Chapter 164 Win over Zhu’s family! In-depth insights to win politics! [First update, please customize]

The Zhu family’s mood was still very excited, but if he won the government, he calmed down a little bit.

Kuiweitang Chen Sheng’s phrase “Princes and generals, I would rather have a kind”, after this understanding of the winning government, it is basically a manifestation of selfish desire.

What is selfish desire?

Private desire!

Ideals, dreams, ambitions, and desires are all selfish desires, but they are slightly different.

Petty profits are selfish desires, and so is the confession of Hou Baixiang.

“His Royal Highness, the Zhu family worships!” The Zhu family bowed and bowed, appearing even more depressed.

His original intention is to use the righteousness of the world to convince the government to win the government, and to use the peasant family’s heart to influence the government to win the government, or to win sympathy with the pity of the people of the world.

As a result, the generous words of peasant disciples turned into a manifestation of selfish desire.

“Let the emperor let go of his selfish desires, this is the theory of the “March 20″ of the philosophers, not only put forward by the peasants, but the prince does not care about these things.” Yingzheng said indifferently.

“Everyone and every school has different opinions. One thing, you are right, sweet potatoes are indeed a treasure, and they can really make people eat!” Yingzheng affirmed Zhu’s position on sweet potatoes.

Situ Wanli, who had been in the state of auditing, heard the words of Yingzheng, the light in his eyes flashed.

As a gambler, the ability to grasp the timing is extremely important!

He keenly discovered that there is something in the words to win the government, and that there are still changes in the sweet potato affairs.

Seeing the timing, Situ Wanli suddenly said:

“His Royal Highness, you have worked so hard to research sweet potatoes, which is impressive! His Royal Highness must also be concerned about the sufferings of the people. There is no doubt about this. I just don’t know how His Royal Highness is willing to promote sweet potatoes?”

The front is all compliments, the second is the point!

Since Yingzheng himself has pointed out the value of sweet potatoes, he must want to use sweet potatoes to do something, and it is related to the farmer. Otherwise, he will not raise it.

Ying Zheng glanced at Situ Wanli approvingly, nodded, and then his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

“The world fears Qin like a tiger and wolf. I must not deny this, but Qin is not always so strong! The so-called eight hundred miles of Qinchuan sounds very rich, in fact, it is incomparable with the Central Plains.

“It’s even said that the princes of the Central Plains were once dismissive of the bitter and cold northwest. What is the Qin State? It just resisted the invasion of the barbarians for the Central Plains countries.”

“In your eyes, the State of Qin owns sweet potatoes alone, and its national strength has greatly increased, and it will surely ignite war in the future. There is no need to deny this prince, this is inevitable.

“But before? When Qin declined, how did the Central Plains countries calm down? Weak countries cannot bear the bullying of big powers. They will seek to be strong; those who are already strong will seek dominance and want to shock the princes.”

“After you sing, I will appear on the stage. When will the disaster of war be over? Even if the prince gives you the seeds and cultivation methods of sweet potatoes, what will happen?’

“Perhaps Qin no longer has the advantage and no longer has the ability to advance eastward. New hegemons will emerge among the six countries, and a new round of hegemony will be set off, and countless people will be drawn to fight!”

“In this way, what is the point of promoting sweet potatoes? Is it just to make Qin country relatively weak?”

After hearing these words, Zhu Family and Situ Wanli’s expressions became solemn, because these principles that Yingzheng said were nothing more than a summary of the wars that have occurred and are occurring.

It is true, and it cannot be denied.

In other words, it is completely meaningless for farmers to promote sweet potatoes!

Whole grains, which kind of food can’t be full?

Must there be sweet potatoes?

The problem is not what kind of crops to grow!

While the two were lost in thought, they only listened to Ying Zheng continuing to say:

“Sweet potato is just a kind of food, it can be full, but the heart is not full.”

“Your farmer’s starting point is correct, but the layout is too small, and the vision is too narrow! Just like the time when I attacked my Daqin Wuanjun in the past, it was the same.’

Speaking of Wu Anjun Bai Qi, both the Zhu family and Situ Wanli were a little embarrassed.

“His Royal Highness, Wu’anjun’s matter is actually Xia Kui begging my farmer’s six elders to take action, and we can’t stop it. Moreover, Wu’anjun killed 400,000 soldiers of the State of Zhao back then, which really hurts the heavens.” The Zhu family was tactful. Explained a bit.

Yingzheng waved his hand and said sternly:

“This prince is not talking about the old grievances between the peasant family and the State of Qin, even the six elders of your peasant family, the prince does not bear any grudges.

“Do bad things with good intentions? Please forgive me for not being able to agree with the view of His Royal Highness.” Situ Wanli saw that the tone of winning the government was very calm and did not mean to reverse the old and defeated, so he boldly expressed his views.

The Zhu family’s face quickly turned over and changed to dark blue, which represented the extreme doubts in his heart.

Hunting for Bai Qi, there is no way to talk about doing bad things with good intentions!

“Hey!” Ying Zheng sighed, “Your farmer lacks a truly wise leader!”

“The starting point for what the former kings and Wu’anjun did to attack the city and expand the territory and expand the territory was to fight for the interests of the Qin Dynasty and to annex the six countries.”

“It is indeed Qin’s lust!”

Yingzheng’s expression is extremely open and straightforward.

“But have you ever thought about what will happen after Daqin annexes the Six Nations?”

“This prince can tell you!

“Seven kingdoms are unified, the world is great! All the people of the Li people in the world will usher in a peaceful and prosperous era! There will be no more wars, and no more people will be forced to fight!”

“The best way to make the world truly peaceful and quell wars is to unify!’

This was not summed up by Yingzheng himself, but was verified by the Qin Dynasty’s more than two thousand years of history.

“When Daqin dominates the world, at that time, the Prince 1.3 will naturally promote sweet potatoes so that everyone in the world can have a good meal, live a good life, and live and work in peace.”

“Ordinary people don’t have to pay all kinds of taxes for the sake of war; parents don’t have to worry about which child is sent to the battlefield; those who concentrate on farming can also have the opportunity to learn all kinds of advanced principles.

“The process of great unification will inevitably be accompanied by the death of countless lives, but that is only a momentary pain! In return, the future generations will enjoy peace!”

Both Situ Wanli and Zhu’s family became silent.

Suddenly, something flew in the sky!

“This thing is called a potato, also called a potato.” Ying Zheng took a potato out of his arms and threw it to the Zhu family.

The Zhu family looked at the potatoes in his hand, and his thoughts moved!

“His Royal Highness, do you want to win over the farmer?”

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