Chapter 177 Murder and punish the heart, summon the farmer’s six sages and waste heroes! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Both parties in the confrontation heard the shouting from a distance, and paused slightly, the man had already come to the front.

It is the Zhu family!

In order to prevent the conflict between the farm family and Yingzheng again, he did not stop for a moment in the past few days. He personally ran to Daze Mountain. Not long after he came back, he learned that the people from the Yingzheng group surrounded Tian Guang.

Hurry up and hurry up, and finally it didn’t cause misfortune.

“Palace Master Zhu, what do you mean?” Ying Zheng frowned and looked at Zhu’s house, his expression unhappy.

The Zhu family made a “puff” and knelt directly in front of the winning horse!

“His Royal Highness! Can this matter be handed over to me and give my farm brother a chance!”

Humble! Extremely humble!

In order to stop winning the government, the Zhu family no longer had any scruples on their face. They even knelt down in public to beg for mercy, and their words were extremely sincere.

Ying Zheng stared at Zhu’s family closely, hesitated a little, and sighed:

“Hey! Alright! Hall Master Zhu, please, this prince will give you this opportunity! Cover the sun, withdraw, and give this to Hall Master Zhu.”

With that said, Yingzheng was the first to provoke the horse’s head and withdrew from a long distance. The people from Zhanri also retreated to Yingzheng.

Tian Guang and other peasant disciples Si330 did not dare to stop, but stood quietly in place.

It is true that the force of the Yingzheng team has shocked them!

The innate realm is no longer able to accurately define the power of Xuanjian and Chaoshen.

When the Zhu family saw Yingzheng leading the people to retreat, he also stood up, facing the people of the farm family, and said lightly:

“Tian Guang! As a chivalrous leader, you act recklessly, completely disregarding the overall situation! Putting my farm disciple into a dangerous situation without knowing it! It’s a crime! How can the farmer grow and grow in your hands?”

“Bah!” Tian Guang slobbed disdainfully, and said with contempt:

“The traitor of the farm is also qualified to speak up in front of Xia Kui? Look at yourself! You are now a dog next to Yingzheng! You simply lose the face of the farm!”

“Dog? You can tell! His Royal Highness treats me with the most affection and courtesy. He does not care about the grievances with the peasant family. The disciples of Shennongtang follow His Royal Highness and have a lot to do! A good thing for the benefit of the world!” The Zhu family did not show any weakness.

“The most affectionate and courteous, do you mean kneeling in front of him and asking for mercy?” Tian Guang laughed.

Zhu Jia immediately became angry and roared:

“It’s not because of you idiot! If you don’t have so many brothers from the farmer family, do you think I will kneel and beg His Royal Highness to forgive you?”

“You want to get rid of me, there’s nothing to say! My Zhu family can’t escape this calamity, and there is no complaint! But you actually want to assassinate the prince! The destruction of the entire farm family will be caused by you!”

“Nonsense!” Tian Guang said angrily.

“Insulting Xiakui, what kind of peasant disciple are you? Your Zhu family is the real sin worthy of death! Victory becomes King of Qin, must be a tyrant! My peasant disciple kills and wins politics, and kills for nothing is the same! Yes! Anliang in anti-violence!”

The many masters of the farm family can’t adjust at all, and can only watch the two of them talk about their own reasons, which is generally the same as what happened in Lieshantang some time ago.

Only Chen Sheng’s heart is the most uncomfortable!

Lying on the ground was Wu Kuang, who he regarded as his own brother!

Wu Kuang, who died under Ying Zheng’s command by Xia Kui’s orders!

Resent Tian Guang or resent to win politics?

He didn’t even know how to take revenge.

According to Tian Guang, the order to kill and win the government is for the people of the world, but from the perspective of winning the government, killing Wu Kuang is also a legitimate defense!

Who is his enemy?

When he was struggling, he only heard the Zhu family continue to say:

“Tian Guang, look at Brother Wu Kuang lying on the ground! If it weren’t for your selfishness, how could Brother Wu Kuang die here? Wanting to assassinate His Royal Highness is simply an act of self-reliance! Without your enchantment , How could Brother Wu Kuang die?”

“Furthermore (aibd), what tyranny did you get rid of? What is good? Why is the prince must be a tyrant? How did the six kingdoms you defend become good?”

Tian Guang immediately sneered:

“Winning government killed more than 200,000 people in the first battle at Hangu Pass. Isn’t this cruel? Our farmer killed Winning government and obtained the sweet potato treasure so that everyone in the world can eat. Isn’t this an Liang? ”

“Could it be that the Sanjin coalition came to the door, and the Qin State is not allowed to fight back?” Zhu Jia sneered.

In the scene, Tian Guang brought a dozen peasant disciples to confront the Zhu family; in fact, the hearts of these peasant disciples had already begun to shake.

The prestige of the Zhu family really surpasses Tian Guang!

What he relies on is that sincere love and high character.

It was just the brief encounter between Wu Kuang just now, and everyone in the peasant family already understood the strength of the winning party.

Not to mention the 3,000 peripheral soldiers, but just a few people around Yingzheng, it is already very difficult to contend.

Wu Kuang, who is a first-class congenital, is directly a second kill, almost without the process of fighting!

This kind of force, I am afraid that even Tian Guang, who is innate Grade 4, can’t resist.

Yingzheng himself has a record of killing Lianpo, and his strength will inevitably be even more terrifying!

The so-called assassination to win politics is simply hitting the stone with a pebble, and there is no possibility of success.

The Zhu family’s begging is entirely to save the lives of the farmers!

Don’t hesitate to face!

In addition, the cruelty mentioned by Tian Guang is indeed not valid.

The Battle of Hangu Pass is definitely not a cruel. There is no right or wrong in the military battlefield, and everything is a struggle for interests.

On the contrary, in the past few days when they came to Qin, everyone has a new understanding of Qin people.

Theft, robbery, and other public security problems have almost disappeared in Qin!

This is unimaginable in other countries.

The life of the people is much stronger than that of the Six Nations. Everyone can eat, the complexion is ruddy, and the tyranny is still open to discussion.

The Zhu family turned his head slightly and glanced behind him. The people he was waiting for had already arrived.

“Tian Guang, I’m not going to fight with you! Don’t think that if you become a Xia Kui, you can play with the whole farmhouse without any scruples, and you can make the farmhouse a tool in your hands!”

“Look at who is behind me!” The Zhu family pointed far away.

Following the direction of Zhu’s fingers, everyone was surprised to see several familiar figures.

Tian Mi, Tian Zhong, Situ Wanli, also

Six sages of the farm!

That is, the six elders of the six sages!

The Zhu family didn’t care if Tian Guang died or not; but the various hall masters of the farm family and the elite disciples of the various halls must not accompany Tian Guang to break here.

There is only one way to prevent the conflict between Tian Guang and Yingzheng!

That is to ask the six elders to come forward!,

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