Chapter 175 Surrender to Yingzheng! Tian Mi’s catering! [Second update, ask for customization]

In the whole room, because Tian Guang and Chen Sheng had a dispute, they fell into deathly silence again.

Tian Mi, who never said a word, lowered her head with an endless sneer on her face.

It seems that the atmosphere in the room is too dull, Tian Mi got up and said:

“I’m going out to get some breath~”

Tian Guang nodded and did not speak.

Wu Kuang feared that Chen Sheng and Tian Guang would have another conflict and did not dare to leave casually, leaving Tian Mi to go out alone.

Today’s weather is good, Tian Mi looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and her mood became more relaxed.

At this moment, a calm and cold voice echoed in Tian Mi’s ears:

“Tian Mi!”


Tian Mi asked subconsciously, and then suddenly turned her head! Suddenly took a bite of surprise!

“Ayan? Why are you here?”

Silently, standing behind Tian Mi was Tian Yan dressed as a female Guanzhong!

Tian Yan is also fifteen years old, has a better body, and is always girlish in the face of winning politics.

But in front of outsiders, 08 will always look calm and indifferent.

Tian Mi naturally belongs to outsiders too!

“Don’t say much, come with me!” Tian Yan ordered.

The tone of this order and the unexpected situation made Tian Mi feel a little dazed.

What’s the situation? Where do I go with you?

“Tianluodiwang!” Tian Yan only said these four words.

Tian Mi’s heart was shocked!

Only after a little hesitation, she stopped hesitating and walked away behind Tian Yan.

Along the way, Tian Yan said nothing, just walking.

Seeing that the front is getting more and more remote, Tian Mi has a hairy feeling.

This is the Qin State! The Qin State with the weakest peasant power!

Tian Mi is extremely insecure without many male peasant disciples by her side to protect her.

“Ayan, where are you taking me? It’s too remote here!”

“Take you to meet someone!” Tian Yan said lightly.

“Who do you see? The netizen? How far is it? Tian Guang will be suspicious if I leave too long.” Tian Mi was a little worried.

“You’ll know when you get there! With Tian Guang, you don’t have to worry!

In a valley, Tian Yan and Tian Mi came to their destination.

Sitting on a boulder, Ying Zheng looked at Tian Yan with a smile on his face.

“His Royal Highness, Tian Mi will bring it here!” Tian Yan knelt on one knee, reporting respectfully.

In front of outsiders, she has always shown the greatest respect for winning politics, demonstrating the dignity of winning politics.

“Okay, Ayan, you have worked hard!” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Tian Mi followed Tian Yan, seeing the speech and actions of the two in her eyes, she couldn’t help but shock!

I have long heard that Qin’s prince Yingzheng was a child under ten years old. He was extremely handsome, tall and steady, and looked like a teenager in the thirteenth and fourteenth year.

Isn’t this beautiful boy in front of him like this?

All match up!

And this young man has a temperament that makes people want to surrender unconsciously!

The young man who can possess this kind of temperament is probably only the well-known prince of Qin.

Yingzheng is also looking at Tian Mi.

It was also the first time that he saw Tian Mi herself. He didn’t hold a long cigarette stick as he remembered. Tian Mi’s clothes were also very tight, and her skin was hidden in her clothes.

It’s just that the lazy, frivolous, and charming temperament has initially begun to appear.

A fifteen-year-old girl is almost fully developed, and Tian Mi’s figure is even better.

It should be convex, it should be warped, it should be quite tall!

The graceful figure is wrapped in a purple dress that fits very closely, and the curve is exquisite.

The girl’s body exudes the charm of a mature woman. Judging from the soft and pretty face and the exposed jade hands, the complexion is like mutton white jade, and the hand feels very gentle.

“Tian Mi? Haha, the information is good!” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly.

Hearing that Ying Zheng was talking to herself, Tian Mi immediately felt flattered, and her face naturally brought out a touch of shyness and boundless charm.

As if she didn’t dare to look at Yingzheng, Tian Mi lowered her head shyly, learning the manner of Tian Yan, kneeling on one knee, and said softly:

“Tian Mi has seen His Royal Highness~”

“It is a great honor for the little girl to be able to make a story for His Royal Highness~”

Yingzheng Weiwei headed his mouth and said:

“Get up, Hall Master Tian Mi! Haha!”

“Originally, it was planned to let you be the head of Kui Weitang, but there was a temporary change. This prince decided to get rid of Tian Hu and let you succeed Dan Youtang.”

After Tian Mi got up, she bends slightly, half-sideways and salutes the victory:

“Having received the love of His Royal Highness Prince Montgomery, and willing to help Tian Mi become the hall master, the little girl is very grateful! And Chi Youtang’s strength is not worse than Kuiweitang!

Tian Yan, who stood quietly to the side, turned cold.

What is sag love? When did my son sag love to you?

Shameless! Shameless!

But Xiao Tianyan did not show extravagance. In front of the son, she would not interrupt at will.

“I’m not picky!” Yingzheng said with satisfaction, “Yes, you know the current affairs!”

“His Royal Highness praises, the little girl is so spoiled~ If your Highness has any dispatch or request, the little girl must be willing and willing, and never dare to ask for credit in front of the palace.”

Tian Mi decided to cater and surrender at the first time!

Who is Prince Qin?

The second generation of the best king in the entire world under 330!

The key is how hot looks and handsome! How hot temperament is! Love at first sight!

It’s just that Tian Mi’s show off, winning the government feels a bit too much~

“An Xin does things for this prince, and will not lose you!” Ying Zheng said lightly.

Tian Mi wants to say a few more words, to narrow the distance between her and the winning government, and even to lay a good foundation for future negative-distance contacts.

But behind her, another person came.

The appearance of Xiao Zhaogao unexpectedly interrupted Tian Mi’s negative distance contact plan.

“How are the preparations over there?” Before Zhao Gao could speak, Ying Zheng asked.

“His Royal Highness, all the three thousand Tiger Howling Army members have been dispatched, and they have completely surrounded the positions where Tian Guang and others are located! Forgive them that it is difficult to fly with their wings!” Zhao Gao replied respectfully.

“Well, surround them! Don’t act rashly, there may be accidents later! Even the prince is also very interested, hehe!”

“The little one will go back and pass the order, and everything is waiting for your Royal Highness’s follow-up order!

Yingzheng nodded affirmatively and let Zhao Gao leave.

To subdue the peasant family, that doesn’t mean that if you kill the farmer’s chivalry, it will be finished!

If it were that simple, Ying Zheng had already ordered Tian Guang to be removed, so why wait until now?

What he is really waiting for is other people, other things!.

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