Chapter 169 Split the farmhouse! [Second update, please customize]

Because Tian Mi is still relatively young, she has a slightly poorer understanding of the farmer’s exercises, especially the farmer’s Twenty-Four Array, and she has not much comprehension.

Chen Sheng relied that his master was the elder of the six sages’ family, and begged his master to give pointers to his future sister-in-law.

Ever since, Chen Sheng, Wu Kuang and Tian Mi went to the home of Liuxian.

The home of the Six Sages is located in Daze Mountain, not far from Lieshan Hall. Tian Guang sent his subordinates to pass the order, and a few people left the house of the Six Sages and came to Lieshan Hall.

Tian Zhong of Siyuetang was even more on call without any delay. He also rushed to Lieshantang as soon as possible.

Tian Guang’s direct line forces are all here.

When preparing for various things, the disciples of Lieshan Hall were not idle, and quickly prepared funerals for Tian Hu.

Chen Sheng, Wu Kuang, Tian Mi, Tian Zhong, “San Ni San” all worshipped Tian Hu, and everyone gathered together.

“This prince of the Qin Kingdom has won the power. It’s too much to do things! Even if Tian Hu is really a bit inappropriate, he will confront him and give him a lesson. Why do you have to kill others?” Tian Zhong frowned. First, I am very dissatisfied with the way of winning the government.

“Okay, everyone! This is the end of the matter, it’s too late to say anything! I am also responsible for this matter. I shouldn’t let a person like Tian Hu look for victory in politics.” Tian Guang falsely blamed himself.

“Don’t say that Xia Kui absolutely~ The main reason is that the victory of the government is too vicious, and Xia Kui cannot be blamed~” Tian Mijiao comforted.

Tian Meng didn’t want to talk about these useless shit, he just wanted revenge!

According to Tian Guang, first unite the forces within the farm family, and then ponder the matter of revenge.

What are you waiting for?

Don’t you just want Tian Mi to be on top?

“I won’t say any nonsense. Xia Kui’s meaning is to first fill Chi Youtang’s position as the hall master, and then gather the power of our farm family, and then find a way to win the politician. I propose Tian Mi to be Chi Youtang’s Hall Master!” Tian Meng didn’t think so much for revenge, and he cooperated with Tian Guang very much.

Tian Guang was secretly happy in his heart, and finally Tian Meng knew the current affairs well at this time. He slightly forehead said, affirmative:

“I mean, Tian Mi too!”

Naturally, Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang didn’t have any opinions, Tian Mi was completely their own!

The two directly nodded in agreement and expressed their support.

There is only one Tian Zhong left, not to mention, Tian Guang’s meaning is his Tian Zhong’s meaning!

Tian Zhong also expressed support.

“Okay! Since everyone supports Tian Mi, even if the remaining second hall opposes it, it will be invalid!” Tian Guang looked at the excited Tian Mi and said loudly:

“I declare in the name of Xia Kui that Tian Mi will become the new chief of Kui Kui Hall!”

At this moment, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli arrived at Lieshan Hall.

They had already greeted Tian Guang in advance, but when they arrived at the farmhouse’s general altar, they rushed to the side after hearing about Tian Hu’s affairs.

After all, they belonged to the same family of the peasant family, and the two simply paid homage to Tian Hu, and then under the guidance of the peasant disciples, they came to the place of Tian Guang and others.

“Hall Master Zhu, Hall Master Situ, you are here just right!” Tian Guang said hello with a slightly pained expression.

Both the Zhu family and Situ Wanli replied respectfully.

As the foreign hall masters of the peasant family, their courtesy towards Xia Kui is more comprehensive.

“The hallmaster Tian Hu died young, but Chi Youtang couldn’t be without a person in charge! We just discussed briefly when you were away, and we all agreed that Tian Mi should be the new hallmaster! I wonder if the two of you have any opinions? “Tian Guang asked falsely to ask for their opinions.

In fact, there are still some people with sufficient qualifications and prestige in the farmhouse, definitely surpassing Tian Mi, a 15-year-old girl, but the Tian family has already reached an agreement. Even if the Zhu family and Situ Wanli oppose it, it is invalid. It is better to follow the trend. Be personal.

And the purpose of their two trips is much more important than Tian Mi’s successor!

Thinking of this, the two also expressed their support.

Chi Youtang, Hall Master, Tian Mi!

Passed unanimously.

Tian Mi’s matter had a result, Tian Meng couldn’t hold back again, and said:

“Xia Kui, now is a good opportunity. The six hall masters are all here, so hurry up and discuss how to deal with the winning government!”

It’s a must to deal with winning politics!

Tian Guang’s heart had long been caressed.

“Yes! The peasant’s hall master died in the hands of Yingzheng, this matter must not be let go!” Tian Guang’s tone is very sharp, at this moment, it is the time for him to show the majesty of Xia Kui.

“From now on, you will immediately select your elite masters and rush to Qin in secret! As long as the guards of Yingzheng have been criticized, we will take them as soon as possible!”

“He must personally come to the Tianhu brothers’ hall to apologize! He must also hand over all the sweet potato seeds and cultivation methods!”

Tian Guang felt that he was so confident for the first time.

Among the six halls, the third halls are all his direct descendants, and Tian Meng absolutely supports him in this matter. It really feels like he is in control, it is really great!

Unexpectedly, there will be opposition!

The speaker is the Zhu family.

“Xia Kui, no! This matter is basically Tian Hu’s fault, so why go to the Prince of Qin to seek revenge?” Zhu family said eagerly.

Tian Guang frowned.

Dare to question Xia Kui’s order face to face?

So bold!

Do you really think that Shennongtang can fight Xia Kui?

“Pall Master Zhu, what do you mean? Is it possible that the people of my farm family have been persecuted outside, so can’t we take revenge? Is it to let the philosophers and hundreds of families laugh at our farm family?” Tian Guang expressed his righteous indignation.

“What do you mean? Xia Kui made a decision, but you still have to refute it?” Tian Meng was even more angry.

After finally reaching the revenge link, someone actually opposed it?

How does that work!

The Zhu family clasped fists in both hands and showed respect to all 1.3 people, and said with a serious face:

“Tian Hu, Hall Master Situ and I knew about it. The situation on that day was clearly that Tian Hu was disrespectful and smashed into Qin’s prince to win the government! If you didn’t ask for it, you wanted to grab it!”

“He drew his sword to be against Prince Qin, and was eventually killed by his guards! These things were told by Prince Qin face to face and listened to both of me, and I also believed his words. There is no need to lie to us in his capacity.

“Shut up!” Tian Guang couldn’t listen anymore. “As the head of the farmhouse, you actually want to defend an outsider? According to your wishes, Tian Hu just died in vain?”

“Xia Kui, it was Tian Hu who took the lead in drawing his sword against Prince Qin! Under this circumstance, shouldn’t Prince Qin resist? Let others slaughter him?” Zhu Family questioned Tian Guang loudly.

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