Chapter 154 Mrs. Huayang, please die! [third update, please customize]

To be called lonely and widowed, in addition to the supreme power, actually contains more of a kind of helplessness.

How many intent backtesters are staring at it?

How many people have hidden bloody fangs ready to bite?

You must be vigilant when you treat anyone, and you can only live a life of loneliness.

Perhaps his blood relatives can be completely trusted, but as strong as the Qin Kingdom and as powerful as King Zhaoxiang, most of his children drifted outside, and the prince went out to be protons.

People are not vegetation, and can be ruthless?

However, there is not much room for him to choose.

Once he sat in that position, once he began to be lonely and widowed, he shouldered the future of the entire Qin State and the will of all his ancestors.

All he can do is to grow the State of Qin at any cost!

The principle of sailing against the current applies equally to the prosperity and decline of a country.

An Guojun’s banner “Two Eighty Zero” was repentant, and for himself, it was too late.

But what he did before his death was undoubtedly hope that Ying Zheng could retain some warmth in his heart to comfort the lonely emperor’s road.

It was late at night, but Mrs. Huayang was still walking anxiously warm in her room.

According to the plan, the killer of the Nets should have already started at this time. Whether it can get rid of the winning government and whether it can continue the glory of the Chu family depends on this hammer!

At this moment, the door was violently pushed open.

With the sound of “Wei”, the quiet atmosphere in the room was broken, and Mrs. Hua Yang was also taken aback.

When she looked back at the door, she was even more shocked.

The person standing at the forefront is the winner.

That also means that Luo Wang’s plan has failed!

Mrs. Hua Yang’s face gradually changed from shock to panic, her body unconsciously stepped back, and she stepped back and asked:

“Winning politics, why are you here? What are you doing here?”

“Half an hour ago, the king died of illness. Before he died, she left a will, and Mrs. Huayang voluntarily followed the king to serve the king under Jiuquan.” Yingzheng said blankly.

“Impossible! Nonsense! How could the king die?” Madam Hua Yang didn’t believe in winning the government, but in a flash, she wanted to understand the meaning of these words, “You killed the king? You want to rebel?”

Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Gao and motioned.

Xiao Zhao held up the tray with a red jug and a white jade glass on it.

“The king has already given the dove wine, and he also invites his wife to go on the road immediately!” Zhao Gaohan said.

Seeing this hip flask, Mrs. Hua Yang was even more frightened, shocked both physically and mentally.

She recognizes this thing.

Drinking wine is a miracle medicine, while glasses of wine are highly toxic!

An Guojun is usually in poor health. When taking this poisonous wine, most of it is served by Mrs. Huayang. She is very aware of the effect of this thing.

“Where is Miao Du? Where is Miao Du? How could the net fail!” Mrs. Hua Yang said with a flustered expression.

“Luo Net did not fail, it was you who failed!” Ying Zheng said indifferently, “Poison is just a clown. Do you want to rely on him to deal with me? It’s so stupid!”

“No, that’s not right! Win Zheng, you can’t treat me like that! I’m your grandmother!” Madam Hua Yang’s voice began to tremble, she retreated to the corner, her arms tightly clasped together, and her body shrank into a ball.

“Oh! Why do you think of this relationship until you are dying?” Ying Zheng sighed, “If you take me as your grandson, why would you still deal with me deliberately?”

In the final analysis, Mrs. Huayang was the real culprit, and Guojun An was completely bewitched by her.

If it were not for Mrs. Huayang’s instigation time and time again, how could An Guojun be so jealous of winning politics?

“To win the government, do you want to avenge your grievances? It’s a terrible heart! If it weren’t for me to take in your father, how could your father become a prince? How could you escape from Handan? You wanted to kill me, did you ask your father? Or is your family frantic?”

Mrs. Hua Yang did not say anything to beg for mercy, nor did she shout, but her emotions became more and more agitated, and her expression became more and more sad.

She is a proud woman!

Even she was one of the few women who had ideals in that era!

Marrying away to Qin is entirely her own desire.

Thinking that the Empress Dowager who was also born in Chu country back then was dominated by power in the entire Qin country.What kind of scenery is that?

However, the Queen Mother Xuan did not really play a role in safeguarding the State of Chu.

Mrs. Hua Yang’s goal is to become a woman like the Queen Mother.If one day can achieve the status of the Queen Mother, she will definitely make Qin and Chu become intimate, and there will be no conflict between Qin and Chu.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to marry the winning pillar of the age of no doubt as a teenage girl.

Even if Yingzhu has broken her body, and even the life of husband and wife is rarely carried out, Mrs. Huayang still does not regret it.Until Yingzhu became the prince, she finally turned around and saw the hope of achieving her goals!

She paid too much.

For nearly two decades, Mrs. Huayang has always devoted her best to serving Yingzhu, pleased him, pleased him, and cared about him in every possible way.

To stand out from among the many women, it is not the identity, but the wholehearted devotion and dedication.

Yingzhu felt this intention and made Hua Yang his wife.

Living like a widow, I have endured it for nearly 20 years, and I have never overstepped the rules!

Not without desire and passion.

After she was able to control part of the power of Luo Wang, in order to better buy people’s hearts, she had specifically investigated some people inside Luo Wang.

She even knew that the virgin thing could move the wheel.

But Mrs. Hua Yang has never used any brains in that aspect.Her body belongs only to the winning pillar, and it is impossible to be encroached on by other men, not to mention the lowly status of Melting Poison?

She wants to make sure that she is always the most favored one, and she wants to keep no stains from the inside out!

Seeing that all the plans went smoothly, but out of thin air drove a 1.3 wins.

It abruptly blocked the future of the Chu Family!

Regarding Mrs. Hua Yang’s questioning, Winning didn’t care, he had endured a lot, and he didn’t owe anyone.

Which disturbance was not caused by Mrs. Huayang?

That time there was no shadow of Mrs. Huayang?

These things are very clear in Win Zheng’s heart!

Too lazy to care about it.

If it hadn’t been for Mrs. Huayang to have done too much this time, she would still be too lazy to care about winning the government, and she would wait until her cheap father succeeded, and there would not be so many turmoil.

Only one year!

“It seems that grandmother is not willing to go with the king?”

“Xiao Gao, send Mrs. Huayang on the road! Let her walk decently!”

After all, Yingzheng walked out of the room.

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