Chapter 174 Is Qin a tyranny or a benevolent government? The peasants have differences! [First update, please customize]

The fief is not a city, and Heibing County does not have any special defenses. Most of the area around a hundred li is farmland, and a small part is residential.

For the masters of the peasant family, it is still possible to do any activities in the fief.

Tian Guang and his party have been quietly lurking in the fiefdom of the victory for a few days, but they have not gained much.

Mainly for that damn sweet potato seed!

“Xia Kui, I have been searching for this fief for a long time, and no one has any sweet potato seeds!” Tian Meng complained. He only wants revenge, but sweet potatoes are of secondary importance.

“It seems that the seeds of sweet potato can only be in the residence of Yingzheng! If you want to come to this precious thing, it will not be left outside. It must be strictly guarded by people around Yingzheng!” Tian Guang nodded self-consciously, feeling My own analysis makes sense.

The mansion of “Three Three Zero” won the government is not so easy to explore! The dumb Yanu and the bone demon have tried several times, and it is difficult to enter! If you want to assassinate the government there, it is also very difficult. “Tian Meng was a little worried.

“I found something.” Chen Sheng said calmly.

“Oh? A Sheng, what did you find?”

“In the past few days, I pretended to be a foreigner who came to visit relatives. I occasionally talked with some farmers. Over time, I could talk to them. One of them was responsible for providing fodder to the health center! According to him, sweet potato The seed is probably in the sanctuary.”

Hearing Chen Sheng’s words, the other people suddenly appeared depressed.

They also encountered the Tiger Howl Army in the guard station several times and secretly observed it for a long time.

The legendary record of three thousand breakthroughs and three hundred thousand was created by this army.How could they not be curious?

The courage of the Tigers exuding from the inside out shocked these farm masters.

If it’s just a few people, it’s not a big deal, but it’s just that every soldier of the Tiger Howling Army they have observed has that kind of courageous temperament!

What is even more frightening is that these “ordinary” soldiers are all in the second-rate or above realm!

An army composed of 3,000 second-rate and above masters, that lethality, indeed may break 300,000.

“If you win the government and put the sweet potato seeds in the guard, it will be really difficult to start! Want to get sweet potato seeds, it really is because of many difficulties.” Tian Zhong said very worried.

“It’s okay! There is always a chance! And the opportunity is actually in front of you!” Tian Guang smiled mysteriously, and said: “If we succeed in the assassination and victory, these soldiers will definitely be dispatched.”

“At that time, the health office is empty, and it is not that difficult for us to get sweet potato seeds!”

Everyone nodded and agreed with Tian Guang’s analysis.

“Are we really going to assassinate and win politics?” Chen Sheng’s voice was not high, with a hesitant meaning.

“Huh?” Tian Guang frowned and glanced at Chen Sheng fiercely. “Assassination to win politics has been decided a long time ago. Could it be that A Sheng, you retreated?”

As soon as Tian Guang said this, everyone looked at Chen Sheng.

But seeing him shook his head slightly, he said sternly:

“We seldom come to Qin before, and we don’t know much about the customs here. But through observations over the past few days, the people’s living conditions cannot be faked…’

“The people of the Qin country, all living and working in peace and contentment, are better than the people of the other six countries, knowing how much better than the people of the other six countries! The Zhu family’s surrender to the Qin country does not seem to be unacceptable.”

Not only Chen Sheng had this idea, the rest of the people also paid much attention to the living conditions of the people, and they looked really good.

Only Tian Guang sneered at Chen Sheng’s words.

“A Sheng, you are still too young! I don’t understand the methods used by those in power to whitewash peace!”

“Winning the government will inherit the throne of the Qin king in the future, and the people in his fief will naturally live and work in peace and contentment! This will all be counted in the merits of winning the government! It is his political capital!

“Do you really believe that the people under the rule of the Violent Qin Dynasty will have a good life? Living and working in peace and contentment? It’s all an illusion! Don’t be fooled by the small means of winning politics!”

Tian Guang’s taken for granted understanding still has some truth.

Many officials and royal families in the six countries often use this method to gain political achievements for themselves. It is not uncommon and it is easy to guess.

“No, that’s not the case!” Chen Sheng denied Tian Guang’s view.

“We came all the way from Qi State. When we first reached the periphery of Qin State, the people there were very rich. The ordinary people who worked in the fields were all ruddy and full of energy.”

“Only people who can eat their food every day will show this look! Absolutely no fake!

After Chen Sheng’s reminder, the people in the room were also aware, and began to unconsciously recall the past on the road, and indeed rarely saw the appearance of yellow and thin faces.

Tian Guang’s face looked more solemn, and he said with great thoughts:

“As you said, the people of the Qin Kingdom may really be able to eat their food. But the root of all this is not sweet potatoes? What has Yingzheng done? It is all cultivated by the people themselves!”

“So, for the farmers, for the Six Nations, the sweet potato is a must-have treasure! This can happen under the rule of the Qin Dynasty. If the Six Nations gets the sweet potato, it will definitely be more prosperous! The people are also richer! Can really live and work in peace and contentment.”

-Luo a “violent Qin”, Tian Guang’s hostility towards Qin has been deeply rooted.

Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing! Chen Sheng didn’t agree with the description of “Bao Qin” very much, and couldn’t help refuting again:

“Sweet potatoes were made by Yingzheng himself. I think everyone knows this very well. I also heard that he is now cultivating a kind of food called potatoes!”

“The prince of a country, who can care about agriculture, will definitely be the welfare of the people in the future! Such a person cannot be a tyrant! The boss of Xiakui, do we really want to continue?,

It’s just singing the opposite scene in person!

Tian Guang was a little angry.

“Terrorism! Tyranny! These are all ironclad facts! Everyone in the six countries holds this view! Qin’s foreign war, do you know how many lives were sacrificed? How many families have lost their husbands and children ?”

“For such a tyrannical State of Qin, a prince in a mere trivial area, do you want to be compassionate towards such a person?”

Seeing Chen Sheng’s emotions a bit agitated, he seemed to want to go back again, Wu Kuang stopped him by his side.

“Brother, Xia Kui’s knowledge is not comparable to us, don’t argue with Xia Kui!” Wu Kuang persuaded.

Chen Sheng also suddenly felt bored, turned his head and stopped talking.

Xia Kui’s brain is pitted! It’s useless to say more!

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