Chapter 176 The tiger roars out! Encircle and suppress the masters of the farmers! [Third update, please customize]

After Zhao Gao left, in the Wuming Valley, there were three more people left: Yingzheng, Tian Mi, and Tian Yan.

“His Royal Highness, you called me over, is there any order?” Tian Mi began to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with Ying Zheng.

“Well, this time the prince is going out in person, just to meet you by the way, there are indeed some things to explain. However, don’t worry, the prince is still waiting for a news.” Yingzheng smiled lightly.

Afterwards, he turned his gaze to Tian Yan.

“Ayan, are all the people sent this time reliable? The other party is a master!”

“His Royal Highness waits for the news!” Oda Yan’s face was calm, as if he was in control of the overall situation.

“Okay! I always feel relieved when you do things!” Ying Zheng laughed and praised.

Tian Guang and other farm masters lived in the small house.

“Wu Kuang, Tian Mi has been out for a long time, right? Why haven’t they come back?” Tian Guang said.

“I don’t know about this either! Didn’t she say to get some air? I’m going to find her!” Wu Kuang was also a little worried. After all, Tian Mi is his fiancee.

“Go, this is the Kingdom of Qin. For us, there may be danger at any time! You must be careful in everything, and you must be more careful when you go out.” Tian Guang said.

Wu Kuang agreed and left immediately.

“Xia Kui, I’ll go out and have a look too!” Tian Zhong rolled his eyes, and then greeted Tian Guang.

“Okay! Go ahead, be careful of everything!” Tian Guang replied.

Chen Sheng didn’t want to stay in the room anymore. Seeing Tian Zhong leaving, he followed him out of the room.

“Xia Kui, it’s been so many days, we can’t wait so meaninglessly, right? When can we get rid of the winning government?” Tian Meng asked tentatively.

“Didn’t your subordinates send back the news? The potatoes and sweet potatoes have already been harvested, and then naturally the next round of planting will start, which is what happened in the past few days!”

“At that time, Yingzheng is very likely to show up on the farm, he has his own force, and the guard is not necessarily very tight! Moreover, the seeds of sweet potatoes and potatoes will also have fallen on the farm, 々!”

“That’s the time for us to take action! Kill two birds with one stone! People who are proficient in sweet potato and potato cultivation can also be found there, with three birds with one stone!,

Tian Guang spoke out his plan very naturally, but he was very proud in his heart: this Xiakui’s plan, if you don’t say it, you will never think of it!

Sure enough, Tian Meng said very cooperatively:

“Xia Kui is brilliant! Tian Meng admires it!”

The rest of the farm masters in the room also echoed one after another, and a little satisfied Tian Guang’s vanity.

After another period of time, the sun reached the top of the head.

“Boss Xia Kui! We are surrounded!” Chen Sheng’s voice was heard before people entered the house.

Everyone in the house was shocked when they heard this!

For so many days, they are most worried about being discovered by the Qin people and incurring Qin’s revenge.

Qin State can give up revenge against ordinary peasant disciples, and he may not turn a blind eye to Xia Kui and the main hall masters!

“Damn! Tian Mi must have exposed our whereabouts!” Tian Guang said angrily.

At this time, Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang also rushed into the house.

“Where is Tian Zhong? Why didn’t Tian Zhong come back?” Tian Guang only saw the two brothers, but Tian Zhong never appeared.

“Tian Zhong went out too? We haven’t seen him.” Wu Kuang replied.

“Forget it, I can’t take care of him! Without further ado, we will leave here and break through immediately!” Tian Guang ordered.

With the strength of these people, either innate or half-step innate, as long as they don’t fight and want to escape the siege of ordinary soldiers, they can still do it.

Everyone didn’t hesitate anymore, they rushed to the outside of the house with their weapons, ready to run away.

However, it is too late.

Zengri, Xuanjian, Chaoshen, and several other masters that Zhao Gao pulled out of the net from the net, have already come to the small courtyard outside the house, blocking a dozen people from the farmhouse inside.

Tian Guang and a group of farm masters immediately changed their expressions.

They have already felt the breath of the people such as Bianri, all of them are masters with more than half a step innate!

When I looked further away, the heavy cavalry on the periphery had already come into view.

The two sides fell into a confrontation.

Winning the government alone, walking from the heavy cavalry to behind Bianri and others, condescendingly looking at the elites of the farmers.

“Are you the farmer’s knight? Come to assassinate this prince?” Ying Zheng looked at Tian Guang, who was headed coldly.

Everyone from the peasant family hugged Tian Guang’s back and stood ready.

They are all the first time they have seen Yingzheng!

It is rumored that the midfielder killed Lianpo, the seventh-rank innate, and led three thousand cavalry to break through the 300,000 army. The prince Dingtianjun of Daqin

It was such a handsome and handsome boy!

But this appearance is no different from the rumors, it is undoubtedly winning the government!

Tian Guang has a sullen face, no extra expressions can be seen, but his mind is running fast!

The whereabouts were exposed in advance, and everyone in the farmhouse became passive, but the victory of the government broke away from the army and came to the front alone.This is also a god-given opportunity!

The farmer’s trip brought all the masters. Among a dozen people, except Tian Mi, the worst is half-step innate. It is definitely much stronger than the lineup of less than ten people on the winning side.

Thinking of this, Tian Guang no longer hesitated, and simply ignored the question of winning politics, and directly yelled:

**” At this moment the tyrant who will kill the future tyrant of Qin is right! Brothers, come on!”

As soon as the voice fell, it was not Tian Guang who rushed out first, but Wu Kuang, a young man in the second grade.

Wu Kuang’s cultivation had reached the level of first grade innate, and his speed was what he was best at. Xia Kui had orders, and he took the lead in charging.

The courage of young people is admirable!

“Yingzheng children suffer to death!” Wu Kuang yelled, and came to the front of Yingzheng.

(Good) The speed is almost to the extreme!

Just about to release the sword…

Everyone felt that there was a flower in front of them, and the other three swords, which were even faster than the ultimate speed, had been inserted into Wu Kuang’s chest frontally, left, center and right, side by side.

This shocking effect once appeared on Ying Zixi’s body.

The people who shot are the same as before, it is Luan Shen and Xuan Jian.

In the eyes of the two, there is a cold ear!

The eager farm masters immediately settled down, frightened.

too fast!

If they were to make a move, they would also end up with Wu Kuang, and they would definitely not be able to escape!

Tian Guang, who was born in the fourth rank, was also taken there, and he didn’t dare to act rashly.

The several masters on the side of Yingzheng have all drawn their swords in their hands, and only waiting for an order from Yingzheng, they will massacre all the farmers.

There was a loud shout from a distance:

“His Royal Highness, slow down! Keep people under the sword!”.

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