Chapter 161 Tian Yan shot, sword slashed Tianhu! [Second update, ask for customization]

Although Tian Hu has a violent personality and a simple mind, he is not entirely an idiot.

Some points about the victory made him think of all kinds of possibilities!

The purpose of Xia Kui is to get the treasure, on the one hand,

If you can’t get sweet potatoes, it would be a good move to get rid of Tian Hu by winning the government!

“Damn it! It was calculated!” Tian Hu gritted his teeth viciously.

The two halls led by his brothers have already threatened Xia Kui Tian Guang, and Tian Hu and Tian Meng have indeed had the idea of ​​replacing them, but the time has not come!

Tian Hu knows the internal affairs of the farmhouse, but it doesn’t mean that he will give up his current actions!

In the face of absolute power, all calculations are vulnerable.

Tian Hu is the man who thinks he has absolute power!

“Winning politics, you have said so many messy things, what does it have to do with sweet potatoes? The master of the hall asks you, do you give the seeds and cultivation methods of sweet potatoes?” The threat in Tian Hu’s words is even stronger. .

“It’s so famous as to meet! Tian Hu, your stupidity has made this prince have a new understanding of the term’stupid’! Your credit is not small! Ha ha!” “Ying Zheng reluctantly teased Tian Hu.

It is really helpless!

Even after winning politics, I have been tirelessly mentioning so many things, but Tian Hu is still obsessed with it, and he still wants to get a fan? Do you have that ability!

After being ridiculed and ridiculed one after another, and being exposed in public, Tian Hu is already extremely angry, and sweet potatoes are also something he is determined to get!

Since winning the government and refuses to give, then force him to give it! Power is justice! Power is everything!


With a deep roar, Tian Hu had already drawn out his sword, Tiger Soul.

The pale golden phantom of the huge tiger head was condensed in the air, and it was about to pounce on Yingzheng.

Everyone felt his strength as soon as Tian Hu shot.

Half a step innate! This is Tian Hu’s reliance!

However, Yingzheng sat on the chair motionlessly, still smiling at Mimi looking at the angry Tian Hu.

Suddenly, three sword lights of different colors rushed to the phantom of the tiger’s head, and instantly collided together.

The tiger head phantom was cut to pieces immediately!

Could it be that Xuan Jian and Zangri ate dry food here?

Relying on Tian Hu’s half-step innate strength, he can still misunderstand his prestige in other places. In the face of winning politics, he will be almost like a warrior who is not in the realm of flow.

You don’t even need to win the government’s own shot.

With the scarlet sun covering the sun and the black and white Xuan Jian, three swords instantly surrounded Tian Hu.

Tian Hu’s experience against the enemy is still very rich.

But the power of Xuan Jian and Bianri was really too great. Every time Tian Hu hit, his arms would numb, that is, he had innate qi and wanted crazy output, so he could barely resist it.

Said it is resistance, in fact it is only two or three tricks

Power is one aspect, and the speed of Bianri and Xuanjian is much faster than Tian Hu.

The front blocked Xuan Jian’s double swords, and when his arms shook, Bianri struck Tian Hu’s thigh; after stepping away from Bianri, the black and white double swords took the opportunity to hit Tian Hu’s shoulders.

The severe pain hit, Tian Hu almost let go of the tiger soul!

Enduring severe shoulder and leg injuries, his figure retreated violently, Bianri chased him quickly, and raised his hand to the other good leg of Tian Hu.

With a soft foot, Tian Hu’s body was about to be unable to support it, and he quickly propped it on the ground with a tiger spirit, and the white sword slashed at his shoulder again. Tian Hu didn’t dare to hesitate, and hurriedly turned sideways on the spot, avoiding the white sword.

He couldn’t avoid the attack of the black sword!

Below the lower abdomen, three inches away, the black sword penetrated directly into it!

Only faintly heard a low sound of something bursting.

Dull and short.

“Ah, 々!”

Tian Hu screamed, unable to support it anymore, and fell to the ground.

The killer’s swordsmanship is naturally based on the vital parts of the human body as the first target of attack!

Where the black sword penetrates, the front is the pubic area, and the back is the mansion of body fluids.

One sword double wear!

The meaning of drawing a sword is to bet on your life.

Not only Tian Hu’s life, but the lives of the peasant disciples behind him were also bet on!

Xuan Jian and Bianri directly rushed into the crowd.

How could these ordinary peasant disciples be the opponents of Bianri and Xuanjian? In a short moment, more than a dozen corpses fell in a pool of blood without a sound.

In front of Yingzheng, he spoke coldly to him, ridiculed and abused him, how could Zengri and Xuanjian let these people go?

The only one who was still alive was Tian Hu, who fell on the ground and panted violently.

The blood and corpses all over the floor don’t care about winning the government.

The battle of Hangu Pass and the battle of Shangdang, the blood on the battlefield is much stronger than the ones in front of them!

Yingzheng walked up to Tian Hu with a smile on his face.

That smile really made people shudder. Tian Hu on the ground had already turned pale with pain. When he saw this smile, his face was as earthy in an instant.

A shoe that was not particularly big stepped on Tian Hu’s mouth.


Mouthful teeth were forcibly broken!

From Tian Hu’s mouth, fresh blood was constantly flowing out, mixed with broken teeth.

This pain is more direct!

But at this time Tian Hu wanted to roar and roar, but he had no energy.

Heart-piercing pain, his face was so painful that it was distorted.

Tian Hu’s self-righteous “^”Absolute power” is a joke that is not funny at all in the face of winning politics!

“You must be mindful in doing things, and you must know etiquette in your speech! Don’t spray your mouth full of dung!” Ying Zheng looked down at Tian Hu condescendingly and taught him the basic principles of being a man.

At the same time, Ying Zheng withdrew from crushing Tian Hu’s left foot and rubbed the blood on his body.

“This prince gave you a chance! You don’t cherish it! No matter, Chi Youtang (good Zhao)’s hall master, this prince has a candidate, there is no need to keep you!”

“The entire farmhouse is as insignificant as an ant in front of Daqin nowadays. A mere Chi Youtang hall master is also worthy to ask for something from the prince?” Ying Zheng’s words were cold and domineering.

Don’t put the farmhouse in your eyes at all!

The peasant family really did not have the capital to display in front of him!

At this moment, Tian Yan walked in from the door blankly, unmoved by the bloody scene.

The painful Tian Hu suddenly found Tian Yan’s figure, his eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions, and his mouth was muttering vague words:

“Eyan, do you want to get swollen?”

Tian Yan went straight to Tian Hu’s body with a cold expression. The sharp sword was instantly unsheathed, and a sword pierced Tian Hu’s heart, completely ending his life.

For Tian Hu, death is a kind of liberation instead of suffering.

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