Chapter 152 King Xiaowen Qin, please die! [First update, please customize]

The man in Chinese clothes walked slowly in front, his feet seemed a little heavy, his back seemed to be staggering.

An Guojun frowned.

This figure is a bit familiar, but he just can’t remember it.

While he was thinking about it, the man in Chinese clothes in front of him stopped, his head tilted slightly, then he twisted his waist and turned his head back.

Han Ran! It was the King Han who had just died!

An Guojun recognized it at a glance.

In those days, under the threat of King Zhaoxiang, Han Wangran had no choice but to come to Qin to worship in person. It was at that time that King An saw Han Ran.

“An Guojun, you are so lucky to have such an amazing grandson!” Han Ran smiled helplessly.

“Bold Han Ran! Don’t you know that the widow is the King of Qin? An Guojun is just a former title, how can I still be called this title now?” An Guojun was very angry.

“Haha! King Qin? You deserve it too? In the court, your words are not as effective as winning politics. How can you shamelessly think that you are King Qin?” Han Ran’s words were full of contempt and ridicule.


Even the little King Han dared to laugh at the widow?!

An Guojun rushed into the crown, raised his hand and pointed:

“Han Ran, don’t think that if you die, the widow will not be able to cure you! Isn’t Han country still there? The widow will send troops immediately and completely destroy your Han country!”

280 Hearing these words, Han Ran’s expression remained unchanged, but he turned his head back again and continued to walk towards the unknown distance.His ghastly and hollow voice came from a distance:

“An Guojun, the widow is waiting for you in front.”


In the dark night, An Guojun suddenly woke up, opened his eyes and sat up, panting heavily, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead.

It turned out that it was just a dream.

“The mere King Han dare to scream in front of the widows! Humph! However, the winner must be eliminated!” An Guojun said to himself.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that the king would miss his grandson so much?” Another voice came from the empty bedroom.

“Who!” An Guojun was really taken aback this time.

In silence, the candle in the room lit up.

The figures of Yingzheng and Zhao Gao clearly appeared in front of An Guojun.

“.. Zheng’er?” An Guojun was shocked at first, and then forced himself to calm down, “Why are you here? In the middle of the night, I came to the widow’s bedroom and brought outsiders?”

“Zheng’er, you really are a little out of compliance! (aibd)”

The action to assassinate Yingzheng was scheduled tonight, and King An knew well that now that he saw Yingzheng appearing in the palace, then the assassination plan of the net must have changed!

Very likely

The whole plan is exposed!

“Why does grandson come here, the king really doesn’t know?” Ying Zheng sarcastically said.

“How can the widow know?” An Guojun denied, “Zheng’er, take people away quickly, for your father’s sake, plus you have made great contributions to Qin Guo, so the widow will not be held accountable!

An Guojun became a little frightened, and he was afraid of winning the government.

What Meng Yu said in his mouth was an empty soft man with a strong body of force, just like Monarch An.

Although the military force of King An is really nothing in the face of winning politics, he is also a half-step innate master at any rate, so he should be tough.

Without being tempered by blood and fire in the battlefield, An Guojun was far worse than the previous King Qin.

At this time, Ying Zheng listened to An Guojun’s words, smiled faintly, and said casually:

“You also know that I have made great contributions to the Qin State? Isn’t that enough to defeat the rebellion, kill and win Zixi, defeat the Three Jin coalition forces, and subdue the Shangdang?

“I have done so much for Qin State, born to death, what did I get in exchange for? You actually want to kill me!

“How can Yangquan Jun He De? What has he done? Why do he occupy the position of prime minister? What credit is there?”

The tone of winning the government was extremely calm and did not appear to be so angry.

He was just stating, stating these facts.

There was no respect for a series of questioning words, but An Guojun couldn’t take care of those anymore.

“Zheng’er, don’t be deceived! How could Grandpa want to kill you? I have no reason to do it! As for Jun Yangquan, he is indeed meritorious in the country. You don’t have to doubt it.” An Guojun quibbled.

“Grandpa? Oh, so we still have this relationship?” Ying Zheng sneered, “This is the reason why you can live to the present! When you sent the net killer, there was no family relationship between us anymore. At all!”

“The one who cut off the family relationship is yourself!”

“Zheng’er, what kind of killer you are talking about, grandpa doesn’t even know! Grandpa will never send a snare to deal with you!” An Guojun heard Yingzheng’s unfeeling words, and he became more frightened in his heart and desperately explained.

Zhao Gao, Zianri, Xuan Jian, and Chaoshen all stood silently behind Ying Zheng, staring coldly at the poor acting An Guojun.

This is the superior King Qin?

Is this the most noble man among the Seven Kingdoms?

Compared with King Zhaoxiang, it is far worse!

A few of them had the honor to meet King Zhaoxiang in the farm. This is the only meeting. King Zhaoxiang’s unruffled, open-minded and wise image has been deeply imprinted in their memory. in.

The Lord An in front of him, he didn’t inherit a little bit!

As for the comparison with the son, it is even more incomparable.

The invisible aura on the young master is stronger than that of the king Zhaoxiang! King Zhaoxiang carries the calmness of an elder, while the young master carries the sharpness of a young man.

“Win the pillar, don’t hide it, it will look ridiculous for you. Because of your selfishness and incompetence, you are worried that I will threaten your position, so you don’t let me participate in the affairs of the court, so I promoted Yangquan to check and balance me. In the court’s influence, am I right?

“It’s so stupid to let these crawlers target me!”

Such straightforward words made An Guojun’s face look earthy.

“It’s just checks and balances, then I don’t take it seriously, but you still want to take my life! Just relying on the virgin drug? Do you think he can do it?” A trace of disdain flashed in Ying Zheng’s eyes.

Hearing the name Miao Du, An Guojun could no longer argue.

“Yingzhu, in any case, you are also the King of Qin, I can give you a personal face. Tonight, Quan is the king’s filial piety, you think too much, and willingly follow the ancestor in the underground.” Yingzheng said coldly.

Xiao Zhao Gao walked out from behind Ying Zheng, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and respectfully came to An Guojun.

“Big King, the little one has already prepared a good wine for you. After drinking this glass of wine, you can follow the king!” Xiao Zhao bowed his head and handed the glass over. .

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