We once joined Lieshan Hall together.” The Medicine King, one of the six sages, took the initiative to prove it.

Tian Guang looked at Lao Hong with some doubts, and then at Tian Meng.

Tian Meng was also a little bit reluctant to force him. How could he know all of Lieshantang’s nearly 20,000 peasant disciples? Especially this kind of semi-retired old man.

0……Look for flowers……

“Okay! Since there are elders who testify, Tian Guang believes it too! Elder Hong, I am the current chivalrous leader of the peasant family, in front of me, you can talk about the life of the people of Qin country!

Tian Guang didn’t even believe that the Qin people had no complaints about the law.

How can it be so easy to wash the tyranny of Tyrant Qin from white!

Old Hong was also not welcome, and immediately began to tell his feelings.

“Old man, I used to be a soldier. Because of the injury, I had retired from the army very early. It was at that time that I joined the farm with Yaowang.”

“Now, the whole family is farming for a living. You only need to plow the fields and obey the laws of the Qin State, and you can live in stability. Moreover, since the Prince’s Royal Highness made sweet potatoes, he can still eat enough, and he still had to bear it before. Hungry for some time.”


“Speaking of Qin’s laws, it is indeed very strict, but after a hundred years, ordinary people are more and more appreciative of the benefits of the law.”

“In Qin Xiaogong’s time, private fights became a trend, and I don’t know how many people die every year! If there is no Qin Fa, the current state of Qin would be different.”

Tian Guang frowned and asked hesitantly:

“Speaking of which, Mr. Hong is very satisfied with his current life?”

Old Hong smiled and replied:

“Naturally, satisfaction! Especially in the last year, since His Royal Highness came back from Zhao Guo, not only was he able to eat, but the family was also able to save some surplus money. Ordinary people, able to eat well, can live a stable life. , What else is unsatisfactory?”

Mr. Hong’s words made the peasant disciples think deeply. After thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the truth.

Qin’s law is harsh and afflicted at every turn, this is a fact!

But it is precisely because of this harsh law that it can truly deter those who want to commit crimes!

After everyone got used to the law, the entire Qin State became orderly.

“These things are not secrets. Why do I need to be an old man to come out to testify? Many disciples of Hall Lieshan are in the Kingdom of Qin. Presumably Hall Master Tian Meng should be very clear about these things?” Old Hong said silently. One knife.

Tian Guang couldn’t help being very angry when he heard this!

“Tian Meng, what do you eat? Why have you never heard of these things?” Factory.

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