Chapter 153 Qin Xiaowen, King! [Second more, please customize]

When Zhao Gao handed the poisoned liquor to An Guojun, An Guojun, who was in his fifties, began to tremble with fear.

Ants are still alive, let alone people?

“Are you trying to rebel?” An Guojun confided in anger.

Ying Zheng smiled faintly:

“Why did the king say this? It is obvious that the king was overwhelmed during his filial piety. He missed the ancestor day and night, and voluntarily followed the underground. How did he cause rebellion?”

“The great king’s filial piety can prove that the world, the sun and the moon, and the Qin country all admire it!”

An Guojun’s eyelids throbbed wildly, and his hands kept trembling. He didn’t know if he was frightened or angry.

Looking at the glass of “good wine” close at hand, he felt regretful in his heart.

He had known that he would force the victory to this point, and he would never listen to Mrs. Hua Yang’s words!

That is simply a femme-hearted woman!

Without Mrs. Huayang’s provocation, he would not have any fear of winning the government at first.

No need at all!

Winning the government is already recognized by everyone as the future king of Qin, what can’t be understood by the loyal support of the courtiers?

It was he who won the column himself. Since becoming a prince, he has also been surrounded by a group of courtiers who voluntarily follow him. This is a normal thing.

With great military exploits, both civil and military, and attention to people’s livelihood, what’s wrong with this?

All of this benefited from the Qin State, and the final achievements would be counted on King Qin’s head!

The courtiers praised more, what is so jealous of?

As for the reputation of the court, the maintenance of the old Qin people, and the sword in the court, isn’t it because he won the pillar and did extremely unfair things himself?

Monarch Yangquan rose without success, Monarch Dingtian fell with great merit, and the old Qin people helped the future King Qin to support him, it was normal!

In addition, the old Qin drew his sword and never pointed the sword at King Qin.

When he was dying, An Guojun’s mind suddenly became extremely transparent, thinking about everything clearly.

“Zheng’er, if the widow didn’t send a net to assassinate you, what would you do?” An Guojun calmed down.

Zhao Gao still held the poisoned wine respectfully, motionless.

Ying Zheng felt the change in An Guojun’s mentality, and after a little analysis in his mind, he could guess the reason.

But the matter is here, the reason is not important anymore.

“I can’t do anything!” Ying Zheng said calmly.

An Guojun’s forehead slightly, his eyes didn’t care about the poisonous wine in front of him.

“Oh! The widow is confused for a while! It’s too late to say anything now, haha!” An Guojun smiled self-deprecatingly, “Zheng’er, do you have to take the life of Grandpa?,

Yingzheng glanced at An Guojun coldly, without comment.

Reluctantly shook his head, An Guojun felt sorrow and grief in his heart.

I finally managed to get to the position of King Qin, and the current state of Qin is still stronger than ever before!

Blame yourself!

Everything is to blame!

If these silly things are not done, Da Qin dominates the world, it is likely to become a reality in his time.

What is there to fight with your grandson?

After a moment of silence, An Guojun’s eyes with a resolute and resolute look, staring at the victory without evasiveness.

“Grandpa damn it! But you can’t die in your hands! The royal family has too many tragedies, power is lost and crazy! The king can be ruthless, but grandpa will not let you bear the notoriety of killing ancestors!”

Ying Zheng looked at An Guojun with a little surprise, as if the person in front of him was not the same person at all.

Under the gaze of Ying Zheng, An Guojun got up from the bed, walked to the book table in the bedroom, and unfolded a delicate scroll.

This thin leather scroll is only used when recording the most important events.

An Guojun took the pen and ink, and began to write with a calm mind, and he also said something in his mouth:

“The former king passed away, and the widow was worried and thoughtful. I wish I could not follow Quanxia.

“The widow’s filial piety can’t be kept for more than a month, and the prince supervises the country. As soon as the complicated state affairs are under the hands of the prince, the ability of governing the country is slightly better than that of the widow.”

“At this time of the national funeral, the Three Jins came off. Fortunately, Taisun won the government and was ordered to turn the tide. The commander of the coalition army was slashed and the land of the upper party was regained, and the world was shocking! The great Qin is fortunate!”

“The prince and grandson were all set by the ancestors. The ancestors’ knowledge and talents are ashamed of themselves! As a result, the worry is even greater.

“Fang Jinda Qin Antai, capable ministers and good generals will come forth in large numbers, filial sons and good grandchildren can inherit the general rule, and there is no worries for the few.

“The widow’s intention to Zen lies in the prince, and the prince is filial, and he will not follow it. After thinking and thinking, the widow has reached the fate of the year, the state affairs and government are overwhelmed, and the spring down filial piety is what the widow wants.”

0……Look for flowers…

“Mrs. Xijun Huayang is well aware of the meaning of few people, and she is willing to follow, and she is very relieved to be a few people, and let it be!”

“The widow will go to the spring here, and the Great Qin will win the son Chu as the king, and win the government as the prince.

“Da Qin Yonggu!”

An Guojun’s speech was very slow, and he finished speaking and writing.

When a person is about to die, his words are good; when a bird is about to die, his song is also sad.

But the actions of An Guojun before his death could not be interpreted by “the words are also good”.


Be it!

“Even if the widows don’t say anything, you will definitely not let go of your grandmother, right?” An Guojun raised his brows.

Ying Zheng quietly watched An Guojun finish all this, and in the face of his inquiry, he nodded gently.


The poison of power, the most poisonous thing lies in knowing that it is poison, and those in power are still willing to do it!

Although the current An Guojun regained his sanity in the face of death, his attitude towards winning the government is likely to be even worse after he is out of this state.

With the clear mind of winning the government, this is very clear! There will be no feminine kindness!

An Guojun took the seal of King Qin and printed it heavily on the scroll.

Then, he walked to a shelf in the sleeping hall, raised his hand and picked up a red hip flask.

“This is a very poisonous wine and a life-saving medicine. You can only drink a very small amount every day. In fact, Grandpa’s body is already very bad, and he can’t do without all kinds of drugs all day long. Living is also suffering, hehe!”

Drinking utensils were placed next to the shelf. An Guojun filled a glass of wine in the jug and walked steadily back to the bed.

“Zheng’er, grandpa is poisoned deeply, forgive grandpa!” An Guojun drank his glass of wine in one gulp and looked straight at Yingzheng, with a pleading expression in his eyes.

Ying Zheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath of air, exhaled heavily, and nodded gently.

A smile appeared on An Guojun’s face.

He covered the quilt himself, and closed his eyelids peacefully.

It was night, Qin Xiaowen and Wang Yingzhu, and hong was in bed.

As he himself said, his body had already been severely damaged.

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