Chapter 165 Agricultural Code! Write a book and say! [Second update, ask for customization]

Although I have never seen this kind of thing, the moment the potato started, the Zhu family immediately concluded that it was a crop, and it must have been obtained by winning the government!

Then the intention to win the government is obvious.

That’s why the Zhu family has this question.

Yingzheng just smiled faintly, and did not answer directly.

“The taste of sweet potato is too strong, the sweetness is too high, it can be full, but it can not be based on the main food for a long time. The potato in your hand is different, it can be directly used as the main food.” Yingzheng laughed. The introduction.


Situ Wanli curiously took the potatoes in Zhu’s hand, and took a closer look.

“The prince has been studying the cultivation methods of potatoes recently. Although it is not as high as the yield of sweet potatoes, it is far more than five grains. I wonder if you are interested in studying together?” Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

This time, his attitude was more straightforward.

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli looked at each other, and they all heard the meaning of winning the government.

In fact, Zhu’s family has been completely moved by the insights they made just after winning the 2008 government.

Who would not yearn for a peaceful life without war?

Why doesn’t he want to promote the sweet potato that can fill the world?

But the prerequisite for all of this is to make the Seven Kingdoms unite, and Great Qin unified the world!

He no longer rejects this idea.

“Does Your Highness want my farmer to do something for the Qin State?” Zhu’s family asked again.

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows, slightly forehead:

“Yes! This prince did mean that!”

“Your farmer has no academic accomplishments, and you are still very good in farming. Especially for the control of the weather and the methods of planting, you have a unique set of theories.

“This prince is very optimistic about you!”

“Qin State is agriculture-oriented, which is a national policy. Farmers come to Qin State to develop, it is like a fish in water, and they will definitely receive strong support!”

“But I don’t need any Xia Kui, or the Lord of the Six Halls, or the Six Elders. What the prince needs is a pure farmer, a farmer who can bend down to take care of the land!”

“How to turn the ground, how to plant seedlings, how to sow, how to remove insects, how to irrigate different lands, and when to plant different crops, your experience is very valuable! This is what the prince valued!”

Situ Wanli’s expression was indifferent, while the Zhu family was inexplicably excited.

The two of them have different professions, one is a gambler and the other is a farmer.

For the Zhu family, what he is most proud of and most proud of is not being the master of the farming family, nor is he possessing advanced martial arts, but his dedication and proficiency in farming.

The stance of winning the government gave the Zhu family a great sense of identity!

Only by following Yingzheng’s side, his ability can really play a role!

This is the case when a scholar dies for a confidant.

But what Winning can do is much more than that.

“The reason why there are hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples is that on the one hand, there are so many farmers who are convenient for you to accept as disciples; on the other hand, your experience and skills can only be passed on by word of mouth and taught by yourself.”

“As a result, it will be difficult for more people who have not joined the farm to get your guidance.

“This prince wants to compile a “Agricultural Code”, the content of which is your experience and skills. You need to record it and teach people how to farm and how to serve the land.”

Write a book and say!

This is what Yingzheng wants the farmer to do, and it is also one of his methods to subdue the farmer!

The various schools of thought have their own inheritance, their own theories, and their own academic classics.

Only the farmer lacks its own classics!

Their experience and skills are all inherited by precepts and deeds.

Others are academics, and it is much more convenient to want to write a book and say it; the farmers are all farming, how can there be so many cultures? It’s not bad to know a few words!

Moreover, in this era, the cost of getting a book out is too high.

It’s completely a loss-making business.

Why don’t farmers want their knowledge to be recognized and spread?

It is a gambler like Situ Wanli, as a peasant disciple, he also wants the peasant family to be respected by the world, this is something that cannot be bought with money!

Not to mention the Zhu family who has the world in mind, the face behind the facial makeup is already flushed with excitement.

In his dreams, he wants to pass on the experience he has mastered, and he wants to help more people!

The emotions of the two have changed, and they can clearly feel the victory.He is very satisfied with the effect and chuckles:

“Haha! Most of the peasant disciples are people who can settle down and do things. Such people are the talents that Daqin needs.”

“Most of the peasant disciples value hard work. They don’t have the kind of benevolence and hypocrisy of Confucius and Mencius, and they don’t have the silly dogma of the Mohist school. This is what this prince admires!”

As the crown prince of the Qin State, this statement of victory is of great weight.

It is foreseeable that as long as the farmers come to Qin, they will be reused, and they will be well developed.

Another point:

Ying Zheng has already confessed directly that he doesn’t care about the grievances between the peasant family and the Qin country!

This is a promise and a guarantee.

As long as the peasants came to Qin, the old accounts would be wiped out.

Up to now, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli still have not been able to obtain sweet potato seeds and cultivation methods, but they have been genuinely recruited to win the government.

Will the farmer choose Qin State? 320


At the very least, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli can already foresee the scene after the farmer returns to Qin.

In the Zhu family’s heart, there are already a hundred people who are willing to let the farmers follow and win the government!

The words that should be said, Yingzheng has all been said, and the rest is waiting for the Zhu family and Situ Wanli to express their opinions.

Mainly from the Zhu family, Ying Zheng admires his personality very much.

Yingzheng’s expression is very calm, but the Zhu family understands what he means and understands that Yingzheng is waiting for a reply!

After hesitating for a while, the Zhu family just said solemnly:

“His Royal Highness, as far as I am concerned, I really want to do things for His Highness! But I can’t do things for the peasants, and everything must be decided by Xia Kui.”

Hearing this reply, Ying Zheng spread his hands and said faintly:

“In that case, Zhu Tang’s potato will be returned to the prince!”

The Zhu family lowered their heads, looking at the potatoes in Ruo’s hand, a little bit disheartened.

Returning the potatoes to the winning government means that the cooperation between the farmer and the Qin State has ended before it even started.

After a long silence, the Zhu family respectfully returned the potatoes to Yingzheng, and said with a firm tone:

“Hope your Highness can give me some time, I will go back and discuss it with Xia Kui!”

“Discuss with Tian Guang? Ha ha!” Ying Zheng sneered.

“Okay! You can go now!”

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