Chapter 166 Split the peasant family! [Third more, please customize]

Winning government issued an order to chase off guests, and there is no need to talk about it anymore.

For the farmer Kui Tian Guang, although Ying Zheng has not met him, he knows a lot.

The Xia Kui order that attacked Bai Qi was issued by him!

The status of Xia Kui Ling in the farmhouse is supreme, even the six peasant elders of the six sages must obey it.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, the State of Qin is a violent Qin, and it is morally tenable to remove Bai Qi, and the six elders will also obey Xia Kui’s orders.

To make such a radical decision at the expense of offending Qin State is enough to see Tian Guang’s attitude towards Qin State.

If Qin State decides to avenge Bai Qi, although there are many masters in the farmhouse, they will definitely not be able to fight against it.

Innate masters are no matter how powerful they are, their true qi is always limited. Once the true qi is exhausted, the powerful combat power will disappear. Like winning politics, he can fill up the metamorphosis of true qi at any time, just his one.

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli left the fiefdom of winning the government together. Along the way, the atmosphere between the two of them was dull and worried.

“Have you decided? Do you want to cooperate with Da Qin?” Situ Wanli hesitated for a long time, and finally asked.

“His Royal Highness treats people very sincerely, and his reasoning is very transparent. It is much more realistic than the ideas of Confucianism and Mohism. If you want to achieve real peace in the world, I am willing to follow him!” The Zhu family’s tone was very solemn.

For him, this is an extremely significant change and decision!

Moreover, this is not in line with the existing purpose of the farmer family, and it is a choice of the Zhu family’s personal beliefs and ideas!

“Indeed! Although His Royal Highness is not old, he really sees it more earnestly than anyone else. I also agree with the cooperation between the farmer and the State of Qin. But it is not so easy to convince Xia Kui.” Situ Wanli was more worried about Tian Guang.

Tian Guang’s attitude towards Qin is basically known within the farmhouse, at least by several hall masters.

“Xia Kui has always thought that Qin is a violent Qin, and he has no affection for Qin at all. It is simply difficult for him to cooperate with Qin, 々.” Situ Wanli shook his head and sighed.

“His Royal Highness’s vision and knowledge are not comparable to us. Only his pattern and strategy can truly hold the world! As for Xia Kui, I could not prove that he was right before, but now I can prove that he is wrong. !

The Zhu family’s tone was firmer than ever before, hidden on a face behind the facial makeup, with a resolute look.

From the words and aura of the Zhu family, Situ Wanli faintly smelled an unusual smell. Whether it’s right or wrong, Situ Wanli never cared, he only valued profit!

“You are planning to”

“There is nothing to hesitate! My Zhu family is for the people of the world, for the people of the Li people! If Xia Kui disagrees, then I will leave with the disciples of Shennongtang!”

There were firm words in his mouth, but Zhu’s tone was extremely calm.

It was this calm tone that shocked Situ Wanli!

Because this means that the Zhu family has made a thorough decision, there will be no more vacillation, no more room for change.

In other words, if Tian Guang disagrees with leading the farmer to cooperate with Qin, the Zhu family will immediately leave the sixth farmhouse, break away from the constraints of the farmer, and go directly to win the government!

“Everything in the land, Shennong does not die! Where is the land that does not support people? What’s more, it is in the country of Qin that has the crown prince to win the government! Shennongtang will definitely play a greater role in the country of Qin, and eventually will truly retain the ancestors. Disseminate the knowledge of the world and benefit the world!”

The Zhu family is very sure in their hearts that winning politics is definitely a person who can dominate the world!

Only by domination of the world can we sing, dance and rise to peace, which is the real great compassion.

As a gambler, Situ Wanli still couldn’t understand this kind of compassion, couldn’t understand the mind of the Zhu family, but the determination of the Zhu family made him shocked again.

Taking Shennongtang to join the Kingdom of Qin is undoubtedly a betrayal! It is a split!

In the sixth hall of the farmhouse, the three halls of the Tian family dominate. The strongest single hall is Shennongtang. Once Shennongtang has voted to win the government, the split of the farmhouse will become inevitable.

“Brother Zhu family, can it be said that you just met once, so you believe in winning the government? Even the split of the peasant family does not hesitate? After all, he is only a prince, just a nine-year-old child!” Situ Wanli persuaded him tactfully. .

“After hearing the Dao, you can die in the evening!” Zhu Family chuckled lightly, “Although the Confucian people are a little more disciplined, they still have some truths, especially the insights of Old Man Kong.

“The prince’s talent has nothing to do with age! For example, sweet potatoes, my farm has 100,000 disciples, who has made this kind of thing? Heaven descends sweet potatoes, heaven descends His Royal Highness!” The Zhu family’s expression is full of extreme reverence. .

Situ Wanli couldn’t help taking a breath, unable to understand the Zhu family’s thoughts.

However, the split of the farm is a foregone conclusion!

This is the final conclusion reached by Situ Wanli.

Relying on his understanding of Tian Guang, it is impossible for Tian Guang to lead the farmer’s family to cooperate with the Qin country, but the Zhu family must go to win the government, how can it not split?

As a professional gambler, Situ Wanli began to weigh the pros and cons.

He is also the master of a hall, and his subordinates have loyal peasant disciples who also have the ability to choose to stay in the peasant family or go to win politics.

When Situ Wanli was sitting in his mind, the Zhu family was already thinking about things before and after. He was also very clear about Tian Guang’s attitude towards Qin, and he also thought of the possibility of the split of the farm family.

*”Brother Situ, I have been in friendship for decades, my brother has something to ask you!” The Zhu family turned to look at Situ Wanli, “If I defect to His Royal Highness, what choice will you make?”

The power of Siyuetang should not be underestimated! (Okay, OK)

Moreover, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli are also very close friends, and they can be called close friends, otherwise it would not be the two of them coming together to see and win politics.

On the other hand, Situ Wanli directly heard the remarks about winning the government, and his feelings should be very big!

Being able to win over Situ Wanli together to win the government is definitely much stronger than Shennongtang alone.

Situ Wanli is still weighing, still hesitating, and muttered:

“There are also more than 10,000 brothers under the Siyuetang! Brother Zhu family, this matter needs careful consideration. I can’t answer you right away, and I am also responsible for my brothers!”

The Zhu family nodded, and did not force Situ Wanli to make a choice.

Everyone has their own ambitions!

“Before I see Xia Kui, I have to arrange things in Shennongtang properly. I mean, if you want to go to the prince, my brother, some things need to be prepared in advance.”

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