Chapter 171 The farm is split, the two halls are split! [Second update, please customize]

The tit-for-tat confrontation between Zhu Family and Tian Guang, such a fierce confrontation, together with Situ Wanli did not expect.

Although he had foreseen psychologically that the Zhu family might leave the farm, he said in public that he was outspoken in front of Xia Kui and the other four halls, which Situ Wanli did not expect.

By now, Situ Wanli couldn’t waver, and the alliance between him and the Zhu family was thoroughly revealed.

“I am willing to go to Daqin with the Zhu family!” Situ Wanli echoed loudly.

The two hall masters announced their withdrawal from the farmhouse, and it was more than two people.

They have served as the hall master for many years, and they have treated their subordinates very generously. They are tens of thousands times stronger than Tianhu’s tyrannical temperament! The people under them basically followed the hall master!

In other words, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli withdrew from the farmhouse, representing the Shennongtang plus Siyuetang, a total of 40,000 disciples, who had retired from the farmhouse together!

Nearly a half of the power.

Another point is that the prestige of the Zhu family is extremely high. If he retires from the farm, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no disciples from other churches willing to follow the Zhu family to Daqin.

This is very possible.

In the past, everyone was a farmer, and it was impossible to dig people out of each other, but after the Zhu family quit, naturally there would be no such problem.

“Zhu Family! Situ Wanli! Do you know what you are doing? This is a split! You are splitting the peasant family!” Tian Guang gritted his teeth, his eyes split.

The situation has just been stabilized, and the direct line of the three halls has just been acquired, and the Zhu family and Situ Wanli actually demolished the stage at this time!

“Different ways, don’t seek each other! Since we all insist that we are correct, then we can only split our ways! I believe in His Royal Highness, I believe that the peasant disciples can live better in the Qin State and be able to play a greater role! “The Zhu family didn’t mean to be ashamed.

There is no need to be ashamed.

Only the great unification can truly create a peaceful and prosperous world!

The Zhu family’s choice is to use the farming disciples’ knowledge in farming to help the Qin country become stronger, help win the government and dominate the world, and ultimately allow everyone in the world to eat.

This is the long-cherished wish of the patriarch, and it is also the true core idea of ​​the farmer.

Of course Tian Guang couldn’t agree with Zhu’s approach!

“Traitor! Traitor of the farm! I will abolish your position as the hall master now! Drive you out of the farm! Don’t even think of taking a disciple away, 々!” Tian Guang is already angrily.

With the power of Xia Kui, coupled with his three direct descendants, He Tian Meng, Tian Guang can indeed abolish the position of the hall masters of the Zhu family and Situ Wanli and expel them.

It’s just that the Zhu family and Situ Wanli have already prepared; besides, their disciples are sincerely supported, and the hall master is just a name.

“Xia Kui, I am afraid that your mind will be lost! Before I came here, I had already thought of your attitude. I had already let the brothers enter the Qin country ahead of time. You can no longer restrain them!” Zhu Family said lightly.

This immediately angered Tian Guang!

“Asshole! You traitor! Zhu family, I will kill you now! Clean up the door!” Tian Guang’s anger towards Zhu family has risen to the level of hatred.

With a cry of Ling, the sword came out of its sheath.

The sword held by Tian Guang directly pierced the Zhu family.


The sharp sound of the metal impact sounded, and a thick, long, wide and heavy sword stopped in front of Tian Guang.

“Chen Sheng! What are you doing!” Tian Guang scolded angrily.

It was Chen Sheng’s epee, the giant queer known as “the supreme under heaven” that stopped Tian Guang!

“Boss Xiakui, wait a minute!” Chen Sheng stopped between the two, like a wall, separating the two.

The Zhu family had already made preparations for the battle, and Chen Sheng’s shots also surprised him.

Chen Sheng is the head of Kuiweitang, Tian Guang’s direct line, and the most loyal supporter. However, Chen Sheng has a good relationship with the Zhu family. He admires the Zhu family very much, and has also been blessed by the Zhu family.

“Brother Zhu family, Brother Situ, you two should calm down too, don’t say anything about quitting the farm family lightly! The six farmhouses are all inherited from the ancestors and masters, and each other is honor and disgrace. If you continue to make trouble, wouldn’t it be a joke for outsiders? !”

After speaking to Zhu Family and Situ Wanli, Chen Sheng turned to Tian Guang again and said in a deep voice:

“Boss Xiakui, if they want to go to Qin, let them go! The peasant disciples are all over the seven countries, where can’t you settle down? There is no need to embarrass your brother for this kind of thing.”

“As for Tianhu, it can be counted as the grievances between the Tian clan and Yingzheng! Of course, Shengqi and Kuiweitang must obey the boss of Xiakui!”

After Chen Sheng’s blockade, Tian Guang gradually calmed down, not as impulsive as he was at the beginning.

Thinking of what Chen Sheng said, there is some truth in it.

Aren’t most of Lieshantang’s disciples also in the Qin Kingdom? Why are Shennongtang and Siyuetang so difficult to go to?

Let the Zhu family and Situ Wanli leave safely, so nominally, the farm family is still intact.

If the two of them are eliminated at this point, the peasant disciples who are already far away in the Qin State may really have completely separated from the peasant family, and there is no room for recovery!

*”Okay! Chen Sheng, what you said makes sense, I was so excited just now!” Tian Guang sighed, acquiescing to Chen Sheng’s mediation between the two parties.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Guang turned to the Zhu Family and Situ Wanli:

“Two hall masters, since you want to go to the Kingdom of Qin, it’s okay! Follow you! But Shennongtang and Siyuetang still belong to the peasant family! Although our concepts are different, they are all in the same line as the ancestors. words!”

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli didn’t have to leave the farm, but if they didn’t, how could Tian Guang let the two farm disciples leave?

Now (okay, Zhao), although there is a contradiction between Xia Kui and Xia Kui, the goal has been achieved, and there is indeed no reason to leave the farm.

“Brother Chen Sheng, please! I also appreciate Xia Kui’s benevolence and righteousness!” The Zhu family bowed their hands to Chen Sheng.


After the confrontation ended, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli also left Lieshan Hall. The atmosphere here was no longer suitable for them to continue to stay.

With the strength of the Zhu family, even without Chen Sheng’s help, leaving with Situ Wanli is not a problem. If there is no certainty, he will not personally persuade Tian Guang.

He is still very confident about the thousands of people he has cultivated.

With the departure of the Zhu family and Situ Wanli, Lieshan Hall fell into dead silence again.

Everyone understands in their hearts!

In name, the farmhouse is still a farmhouse; in fact, there are only four churches left in Liutang.

In fact, the farm family has begun to split

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