Chapter 173 Since it’s here, don’t even think about going back alive! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Outside Xianyang city, inside an ordinary village.

Taking advantage of the night, Tian Guang took Tian Meng, Tian Mi, Tian Zhong, Chen Sheng, Wu Kuang, and more than a dozen top-notch and above masters in the farm to sneak into a family.

This family is a peasant disciple belonging to Lieshantang.

The farm masters, the purpose of this trip is to assassinate Ying Zheng, Zhu Family and Situ Wanli!

To save the peasant family from the brink of division, Tian Guang must do so.

Eliminate the winning government, Qin and the peasant family will become mortal enemies, and all peasant disciples will lose their homes in Qin, so Shennongtang and Siyuetang must evacuate from Qin.

Zhu Family and Situ Wanli, these two people must die too!

This is the first time to split the peasant family.

Moreover, once the two of them die, Shennongtang and Siyuetang will fall into a situation where there is no leader among the dragons. Without the leader, it will inevitably be easier to conquer people’s hearts~ much easier.

“Tian Meng, Qin’s disciple Lieshan, have all been ordered to be recalled?” Tian Guang said lightly.

“Most of the disciples should have received the order, and they must be evacuating one after another!” Tian Meng answered casually. He doesn’t care about the safety of these ordinary disciples now, just thinking about revenge.

“This time the peasant family and the Qin country must completely tear their faces. We can’t compete with Qin’s army and can only carry out assassinations. Their ordinary disciples will have no effect. Evacuate as much as possible! They are all brothers of the peasant family. , Can’t be compromised meaninglessly.”

In order to establish his own tall image, Tian Guang is also very hard-working, always maintaining the attitude of caring for his subordinates.

Chen Sheng, who was sitting cross-legged, couldn’t help but speak again:

“Boss Xiakui, Zhu Family and Situ Wanli, must we get rid of them? Once the victory is killed, the two of them should also retreat, there is no need to take their lives.”

“A Sheng, I will just say it one last time! The precedent for the split of the farm family cannot be set! If you condone the two of them this time, others will follow suit in the future, and the consequences will be disastrous!” Tian Guang didn’t mean to let go.

After hearing this reply again, Chen Sheng could only sigh.

“Brother, Xia Kui also has his problems, so don’t embarrass him anymore!” Wu Kuang murmured comfortingly.

Chen Sheng stared at Wu Kuang for a while, then resumed the state of meditating with his eyes closed.

“It’s still too young! My brother is good at everything, but it’s too easy to believe in others! If he recognizes Xia Kui, he will be dedicated to defending! But where is the matter in it as simple as what he said?” Chen Sheng’s heart stopped. I can’t help thinking about it, worrying about Wu Kuang.

The atmosphere in the room was a little dull. Tian Mi, who had a lively personality, seemed unbearable, and quietly got up and walked out of the room.

A group of masters didn’t care about her either, each doing their own calculations.

On the other side, in the fief of winning politics.

The disciples of Shennongtang and Siyuetang can’t stay in the fief all the time. They need to be scattered everywhere to guide farming, so that they can play their greatest role.

Yingzheng, Zhu’s family and Situ Wanli are discussing this matter.

“The land of Bashu is different from Xianyang. The temperature there is higher, the rain is more plentiful, and the crops are more complicated. You need to send some more capable disciples to cope with it!” The Zhu family knows the planting environment everywhere. , I have worked hard.

“Yes! The situation there is indeed more complicated! How to assign and which personnel to choose, you can write it down in your notebook. Then I will say hello to officials from all over the country.” Yingzheng nodded, and then Took out a blank notebook.

“His Royal Highness, you don’t have to waste such a small matter?” The Zhu family was a little reluctant.

“It’s okay, use it normally, there are still a lot of this kind of things, and I can’t use it up.” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly, without explaining more.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, Xiao Zhao Gao walked in mysteriously.

Zhao Gao saw that Zhu’s family was also there, so he wanted to get close to Yingzheng and report in a low voice.

But Yingzheng didn’t care, raised his hand and gestured to Zhao Gao, and said softly:

“Just say it directly, it doesn’t matter!

“His Royal Highness, Tian Guang brought the hall masters of each hall and a dozen farm masters. Now they have arrived outside Xianyang! .. Our people, the news is correct!” Zhao Gao respectfully told the information he had.

“There are only more than a dozen people? What are they here for?” Ying Zheng’s expression was extremely disdainful, and Tian Guang was completely ignored.

Xiao Zhao snorted and replied:

0……Look for flowers…

“Tian Guang wants to assassinate you, but also takes away the seeds of sweet potato, and by the way some people who know how to cultivate techniques are taken away. Oh, yes, hall master Zhu, hall master Situ, your farmer’s Xia Kui also plans to take you Get rid of too!

Zhu Family and Situ Wanli looked at each other, and there was a touch of shock hidden in their eyes.

Zhao Gao’s tone and expression don’t seem to be fake at all! And there is no need to deliberately provoke to win the government!

In other words, Zhao Gao’s information is basically certain.

Able to obtain this level of intelligence

In the high-level farmhouse, there are also people from His Royal Highness!

Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Zhu Family and Situ Wanli, and said lightly:

“Two hall masters, you don’t have to worry, just do what you should do normally.”

“Tian Guang wants to attack you, in fact, it is reasonable. For one, he wants to prevent the peasant family from continuing to split; for the second, he wants to kill chickens and become monkeys and warn future generations!”

“It’s just that they want to be foolish in my place, but they made the wrong idea! If Tian Guang doesn’t come, it’s fine. If you really dare to come, then don’t even want to go back alive!

In an instant, a cold murderous aura appeared in the room.

That was the aura that emerged naturally after the victory of the government had gone through several wars, the aura of killing and decisiveness!

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli said goodbyes and returned to the headquarters of Shennongtang.

“Brother Situ, do you feel the murderousness of His Royal Highness?” Zhu Family said sadly.

“His Royal Highness’s brilliant achievements are all real. We have not heard about it in the farm these days. The decisive commander on the battlefield killed a few people without even blinking his eyelids.” Situ Wanli There is no emotion in the words.

People like Tian Guang who dare to provoke victory in politics are purely insulting themselves!

“To be honest, I don’t care about Tian Guang! But the rest of the people are a little affectionate, and I can’t bear to watch them die!” The Zhu family put on a sad face.

“Does my brother want to persuade His Royal Highness, or does he want to persuade Tian Guang?” Situ Wanli asked.

“Hey! These two people, no one will listen to our advice! It’s hard!”

While the Zhu family was worried, they used their brains again.

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