Chapter 148 Use force on the spot, confront the court! [First update, please customize]

In the Warring States Period, the term “xiang” was used in many ways. Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Prime Minister, and Prime Minister on the Left, Prime Minister on the Right, Prime Minister, Family Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister and so on.

But when it comes to specific official positions, “prime minister” and “xiangguo” did not exist in the Warring States Period.

The prime minister is just a respectable name, equivalent to the first person among a hundred officials.

The name Xiangguo only appeared in the Han Dynasty. It evolved from “Xiangbang”, and the word “bang” of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, had the official position of Xiangguo.

As far as Qin State was concerned, King Huiwen set up the official position of Xiangbang, and King Wu was ashamed to join the Six Nations, and changed the position of Xiangbang that Zhang Yi had once served as Prime Minister of the Right and Left.

During the reign of King Zhaoxiang, he implemented the strategy of distant ties and close attacks. Chaoyi did not continue to despise the Six Nations, and once again added the post of Xiangbang, and the left and right prime ministers became the deputy of Xiangbang.

Cai Ze, the prime minister, was recommended by Fan Sui (ju), the predecessor of the State of Qin, and Wang Zhaoxiang readily agreed, because he was the only one, and there was no control.

Later, Fan Diao withdrew from the court, and the only person in the Qin State who could be called the “xiang” was Cai Ze. In the eyes of the common people, his status was equivalent to being the prime minister.

The rewards given by An Guojun to the heroes are completely different.

This person Yangquan Jun actually has some abilities, otherwise he would not become one of the core figures of the Chu family.

However, because of this kind of vain military merits and direct promotion to the prime minister, the civil and military officials still felt a bit far-fetched in their hearts.

This is nothing, after all, King Qin is still the biggest, and hundreds of officials can’t offend King Qin with this kind of thing.

When King Zhaoxiang was alive, didn’t he promote whoever he wanted to promote?

Which courtier dared to say “no”?

The arrangement for winning the government is really unjustifiable!

The magnificent Ding Tianjun, Wen Tao and martial arts, they are all known to the world, and the peerless talent is unprecedented, and the tangible achievements of war are also there.

Why didn’t you let it go?

The power of the old Qin people is almost the iron rod for winning politics, and they are most uncomfortable.

“Majesty, Ding Tianjun has just made great contributions on the front line. It should be reused. How can we prevent Ding Tianjun from participating in political affairs because of his age?” Wang Yi objected immediately.

Wang Yu came back with Ying Zheng, and Meng Yu remained at Hangu Pass due to physical reasons and post-war matters.

An Guojun was a little displeased upon hearing this.

This is simply openly questioning King Qin’s decision!

It is a challenge to King Qin’s majesty!

It’s just that Wang Yi is the representative of the old Qin forces, and he himself has made great achievements. Coupled with the fact that what people said is reasonable, An Guojun also had to say something to deal with it.

“Old General, this is a terrible statement! The meaning of being widowed is to cherish Ding Tian and see your emperor! With Ding Tian Jun’s peerless talent, now the most important thing is martial arts cultivation. Is that so? There are too many ministers in the court to share the worries of the widows, Ding Tianjun only needs to practice with peace of mind!

Another person walked out of the military attache, but it was Wang Jian.

His military position was in the north, but Meng Yu temporarily let him go to the south to take on important tasks. The confrontation between Qin and Chu ended and Wang Jian returned to Xianyang from the south to report the war.

“To the great king, when the former king was alive, he once granted Dingtian Jun the privilege to listen to the government, and it has not been taken back today. The former king has also said that this privilege is for the Dingtian Jun to contact political affairs in advance, for the sake of the future. prepare for!”

Wang Jian hesitated a little, but still carried out the words of King Zhaoxiang.

Although the term “Tai Sun” is a bit nondescript, everyone understands the meaning contained in it! How could the imperial grandson of King Zhaoxiang not even allow the Shang Dynasty?

Wang Jian, who has always been prudent, said such remarks. In fact, the deeper meaning is to test An Guojun’s thoughts. The matter of assigning victory to the front line of Hangu Pass is already a bit wrong. Now he is even more connected to the court to participate in politics. Deprived of power!

What does Win Column want to do?

Self-destructive foundation?

Sure enough, when Wang Jian said these few words, An Guojun was speechless, his face was embarrassed, and he didn’t know how to tell the difference.

At this moment, Mrs. Hua Yang, who had been hiding in the side hall, couldn’t help but walk into the hall.

“You are so courageous! Where is the turn of King Qin’s decision? Do you want you to teach King Qin how to deal with political affairs?”

Mrs. Hua Yang’s eyes were angry, her chest undulating, she was obviously very angry, and she was frightened and angry.

Originally, the court could not allow her to come out to dominate the blessing, but the previous supervisory power still existed, and she was not abrupt when she came to the hall.

The BOSSS of the Chu family had spoken, and the younger brothers below naturally also had the confidence, not to be outdone, and began to accuse Wang Yi and Wang face to face.

“You people, do you want to disobey the king’s orders by relying on your military merits?”

“Wang Yi, has the victory on the front line already made you wonder about the south, east, north, and west?”

“What a courage! How dare to question the king!”

“General Wang Jian, why are you so unsure? The king’s order is for you to interrupt!”

“Don’t think that you are a native of Qin and you can ignore the court’s laws!”

“Hurry up and apologize to the king! Nian is waiting for you to eat and sleep, the king might still ignore it!”

For these civil officials of the Chu family, if they were to talk about the wind and the ability of the rudder and the mouth, Wang Jian and Wang Yu would definitely be riding a great horse and could only follow behind and eat the dirt, they were not opponents at all!

There is a saying in later generations called “Xiu Cai met soldiers, it is unreasonable to explain”!

Military attaches have never relied on their tongues, but their own martial arts.

Wang Jian and Wang Yi were the old Qin people who were speaking on behalf of the military. How could the old Qin people be so embarrassed at this time?

Ling! Ling!..

The old Qin among the military officers immediately drew out the saber around his waist and pointed it directly at the civil officer of the Chu family!

This is the privilege of the military attache. In addition to the long blades of Ge and Halberds, they can carry short weapons such as swords when they go to the palace.

The civil official of the Chu family immediately shut up when he saw this scene.

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses!

Who knows if this bunch of reckless men can do the bloody affairs?

The general who kills people on the battlefield is very grumpy!

For a time, the swords on the hall were tense, and the situation was extremely urgent!

An Guojun’s face was terribly dark, and he was extremely angry.

Although those swords didn’t directly point to his winning pillar, what’s the difference between them and put them directly on his neck?

Seeing that Chaotang was about to fall into an unmanageable situation, a chuckle entered the ears of everyone, and the words of victory came out:

“Yingzheng obeys the king’s order! There is no objection!” Factory,

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