Chapter 155 King Qin died, please crown his prince! [Fourth update, please customize]

No struggle, no resistance, no yelling.

A look of despair appeared in Mrs. Hua Yang’s eyes, she had endured it for twenty years, and everything was gone.

With such regretful thoughts, Mrs. Hua Yang was slashed on the neck by Xiao Zhao Gao’s sudden palm, and she passed out.

Prying open the mouth of this beautiful young woman who is just over thirty, with a decent charm, Xiao Zhaogao poured the poisoned wine down.

The mundane things are gone.

Afterwards, several people moved Mrs. Huayang to the bed of An Guojun. The trays and chicken wine were all placed properly. Everyone seemed to be a harmonious picture of a husband and a woman.

Everything was handled properly, Ying Zheng took Zhao Gao and the others, and took advantage of the night to quietly leave the palace.

The reason why it went so smoothly is due to a large part of the net.

There are guards in the palace at night. There are guards outside, and there are maids and eunuchs inside. Among the intelligence personnel in the net, there are the stewards in the palace.

That was specially arranged by King Zhaoxiang before his death, just to monitor the movements of the palace in secret.

Using these people, Yingzheng mobilized the palace lady eunuch who was in charge of the night ahead of time to ensure the concealment of the action.

At this point in 08, no outsider knows that Ying Zheng has been to the palace tonight.

In the Prince’s Mansion, Lu Buwei was drinking with Zi Chu.

In the cold spring night, the cold wine entered the sorrow, and the sorrow became more sorrowful.

At the meeting during the day, An Guojun’s suppression of the victory was too obvious, which made Zi Chu extremely worried.

“Hey~ I thought that the first king appointed the grandson, and everything has been fixed, but I didn’t expect that the king’s attitude towards Zheng’er had undergone such a big change!” Zi Chu sighed with drunken eyes.

Lu Buwei was not as shameful as Zi Chu.

His political speculation has basically achieved the predetermined goal, and then he just needs to wait.

In the court of Qin, An Guojun admired Lu Buwei’s savvy and capable, the prime minister Cai Ze and Lu Buwei had a close relationship, and the rest of the civil and military officials also valued Lu Buwei very seriously.

The smooth and transparent handling of people is what Lu Buwei is good at.

Therefore, he has established a firm foothold in Qin State.

Of course, the most important thing is Zi Chu, he also depends on Zi Chu’s status to get the favor of many parties.

Zi Chu has been established as the prince, and his position is very stable.

Heirs are not changed arbitrarily. This is the most taboo thing among the princes.

In addition, the edict of King Zhaoxiang also clearly defined Zi Chu’s identity. Therefore, Zi Chu’s succession as the next generation of King Qin is basically a certainty.

Lu Buwei was older than Zi Chu, and as long as Zi Chu was in the position, Lu Buwei’s lifelong wealth would be guaranteed.

As for the future generations of children and grandchildren, then children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren.

Thinking of this, Lu Buwei began to persuade:

“His Royal Highness, you don’t have to worry too much. You can say that your position is extremely stable and will not be shaken. It will be a matter of time for you to become the next King of Qin.”

“In fact, you don’t need to worry about the young man, the young man is young, but he can already be alone!”

Hearing this, Zi Chu raised his eyelids, reached out and grabbed the glass and took another sip of the wine.

“Brother Lu, you said so lightly! I am such a biological son, how can I not consider him? Originally, only Mrs. Huayang and a group of Chu forces supported Cheng Jiao. Now the king is suppressing Zheng’er so obviously

After a short pause, Zi Chu continued:

“If the king insists on making me the heir, what do you think I should do? Watching Zheng’er can’t become the heir?”

Lu Buwei frowned, he also thought of this.

If the Chu forces wanted Cheng Jiao to become the King of Qin, they had to make An Guojun secure the position of Cheng Jiao’s heir before he was alive.

“His Royal Highness, maybe the situation will not develop to this point yet.”

“The political prince has now been recognized by the old Qin forces. This is the most orthodox Qin power. Moreover, the old Qin people have the power of the military. Even the current kings must take into account the wishes of the old Qin people in any matter. !”

“So, the king doesn’t necessarily initiate this kind of dispute easily. And the king’s health is not very good, I may not last long! After this period of time, when His Highness succeeds to the throne, he wants to be the heir. Then who else can stop it?”

Zi Chu blinked a few times, raised his brows, exhaled heavily, and stopped speaking.

He was not as optimistic as Lu Buwei considered.

King Zhaoxiang’s health is also not good, hasn’t he lived to be more than 70 years old?

If An Guojun can live for another twenty years, I don’t know how many births will happen during this period of time!

While Zi Chumo was silent, an old eunuch from the palace rushed into the Prince’s Mansion, but he was not blocked?

“His Royal Highness, something has happened in the palace! Please enter the palace immediately to preside over the overall situation!” The old eunuch said with trepidation.

“Huh? Something happened in the palace? What happened?” Zi Chu suddenly woke up from his drunken state.

“The king is in his bedroom!” The old eunuch lowered his voice a bit.

“What! What did you say? The king smiled? What’s the matter? Make it clear!” Zi Chu’s eyes radiated a spirit.

If An Guojun is dead, he will succeed Zi Chu!

“The king left a legacy of 280 and committed suicide by taking poison. Mrs. Huayang also followed the king to take the poison.

“I am sorry for the courage of the courtiers. The edict was placed neatly on the case table in the dormitory. The courtiers inadvertently saw the contents.” The old eunuch immediately knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty.

“Say! What’s on the will!” Zi Chu asked eagerly.

“The edict said that he would inherit the throne and make Ding Tianjun a prince!” The old eunuch directly said what he saw.

The eunuch knows the rules of the palace best. Can they look at things like the edict? Even if they see it, they must pretend not to see it.

The reason why the old eunuch dared to say it directly is because

He is a snare!

It was sent under the instruction of Yingzheng!

Moreover, Zi Chu would be the happiest after knowing the contents of this edict, and it is absolutely impossible to incur any guilt for it.

Sure enough, after Ying Zichu listened to the old eunuch’s words, he felt a little pity at first, was silly there, and then couldn’t help laughing!

“Haha! Hahaha! This prince is going to inherit the throne! Zheng’er will also be a prince! Haha, hahaha”

“His Royal Highness, the country cannot be without a monarch in one day! Please also your Highness to follow the old minister into the palace. Many important events need to be presided over by your Highness!” The old eunuch stood up, with a more respectful attitude. .

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