Chapter 172 Paper first appeared! The world is shocked! [Third update, ask for customization]

In terms of the situation, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli reached an offensive and defensive alliance, and went to Qin hand in hand.

The original heart of the Zhu family is for the people of the world; Situ Wanli is making a big bet!

He believes that Qin will dominate the world, and there will be countless benefits in joining Qin.

The thoughts were different, but after all, they still entered the Qin country.

In the fief of Yingzheng, the peasant disciples of Shennongtang have gathered here, and it is not a problem to accommodate tens of thousands of people on a site with a radius of a hundred miles.

Not only that, Yingzheng still values ​​the Zhu family very much. Franchise has rebuilt a new Shennongtang headquarters in the fief, which is dedicated to the study of agricultural affairs.

The Zhu family once again realized that Yingzheng paid attention to and valued agricultural affairs, and was deeply touched once again.

After the relocation of Shennongtang was completed, the Zhu family came to the farm in the fief.

Because Yingzheng is thinking about the cultivation of potatoes there.

The first batch of potatoes has matured, and the yield is gratifying.The yield per mu has reached 60 shi, which is ten times that of millet!

Many disciples of Shennongtang also participated in the process of harvesting Shidou, and all 327 were shocked. It was the first time they saw such a high-yield grain.

For lunch, potatoes are eaten in the farm!

“His Royal Highness, is this potato similar to sweet potato? I have heard of the scene when sweet potato is harvested, but it is almost the same as this potato.” Zhu’s family peeled the potatoes with their hands while asking Yingzheng.

“There are many similarities, but they are indeed different crops.” Yingzheng is also eating boiled potatoes, which is still very comfortable.

Sweet potatoes are really too sweet. Sometimes they are more refreshing. If you eat them every day, you can’t stand it. Potatoes don’t have this problem, and you won’t get tired of eating them often.

Especially the excellent potatoes produced by the system, not only the yield is much higher than that of ordinary potatoes, but the taste is also improved a lot, and there is a chestnut flavor!

Chestnuts with big fists are super refreshing to eat~

“It is said that sweet potatoes can be cooked twice to three times a year, but I don’t know how this potato is?” Situ Wanli looked at the pile of potatoes on the farm, coveted.

“Three-cooked! This kind of potato is more cold-resistant than sweet potatoes, and Xianyang can do three-cooked a year!” Yingzheng said nonchalantly.

(aibd) After several bumper harvests of sweet potatoes, the farms are numb to the 60-stone-a-mu potatoes, and they are not so shocked.

However, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli had not seen the sweet potato harvest scene with their own eyes, and the potatoes in front of them were enough to shock them!

With a yield of 60 shi per mu, three crops a year, the annual output is 180 shi, which is 30 times that of millet!

The two of them watched the winning politics concentrating on eating potatoes, and there were waves in their hearts.

The battle of Hangu Pass, the Great Competition in the early spring, and the victory of the political deeds naturally attracted countless people in the fief. They were passed down as tales. Zhu’s family and Situ Wanli also heard a lot.

At the age of nine, Wentao and Martial Arts are about to be the best in the world, but they are still so caring about farming, so proficient, and the knowledge of planting together can be said to be self-contained, even the farmer is not as good as it is.

This kind of talent is really terrible!

After lunch, Ying Zheng took out a thread-bound book from his arms and put it on the table.

The eyes of Zhu Family and Situ Wanli were immediately attracted.

Seeing that Ying Zheng had nothing to say, the Zhu family cautiously took the thread-bound book in his hand and flipped through the pages.

“This is Qin’s words? What material? It doesn’t look like animal skins! It’s so thin!” Zhu’s fingers gently twisted the pages of the book, not daring to use force at all, for fear of breaking it.

Situ Wanli also tentatively stretched out his finger and touched it lightly, and he was immediately interested.

This thing is too thin compared to bamboo slips and writing materials such as cloth and animal skins!

The two of them studied enthusiastically for a long time, but still didn’t recognize what it was, they couldn’t help but look at the old god in winning politics.

“His Royal Highness, what is the name of this kind of thing? I have heard of it in the lonely and widow, I have never seen it before!” Situ Wanli asked first.

Yingzheng explained casually:

“This thing is a book! It’s made of paper and used for writing. This prince has just studied it.

Books? Paper?

Sure enough, I have never heard of it!

Even the Qianlongtang Yibao Conference under Situ Wanli had never appeared before.

Just listen to Yingzheng then said:

“You forgot about the agricultural code? This kind of paper is for you to record! How to grow food, how to reclaim wasteland, etc., must be recorded on it.

“After you keep recording the knowledge of farming on paper, summarize them in different categories, and the final book, isn’t it the agricultural code?”

Hearing this, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli suddenly realized!

It turns out that His Royal Highness is really more than just talking, and now he is already working on compiling the Agricultural Code!

“I wrote about this kind of thing in a book, if it weren’t mentioned by the prince, I really wouldn’t even dare to think about it!” Zhu family sighed.

The only thing the farmer lacks is this kind of knowledge and heritage!

Let them farm the land, everyone is a good hand, and the things that are said in a book, then forget it~

Situ Wanli was also inexplicable.

“His Royal Highness, great talent, Situ worship!” After speaking, Situ Wanli stood up respectfully and gave a salute.

Yingzheng waved his hand, chuckled lightly, and said:

“Haha, it doesn’t have to be like this! The compilation of agricultural codes ultimately depends on you! Summarizing the knowledge and giving future generations experience, such merits, in terms of agriculture, far exceed those moral articles!”

“Only His Royal Highness really cares about agriculture! Once the Agricultural Code is compiled, it is indeed a great thing for the benefit of the people, Zhu family worship!”

While speaking, the Zhu family focused on the thread-bound book again.

Ordinary books and paper do not seem to be very irritating things, but they have not appeared outside at all. I am afraid that there are not many such things.

Thinking of this, the Zhu family spoke again:

“His Royal Highness, is this kind of paper you mentioned too rare? If you record all kinds of experiences and compile agricultural codes, you may need a lot of paper!”

The Zhu family’s worries are understandable, and there is not much knowledge in agriculture at all!

If it is to record every point, how much it needs to be consumed.

Winning the government naturally knows it, the cost of paper making is not high, and it can be made at any time when it is used up!

“Although you can use it, ask Zhao Gao for it when you use it. He has a lot of it. This kind of paper will be promoted in Daqin in the future, and it is not a rare thing.”

I don’t even want to use the draft paper. In the future, it will be printed into books in batches. Then I won’t scare you to death? Ying Zheng silently despised the two soil buns in his heart.

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