Chapter 170 Who, is willing to go to Daqin with my Zhu family! [Fourth update, please customize]

All plans are proceeding smoothly, and Tian Guang’s layout has been truly realized.

The next thing is to force Yingzheng to hand over sweet potato seeds and cultivation methods!

As long as this is done, the prestige of the peasant family is preserved, the specific benefits are obtained, and a reputation for benevolence and benevolence can be left among hundreds of families. In the end, Qin will not be offended too much.


As for Tian Hu’s murderous vengeance

What is a small Tianhu? The second product is like Tianhu, staying in the world can only cause trouble for the farmer, and it is the cleanest if it is dead.

But when the plan went so far, there was an accident!

The Zhu family dared to openly question Xia Kui’s order and openly defend the victory!

At this time, Tian Guang must show his protection for the peasant disciples, and it will be recognized by more peasant disciples when it is spread out in the future.

On the other hand, the Zhu family will definitely lose their prestige in this matter!

Therefore, Tian Guang chose to protect the shortcomings in the first time! He is going to find the murderous prince of Qin to win the political settlement!

“Zhu family, are you still a disciple of my farm family? Could it be said that Tian Hu is not your brother? Your brother was killed. You have to ask who can’t draw the sword first?” Tian Guang said awe-inspiringly.

08 “Furthermore, Yingzheng holds the secret of sweet potatoes. This thing must belong to my farmer! Once our farmer promotes sweet potatoes, not only will the six countries have the power to suppress the Qin State, our farmer’s The momentum will continue to rise and carry forward!”

Tian Guang’s words were aggressive, but Zhu’s family did not show any weakness. He was already prepared for Hetian Guang’s theory.

“Brother? Tian Hu once regarded the peasant disciples as brothers? He usually relies on his status as the hall master, he is domineering, arrogant and domineering. In his eyes, the peasant disciples are just for his powerful little brothers. My Zhu family is not qualified to be brothers like Tianhu!”

“For the sake of the same ancestor, I didn’t utter any evil words! In fact, Tian Hu ran to the prince of the Kingdom of Qin, and his death was simply on his own account!

The Zhu family has almost never said such sharp words before others. They have always been like good old people. Today, in order to maintain a winning government, it can be regarded as a change of their own style.

Hearing the Zhu family’s words, how could Tian Meng stand it?

“Fart! Zhu’s family! Do you think your Shennongtang family is dominating? Don’t put the whole farmhouse in your eyes? Tian Hu was born and died for the farmer’s family. This time I went to Qin, not because of sweet potatoes? How did it get to your mouth? Has it become so unbearable?,

Tian Meng was furious, almost unable to suppress it, so he wanted to do it on the spot!

Xia Kui Tian Guang would naturally not allow this to happen. They were all peasant disciples and all his subordinates. How could they kill each other?

He raised his hand to press Tian Meng’s shoulder, lest he really fight.

“Zhu family, let me ask you again, I am Xia Kui, do you recognize it?” Tian Guang asked the Zhu family in a deep voice.

The Zhu family immediately clasped their fists and arched their hands, and replied:

“Shennongtang are all peasant disciples, so naturally they recognize Xia Kui!”

“Okay! In that case, the matter of Tian Hu is over! Let’s not discuss this!” Tian Guang calmed Zhu’s house with words, and at the same time increased the strength in his hand a little, and signaled Tian Meng not to act rashly.

“We are determined to get the sweet potatoes in the hands of the winning government! We can not only get benefits for the people of the Li people, but also make the farmer famous! Even everyone as the hall master, and me as a chivalrous man, will be in the arena To gain greater recognition and respect!”

“So, our farmers should unite and participate in this operation together! Concentrate all the power of the farmers and get the sweet potatoes back! I hope that Hall Master Zhu will put aside the small personal grievances in front of the overall situation!”

Tian Guang decided to use reason and emotion to frame the Zhu family with the righteousness of the people of the world and the overall situation of the peasant family.

However, the Zhu family has begun to wake up in Yingzheng, and understand that the world is the real benefit for the people of Li people.How can he still support Tian Guang?

“Xia Kui! Please forgive me for not agreeing with your approach!” Zhu family said bluntly.


Tian Guang’s brows almost frowned into the word “Chuan”!

I’ve already talked about it. Is this Zhu family so ignorant of current affairs?

What a shame!

Forcibly resisting the anger in his heart, Tian Guang stayed in Zhu’s house stiffly:

“Hall Master Zhu, I hope you can have a reasonable explanation!”

The Zhu family did not back down, the short body was extremely firm, and the words were sonorous and powerful.

“Patriarch Shennong does not hesitate to take personal risks and taste all the herbs for what? My farm is for the people of the world, the people of the Li people! It is not for you to fight for the vain name in the world or among the hundreds of families!”

“Qin’s prince wins the government with foresight, has the world in mind, and is truly a big man! His knowledge and insights, even if compared with the saints, are even worse!”

“It was his words that made me initiate!”

“Only when the world is unified can we end the war and allow ordinary people to live a stable life! Everyone is in the same country and will never attack each other again!”

“His Royal Highness’s insights are impressive! After inheriting the throne in the future, he must be a generation of Mingjun!”

“This time I come here, I just want to pass on the views of His Royal Highness to Xia Kui, hoping that Xia Kui can lead the farmer to assist the State of Qin, assist His Royal Highness, and realize the unification of the world as soon as possible!”

“At that time, everyone has become a citizen of the State of Qin, and His Royal Highness will certainly spare no effort to promote sweet potatoes. Under Heaven 327, everyone can eat and live in peace.”

“shut up!”

Before Zhu’s words were finished, Tian Guang couldn’t bear it anymore and immediately interrupted.

“Is there a traitor in my farm? Zhu family, what benefits have won the government in the end, so you will defend him like this? The world is unified? All become the citizens of Qin?”

“Qin’s cruelty, no one in the world knows? The name of Qin violent, who does not know? What else do you want to say about living and working in peace and contentment? Everyone eats? Violent Qin! Tyranny!”

“I’m afraid that at that time, everyone in the world will be miserable, but they will no longer have the power to resist!”

Tian Guang repeatedly said that the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty would not allow the people to live and work in peace; the Zhu family argued for reasons and analyzed the unification of the world to have a truly peaceful and prosperous age.

The quarrel between the two parties was violent and fierce.

However, no one can convince the other party.

Finally, the Zhu family calmed down suddenly, no longer quarreling, no longer confronting each other.

Just when Tian Guang was surprised, the Zhu family spoke:

“Since our thinking has never been able to reach a consensus, then I am willing to withdraw from the farm!”

There was a dead silence in the room, and everyone was shocked.

Just listen to the Zhu family and say:

“Who would like to go to Daqin with me?”

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