Chapter 151 Enter the Qin Palace at night, draw the net of minions! [Fourth update, please customize]

Wang Yi couldn’t understand Wang Jian’s words even more.

The great king has excluded Ding Tianjun from the court, how can he suppress it any more?

Wang Jian did not continue to talk in depth, and everything was just his guess, and that kind of result might not happen.

However, the gloominess on Mrs. Huayang’s face and the dissatisfaction on An Guojun’s face lingered in Wang Jian’s mind.

In order to stabilize one’s power, what can’t happen?

In the houses in Xianyang, Miao Du and the assassins were waiting calmly.

According to the plan, the poisoning should have been completed, and if everything goes well, the insiders of the net should feed back the results as soon as possible.

In short time, a middle-aged man in a servant costume broke the courtyard wall and entered the room where the gangster was.

Miao Du hurriedly greeted him, the two murmured a few words, the middle-aged man turned and left the house.

“It’s done!” Poison said excitedly, “Let’s go, go to the base camp and bring everyone together!’

The other people also showed excitement on their faces, and left the house following the explosive poison.

This small house is nothing more than a meeting point, and the net has always been so cautious in doing things.

Within the Luowang base camp, nearly two hundred people were standing in a neat line in the courtyard. These were all the Luowang members who could gather in Xianyang City.

When Miao Du came here with more than a dozen people, he saw this scene.

Nodded with satisfaction, Duo raised her arm and was about to give an order to start.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked out of the queue of two hundred people.

Miao Du’s brows were frowned, and he was a little annoyed.

When did these killers and intelligence personnel become so unruly?

When he looked carefully, he felt a little strange.

A little bit of starlight fell, and Xiao Zhao Gao’s face appeared in front of Miao Du!

“Why are you here, 々?” Dudu asked suspiciously.

He still knew the “big steward” in Dingtianjun’s fief, and he had met him once.

“Melting poison, do you still need me to remind you what you are doing?” Xiao Zhao Gao said disdainfully.

What are you doing?

One sentence reminded Mu Du, and he immediately remembered the meaning of Zhao Gao’s appearance here.

The plan was revealed!

Even the base camp of the net has been exposed!

In an instant, Mu Du’s figure violently retreated, and moved away from Zhao Gao.

The dozen or so people who came with Mu Du are all iron rods of the Chu family, and they are also high-level figures in the net. Their status is second only to Mu Du.

They haven’t reacted to such a weird scene for a while.

Only when Mu Du shouted to the two hundred people:

“kill him!”

As soon as the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, raising his hand to pierce the poisonous heart with a sword.

Under the circumstances of a huge threat to his life, Miao Du exploded to his greatest potential, and quickly exerted force on his waist, avoiding the vital points.

A sword that covered the sun pierced Poison’s back diagonally, but failed to pierce his heart.

But with the other two swords that followed, the explosive poison was unable to escape.

Xuan Jian’s black and white double swords took advantage of the moment that Poison turned around, and at the same time pierced into Poison’s heart!


With a scream, Miao Du fell to the ground with a face full of disbelief, blood flowed well.

At the same time, the two hundred killers in the courtyard also moved.

Their target is a dozen people behind Mu Po.

When these people hadn’t reacted yet, two hundred snare killers had already rushed in front of them.

No more than two hundred people were used at all, and only a few dozen people actually took the shots.

Puff puff!

“Ah!” “Ah!”

The screams were particularly harsh at night. With derogatory effort, the few core figures of the Chu forces in the net have been killed.

Xiao Zhao Gao made a few more feet on Miao Du’s body and spit:

“Bah! You guys still want to count on the son? Something beyond your control!’

It wasn’t until this time that Ying Zheng just walked out of the main room, glanced lightly at the dead corpses all over the floor, and glanced at Sakura Poison’s body twice more.

After confirming that the gangster had died too much, Yingzheng withdrew his gaze.

With a cold face, the chaos who accompanies Yingzheng, the main responsibility is to cooperate with his son to pretend to be 13.

He was holding a large seat in his hand. When Yingzheng stood still, Chaoshen placed the chair behind Yingzheng.

Yingzheng sat firmly in the chair.

The two hundred assassins resumed their previous strict alignment, and the dead bodies on the ground no longer looked at them.

Their sights are all focused on those who win the government.

**” Since the first king handed Luowang’s seal to my master, this is the first time we have met officially. You made the right choice and did not disappoint my master. ”

“The net is a sharp sword of Da Qin, and he has made a lot of contributions to Da Qin. This is very clear to this monarch.”

“I hope you can become a sharp sword in the hands of this lord in the future!”

When Ying Zheng was speaking, he released the spirit of the emperor. The majestic, domineering, inviolable and rebellious aura instantly suppressed the two hundred net killers in front of him.

Their hearts were all inexplicably shocked, and immediately, the killers knelt down to Yingzheng, and shouted in a deep voice:

“The liver and the brain are smeared on the ground, I will do my best!”

Win Zheng Weiwei’s first line:

“Well, very good! From today, this lord has appointed Zhao Gao as the leader of the net! Many of you have dealt with Zhao Gao before, and I hope you can keep it going and continue to work together.”

The reason why Zhao Gao was appointed as the leader of Luowang was actually just an expedient measure, because Zhao Gao and these people are more familiar with it.

In the later period, it is impossible to win the government to give all the power of the net to Zhao Gao, and most of it will inevitably be divided. Of course, that is something later.

The actions of the palace are what we will pay attention to next to win the government.

An Guojun and Mrs. Huayang, since these two people have been murderous in winning the government, then winning the government naturally cannot disappoint them.

In the palace at this moment, An Guojun was lying on the bed alone, thinking about various ideas in his heart.

Ordering Luo Wang to get rid of the victory in politics, he did make a decision on impulse, but he did not regret it. The situation above the court has seriously threatened his status.

If you want to make your throne stable, you can only do this!

Then he thought of the peerless talent for winning politics, and the various credits made by winning politics, he couldn’t help shook his head slightly.

The struggle for power has always been extremely cruel!

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