Chapter 156 Zichu succeeds to the throne, King Qin Zhuangxiang! [First update, please customize]

In the middle of the night, Wang Yi’s mansion was still brightly lit, and a group of military generals were all drunk, and only Wang Jian was in a better state and remained somewhat awake.

At this moment, the door of the mansion was slammed and slammed, and the concierge woke up from a deep sleep and hurried to open the door.

It is not an ordinary thing to smash the door at such a late night, and it cannot be an ordinary person.

The concierge did not even ask, and opened the small door directly.

The visitor was a palace guard who was once selected by Wang Yi’s army. At this moment, he is still wearing armor.

The guard greeted him and said a few words briefly, and the concierge quickly took him to the room where Wang Gan and others had a banquet.

Wang Gan was about to drink it on the wine table, still talking nonsense:

“Why don’t Yingzhu’s family member go to death?”

The other generals also confused:

“Hua Huayang and Mr. Yang Yangquan! A special group of Chu people from the Chu Kingdom, the Great Qin is over!”

If it is normal, if you dared to criticize the current King Qin and the queen in this way, the charge would be very serious, but there is still no such worry in Wang Qian’s mansion.

The guard walked into the room, and the first thing he saw was Wang Yi.

“General! Your Royal Highness has an order, please organize your lieutenant generals to go to the palace for funerals.” The guard reported in a loud voice.

“The mourning? What kind of mourning? Huh? Little six?” Wang Yi was already drinking so much that his tongue was too big.

“The Great King, His Royal Highness is presiding over the overall situation, calling a group of ministers to administer the funeral.” Xiao Liuzi replied with a bow.

“Great King Wan!!!” Wang Yi’s brain seemed to be smashed by a heavy hammer, and he suddenly regained consciousness.

After Zi Chu received the old eunuch’s message in the Prince’s Mansion, he was immediately overjoyed. He laughed a few times, suddenly woke up, put away his laughter, and then started howling and crying. The voice was simply moving, Oscar. !

“Father! Why did you go like this, Father, 々!” Zi Chu’s cry awakened the entire Prince’s Mansion.

The old eunuch and Lu Buwei hurriedly encouraged him, but Zi Chu also accepted the cry and hurried to the palace.

When you arrive at the inner hall of the palace, the first thing is to check the scene and the will in the sleeping hall!

An Guojun was lying peacefully, while Mrs. Huayang was kneeling on the ground, with her upper body lying on the chest and abdomen of An Guojun, and her arms surrounding An Guojun, which was a beautiful scene of husband and wife.

Trays, red wine jugs, and white jade wine glasses are all neatly placed on the head of the bed.

There is a scroll on the case table, which is the will of An Guojun.

Zi Chu and Lu Buwei looked at the scrolls together. It was the handwriting of An Guojun and the seal of King Qin. They must not be faked at all.

Although what is happening now is a bit weird and unintelligible, the content on the scroll is reasonable, and there is no omission.

Up to this time, the two people really determined the current situation.

Ecstasy, filled the hearts of the two!

“Brother Lu, what happened? Isn’t all this dreaming?” Zi Chu asked excitedly.

“His Royal Highness don’t want to call Brother Lu anymore, the Weichen can’t afford it!” Lu Buwei suppressed his joy and replied respectfully.

The old eunuch reminded:

“His Royal Highness, the most urgent task is to treat the funeral of the king!”

“Yes, my father is very filial, and you can’t delay anything behind him!” Zi Chu reacted.

“His Royal Highness, the two generations of kings have gone one month after another, and the situation will inevitably be chaotic! To prevent accidents, we must first obtain the maintenance of military generals!” Lu Buwei’s mind is relatively clear and he knows that the current situation is critical.

“Yes! The order goes on and invites two generals, Wang Yi and Wang Jian, to enter the palace! In addition, immediately go to the fief of Ding Tianjun, summon Ding Tianjun to lead the Tigers into the palace to maintain order!” Zi Chu also made the most cautious Decide.

The victory of his precious son in politics is his greatest reliance!

The eunuch in the palace held a special order from the prince, and began to act separately.

The winning government over the fief was already ready. The three thousand tiger roar army was ready to go. As soon as the eunuch who sent the order arrived, the winning government immediately brought the tiger roar army to the palace.

The first to reach the palace is to win the government.

Seeing that Ying Zheng had arrived with the Tiger Howling Army, Zi Chu was completely relieved, no longer had any scruples, and began to arrange for the eunuchs of the palace to go out and summon the court officials and the royal family members to come to the palace for mourning.

Time is short, and Wang Yi and Wang Jian also rushed over with military generals. They couldn’t see the hangover at all. With their strength, they could easily solve the drunkenness.

As soon as the old Qin forces arrived, they also learned about the situation in advance and expressed their support. Zi Chu’s heart became more secure.

One after another, the rest of the courtiers, powers and responsibilities, and clan relatives, all arrived.

The important ministers and the royal family members checked An Guojun’s will. Although the content was a bit far-fetched, it was hard to believe, but the authenticity does not need to be questioned.

Winning Zi Chu to inherit the throne and win the government to become the prince, this is also a matter that has been set long ago, and there is no objection.

Afterwards, Zi Chu held a simple ceremony with the support of important officials, even if he became King of Qin.

There are a thousand people in the family, one person in charge!

After confirming Zi Chu’s position, it is justifiable to do anything.

Then it will officially enter the funeral process.

The ceremonial officials just performed the funeral of King Zhaoxiang, and within a month, they came again!

They can also be regarded as gaining experience, and they are organized in order to do things.

The officials paid homage to the remains of An Guojun according to the ritual system, chanting meritorious deeds, and beautiful articles; the sorrows and joys in the palace also sounded, all according to the rank of the king.

It lasted from midnight to noon the next day, and the funeral ceremony of King An was over.

Although tired, everyone can’t care about it anymore.

(For money)

The last item is the court ceremony, that is, Zi Chu’s first preaching after he became King Qin.

Above the court hall, the civil and military officials were separated from each other. Zi Chu stood in the forefront of the courtiers, dressed in mourning clothes, and with the winning government.

The old eunuch renewed his will and read it out loud.

After that, Zi Chu accepted the edict and officially ascended to the throne, occupying the throne!

The ceremonial officials organized civil and military officials to worship the new king.

After a whole night of hard work, Ying Zichu’s mood became more and more excited.He has been waiting for this moment, the moment it truly became King Qin!

This moment of sitting on the throne!

He doesn’t need to keep filial piety for a year.

According to the ancestral system, the new king Shouxiao and the prince supervise the country.

The age that can win the government is too young to have the qualifications to supervise the country.

Choosing a good day and auspicious day, Zi Chu can hold the succession ceremony and completely become the King of Qin.

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