Chapter 163 Tell you what the real benevolence is! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

In the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, although rituals and music collapsed, ordinary people’s abide by the etiquette was very strict.

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli were like this, they were extremely respectful of winning the government and did not dare to go beyond the rules.

Of course, Yingzheng treats such polite people with courtesy, and did not criticize the farmer’s affairs with Wu’anjun.

“Two hall masters, what do you do?” Ying Zheng asked indifferently.

“His Royal Highness, the Chi You Hall Master who came this morning, I really don’t know that he is also meeting with His Highness today. If there is any rudeness, please don’t blame your Highness.” The Zhu family clasped fists and bowed.

“Haha, it doesn’t matter! You are different!” Yingzheng smiled.

“His Royal Highness is kind! You are worthy of the dignity of Prince Daqin! Your Highness forgive me for the troubles! But I don’t know Chi Youtang’s Tian Hu, what is he here for?” The Zhu family asked this sentence knowingly.

Tian Hu’s purpose must also be sweet potatoes!

In fact, the Zhu family wanted to know whether Tian Hu had taken away the sweet potato seeds and whether he had mastered the techniques of sweet potato cultivation. If they had already obtained it, the two of them would not have to bother to win politics.

“What Tian Hu is here to do, hehe, that doesn’t matter anymore! He spoke lightly, and in the end he drew his sword to face each other, and he was killed by the prince’s guard.” Ying Zheng downplayed the cause of Tian Meng’s death. -Come.

The Zhu Family and Situ Wanli were shocked!

Chi Youtang, Hall Master Tian Hu, is dead?

The two looked at each other and nodded at each other.

Both of them are extremely smart people, and they are also very familiar with Tian Hu. That kind of violent temperament can benefit from winning politics. That is really weird!

Tian Hu is always domineering in the farmhouse, but now, it can only be said that he has died and is not worthy of sympathy.

“Since he smashed into His Royal Highness, Tian Hu is still guilty of death!” The Zhu family took the lead in expressing their attitude, “If you offend, I will apologize for the peasant family!”

“It’s okay! This prince said first, you are different. He is him, you are you. Let’s talk about it, you are asking to see this prince, what is it?” Winning the government freely exposes Tianhu’s matter.

“His Royal Highness, the Zhu family is here for sweet potatoes!” The Zhu family didn’t go around in circles, straight to the point.

“Sweet potato so you want the seeds and cultivation methods of sweet potato, don’t you?” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly.

“Yes, this is why the Zhu family came here! Sweet potatoes are the most valuable food. If they can be promoted, everyone in the world will be able to eat, and the people will be blessed! The merits of His Royal Highness will also last forever. !” The Zhu family did not shy away, and directly stated their intentions.

“You are righteous!” Yingzheng nodded, “However, do you think this prince will give you this kind of thing?”

The Zhu family hesitated a little, and began to think.

As a super high-yield food, sweet potatoes have brought a lot of benefits to the Qin State, and it can be described as a major killer of the Qin State!

A stable source of food will greatly promote the population growth of Qin, and the surplus can also go to the six countries in exchange for corresponding materials, which will continue to make Qin more powerful.

The relative strength of the six eastern countries is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end, they will have no strength to compete with Qin State!

On the surface, it is just a kind of food, but in fact it is the biggest reliance of Qin’s dominance of the world!

How can this kind of thing be given to others?

The same is true of Qin’s policy, to prevent the outflow of sweet potatoes to the greatest extent.

“It seems that His Royal Highness will not hand over the sweet potatoes to the farmer!” The Zhu family’s mood was a little depressed, with his head hanging down, his shoulders falling, and his head down typically dejected.

“Naturally, it will not be handed over to the farmer!” Ying Zheng said affirmatively.

The atmosphere in the guest room was a little stiff, and no one spoke any more.

In the end, the Zhu family made a deep salute towards winning the government, and still did not give up:

“His Royal Highness, if you can spread the sweet potato, countless poor people who can’t eat enough will be grateful to you, and future generations will also miss you for your kindness and righteousness! This is the great merit of Fuze forever!”

“On behalf of the farmer, I can promise to His Royal Highness that once I get the cultivation method of sweet potato, I will do my best to promote it, so that everyone in the world will know the name of His Royal Highness.”

Ying Zheng quietly listened to the words of the Zhu family, and the sincerity and true feelings between the words were indeed a compassionate heart with the world, which was completely different from Tian Hu’s starting point for self-interest.

However, because of this, the winning government will not teach the cultivation techniques of sweet potatoes to the Zhu family.

“Benevolence and righteousness, what is benevolence and righteousness? The princes have fought for hundreds of years, and the people do not have a living! Under these troubled times, what is benevolence and righteousness?” Ying Zheng raised his brows and asked the Zhu family.

0……Look for flowers……

“His Royal Highness, my farm furniture is a farmer who farms for a living. It can’t be compared to the other philosophers and hundreds of families with many principles. We only know how to farm!”

“The word benevolence and justice, in my opinion, that everyone in the world can eat a full stomach is the greatest benevolence and justice!”

“The land is full of things, and Shennong does not die! The inheritance of my farm family depends on the land. As long as there is endless vitality on the land, the farmer’s disciples will not die.”

“Our goal is very simple, that is to make everyone in the world have a full stomach, nothing more.

“Among the peasant family, a brother once said, “Princes and generals, I would rather be kind.” Ordinary people like us cannot be compared with noble people like His Royal Highness, but is it impossible to have a full stomach? ?’


The more the Zhu family talked, the more excited, the feelings began to erupt, the kind of cynicism, the kind of pity and lament to the ordinary people, which could not be suppressed, there was nowhere to vent, and there was no way to change.

For this kind of person, winning politics is still more admirable.

There are a lot of doctrines of benevolence, justice and morality in the hundreds of families of the philosophers!

There are very few things that really are for the sake of the people.

Those who talk and talk, all; those who really do, they are fresh!

“Zhu family, let me ask you, the world is in constant dispute, why?” Ying Zheng looked straight at the Zhu family.

“Because of selfish desire! Especially the emperor’s selfish desire! The people of Li people are driven by the emperor’s selfish desire to kill and fight. There will be no one to cultivate the fields! If the emperor can let go of selfish desires, the world will also be peaceful.”

The Zhu family is extremely disgusted with the melee of the princes!

It was precisely because of the selfish desires of the princes that this caused a large number of civilian farmers to join the war.

“You are right. It is indeed because of selfish desires, but it is not only the selfish desires of the emperor.” Ying Zheng first agreed with Zhu’s views, and then the conversation changed!

“Everyone has selfish desires! Including the sentence you said,’Princes and generals, would rather be kind, this is the manifestation of selfish desires! Because of the desire for the power of the king, I would say such a thing!

The way to quell the war is not to let the king let go of his selfish desires!

It’s a factory.

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