Chapter 167 Farm situation! Tian Mi’s identity! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Inside the guest room.

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli left, and Ying Zheng called Tian Yan over.

“Ayan, you are a peasant disciple, what do you think of this person from the Zhu family? What if the Zhu family relies on the prince?”

Yingzheng still values ​​Tian Yan’s mind. As a disciple of Tian Yan’s peasant family, what she knows about the Zhu family must be more real and comprehensive.

Tian Yan turned into an extremely gentle look in the face of winning the government, beautiful and slightly frowned, thinking seriously about the son’s problem.

Time is short, Tian Yan slowly said:

“Shennongtang, Zhu family, this person has a very special status in the farm family. It is a special existence. It is not a Xia Kui, it is better than a Xia Kui!”

“Oh?” Yingzheng came into interest.

He pays more attention to the personal character of the Zhu family, but does not pay attention to the power and influence of the Zhu family.

“Although Tian Guang is a Xia Kui, in fact, Tian Guang’s reputation among peasant disciples is far less than that of the Zhu family, because the Zhu family has come up from the bottom step by step!”

“Originally, the Zhu family was just an ordinary peasant disciple, but he is very specialized in farming, and he is also a good hand in the farmland! His most proficient acupuncture hand with three hearts and two minds was trained when planting seedlings!”

Tian Yan’s understanding of Zhu’s family is really in place, and even this kind of anecdote can be grasped.

“Double-minded acupuncture hands? Planting seedlings? Fun, haha!” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly.

“It is also planting seedlings, but the speed of planting seedlings in the Zhu family is unmatched. It is the highest among the farmer’s 100,000 disciples! He has mastered every movement technique in it very well. It seems random, but in fact it is ten million. Only by summarizing the rules over and over can you practice it.”

“The same goes for the rest of farming. The Zhu family is proficient in everything and has deep research and experience. What’s more valuable is that he is very willing to teach these things, and the peasant disciples can learn a lot from him.

“In addition to being proficient in farming, the Zhu family is also very willing to help others, and many of the farm disciples have received his favor.”

“The Zhu family was able to achieve the position of hall master, it can be said that ordinary peasant disciples pushed it up step by step! The peasant disciples all respect him and love him.”

The reason why Tian Yan can know so many things about the Zhu family is entirely due to word of mouth from ordinary peasant disciples. It is difficult to know.

Yingzheng nodded and understood the origin of the Zhu family’s prestige.

Just listen to Tian Yan and continue to analyze:

“On the other hand, Tian Guang was promoted directly by the previous Xiakui. He was the successor of Xiakui who was determined internally by the Tian clan. In the eyes of the bottom peasant disciples, he is just the leader of the peasant family, and there is no graciousness to speak of.”

“Furthermore, Tian Guang has a very narrow mind and a strong desire for power. In addition, his attitude towards Qin is completely hostile!”

“It’s impossible for Tian Guang to allow the Zhu family to rely on the son!”

Impossible? Ying Zheng looked at Tian Yan playfully, and teased:

“What if the Zhu family has to take refuge in your son?”

Hearing the words “Your son”, Tian Yan’s face showed a little red glow, and immediately recovered. She could always hear the son’s intimate words, and she was happy in her heart.

“If the Zhu family resolutely take refuge in the son, the farm family must follow suit!” Tian Yan’s tone was extremely affirmative.

Yingzheng rolled his eyes and smiled confidently:

“In this case, then we must have a good show to watch, ha ha!”

“What about Situ Wanli? What about this person?” He also wanted to know Tian Yan’s evaluation of Situ Wanli.

“Situ Wanli” Tian Yan lowered his head and thought again.

“The distribution of power within the farmhouse has undergone great changes. At the beginning, the six hall masters were all served by the Tian clan, and then gradually added foreign surnames.”

“Today, three of the six churches are no longer surnamed Tian.

“In addition, although everyone seems to obey Xia Kui’s orders on the surface, in fact, the struggle for power within the farmhouse is also surging.”

“Situ Wanli is the same. On the surface, he obeyed Tian Guang’s order, but in fact (aibd) was very close to the Zhu family and regarded the Zhu family as a backer.

“The relationship between him and the Zhu family is still second, mainly because of the prestige and power of the Zhu family. His Four Yue Hall’s main business includes casinos. As the hall owner, Situ Wanli is also a gambler.”

“The biggest feature of gamblers is that they are good at seizing the opportunity, watching the wind, and dare to place heavy bets! Once the Zhu family joins the son, then Shennongtang will become stronger than ever, and Situ Wanli will definitely continue to follow the Zhu family!”

“He can be regarded as a relatively advanced wall grass!”

“Unless Qin State weakens, otherwise, Situ Wanli will never betray.”

According to Tian Yan’s description, Yingzheng’s specific images of Zhu Family and Situ Wanli are more clear, and they are almost the same as in memory.

“I asked you to use Luo Wang to win over Tian Mi secretly, what about this person?”

As early as when the system released the task of conquering the peasants, Ying Zheng thought of Tian Mi! Using the information of the Luonet, he simply obtained some information about Tian Mi, and then let Tian Yan be responsible for it.

Tian Yan didn’t know how the son chose Tian Mi, but if the son ordered, she would do it all.

“Tian Mi was born in Kui Weitang, she is the daughter of the former envoy, and has a good relationship with Tian Guang. Originally, as Tian Mi, he could become the chief of Kui Weitang, but the former Xiakui went early, which led to When she was young, she missed the opportunity to become the hall master.”

“In order to win over the brothers Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang of Kuiweitang, Tian Guang gave Tian Mixu, who is now 15, to Wu Kuang as his fiancée. The day of adulthood is the time of the wedding.”

“Because of her appointment as Xiakui, she is equivalent to the daughter of the entire farm family. Everyone will give her a bit of face when she comes from both sides. In addition, she is also beautiful, and even ordinary farm disciples have many people who insist on her. From.”

When talking about this, Tian Yan took a peek at Win Zheng, and had a little doubt:

The son will not let me win her because of Tian Mi’s beauty, right?

Thinking of this, Oda Yan has a sour feeling in her heart~

The thoughts of her daughter’s family only temporarily affected Tian Yan, and she immediately said:

“But this woman is innocent and innocent on the surface, but in fact the city is very deep, she is only profitable! She has been plotting for the position of the hall master, vacillating between Xia Kui and the hall masters, and is also a typical wall of grass.”

“Luo Wang has established a preliminary trust with Tian Mi. If there is nothing unexpected, Tian Mi will definitely take refuge in the son!”


When Oda Yan talked about this, he began to feel sour again~

But the words that won the government made Xiao Nizi feel happy:

“Good job! Haha!”

The son praises me~.

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