Chapter 162 Kill Tian Hu, Zhu Family, please see you! [Third update, please customize]

Tian Yan showed no sympathy for Tian Hu, and his expression was indifferent from beginning to end.

At this moment, what Tian Yan showed was the temperament of a killer.

Cold and ruthless.

Ying Zheng took a faint look at Tian Yan, and then withdrew his gaze.

He didn’t like the appearance of Tian Yan very much. He was obviously a young girl, and he had done such an inhumane thing.

This can’t be her nature!

What happened in the past, why Tian Yan became like this, what was the reason for coming to Qin State, and what exactly she experienced, won the government never asked.

But Tian Yan’s loyalty, that need not be questioned, there is absolute certainty in winning the government.

One day, Tian Yan will completely open up his heart.

The servants quickly came to the guest room, quickly cleaned the scene, took the corpse away, cleaned up all the filth in the room, and even replaced the damaged objects.

Time is short, and the whole room has returned to its former appearance.

Tian Hu didn’t care much about winning the government at all. After handling it, he planned to go back to study papermaking again, but Xiao Zhaogao walked in at this time.

“My son, there is another 317 fellow from the farm, saying that he is asking to see His Royal Highness. He reports that he is called the Zhu Family.”

“Zhu Family?” Ying Zheng recalled the information he had, “Bring him to see me!”

Among the six farmhouses, the Shennongtang of Zhu’s family is the most influential.

The Zhu family himself is equivalent to a dwarf, with an extremely short stature, but the inner family exercises are extremely exquisite, and he is a very powerful role, and ranks in the forefront of the entire farm family.

Yingzheng has a very good impression of the Zhu family, and it is not the strength of the Zhu family that he fancy, but the character!

Among the six halls, there was only one hall master who really showed concern for the peasant season and the suffering of the people.

Once, during the busy farming season, there were 19 consecutive days of rain. The Zhu family felt anxious and couldn’t eat their food, just because they were worried that they would miss the farming time for planting.

When meeting the arrested husband, the Zhu family also sighed and sighed, sighing about the endless wars among the princes. The life of the people of the Li people was impoverished and their lives were desperate.

Simply put, the Zhu family has a compassionate heart.

The reason why the Zhu family came to the fief of winning politics is indeed because of this.

Since the dried sweet potato has been continuously exported to the six countries, the peasant disciples (aibd) have received news one after another, and the Zhu family has also been aware of the existence of sweet potatoes.

People who really care about farming are absolutely impossible to let go of such a treasure as sweet potatoes!

After many inquiries, the Zhu family learned about the relationship between sweet potato and the winning government. If you want to get the seeds and cultivation methods of sweet potato, you must deal with the winning government.

When it comes to wisdom and character, Tian Hu and Zhu’s family are completely incomparable!

First of all, the Zhu family has an accurate judgment on the strength of winning politics.

The headquarters of Shennongtang is in Wei State. The Zhu family is also very kind and has a wide range of friends. It is not difficult to get in touch with some Wei State soldiers. Through those soldiers, he got reliable news.

Lian Po and Zhao Sheng all died under the sword of Ying Zheng!

There is absolutely no falsehood!

There are also those powerful Qin heavy cavalry, Zhu’s family has also learned about them through the channels of friends.

The three thousand tiger roars are all private troops who have won the government!

Just stationed in the fief of winning politics!

It is almost impossible to threaten to win politics through force.

He knows this very well.

Secondly, the Zhu family is an extremely rule-based and reasonable person.

Sweet potatoes are a treasure, but sweet potatoes are cultivated entirely by winning the government, and they are the things of winning the government!

It is a favor to give you, but not to give it to you, that is the duty of others! The Zhu family still can’t do things that are robbed.

Finally, it is the identity of winning politics.

Prince Qin!

The grievances between the peasant family and the State of Qin will not be forgotten so easily.

It can be said that the peasants owed the Qin State a debt.

Although the State of Qin did not retaliate against the peasants, it was undoubtedly difficult to obtain the help of the prince of the State of Qin.

It took a long time for the Zhu family to analyze these and collect information.

How can Tian Hu, a guy who takes it for granted, compare with Zhu’s family?

All kinds of unfavorable factors were added together, and the Zhu family still came.

Whenever there is a chance, he will spare no effort to fight for it.

Not for himself, but for the people of the world!

As long as the sweet potato is promoted, countless hungry people will be fed, and the world will avoid countless tragedies.

In any case, he must see Prince Qin!

Therefore, the Zhu family came to the fiefdom of the winning government and respectfully asked for a meeting.

As for Hetian Tiger’s arrival one after another, it was purely a coincidence. Tian Hu’s intelligence came from Lieshantang and Tian Guang, and Zhu’s family relied solely on his own intelligence.

It was the same guest room, and Ying Zheng met Zhu’s family at the same location.

“Nongjia Shennongtang, Zhu Family, pay homage to His Royal Highness!”

“Farmhouse Siyuetang, Situ Wanli, pay homage to His Royal Highness!”

In front of winning politics, the two people were very courteous and respectful.

Yingzheng nodded slightly, said hello, and then began to look at the two of them.

Similar to the image in the memory, the Zhu family is a short and short fat man, dressed very clean and decent, wearing a crown on his head, having a spectrum on his face, thousands of people, and a well-deserved reputation.

The deepest feeling is the kind temperament, which can be seen at a glance.

As for the person who accompanied the Zhu family, the master of Siyuetang, Situ Wan

The feelings of others may not be obvious, but winning the government clearly perceives that Situ Wanli has always hidden a desperate gambler temperament!

The main business of Siyuetang is a casino itself. One of its branches is called Qianlongtang. It operates a kind of Yibao business, which is a bit similar to auctions and gambling conferences.

In essence, they are all profit-seeking businesses.

When the winning government looked at Zhu’s family and Situ Wanli, the two of them were also looking at winning the government.

In their identities, they have never had the opportunity to get in touch with Yingzheng before, and all the information they have is rumors.

Now that I really saw the prince of Qin, my intuitive impression gradually merged with the rumors.

Although he is young, the aura of a superior person, that kind of calmness, reveals the power of admiration and surrender everywhere, and there is no room for rejection or resistance.

What made the two of them even more shocked was that they couldn’t feel the breath of any martial artist in Yingzheng.

The only explanation is that the cultivation technique for winning politics has reached an unfathomable realm!

When both parties were looking at each other, the winning government chuckled and spoke first:

“In the morning, a Chi Youtang hall owner just came here, and now it is Shennongtang and Siyuetang.”

“Two hall masters, what do you do?”.

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