Chapter 147 King Qin Xiaowen’s taboo, you don’t have to come to court in the future! [Fourth update, please customize]

In the early period of the Zhaoxiang King era, the core figures of the Chu family were the Empress Dowager Xuan and the four nobles of the Chu family.

But after King Zhaoxiang cleared out the Chu family, the new leader of the Chu family became Mrs. Huayang.

Among the core figures of the post-Chu family, apart from Mrs. Huayang and Jun Changping, the other is Jun Yangquan.

Jun Yangquan is the younger brother of Mrs. Huayang, and was given the title by King Zhaoxiang himself. Although the title is extremely noble, the position of Jun Yangquan in the court is dispensable and completely idle.

This is also such an arrangement deliberately made by King Zhaoxiang, and it is impossible for the Chu forces to have the chance to be unstoppable again.

It was at night when Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang. An Guojun had not summoned him, so he was too lazy to take the initiative to go to the palace to report on his duties, and rest in the fief for one night.

At the same time, Jun Yang Quan also came to visit relatives from Chu State and rushed to the palace to meet with Mrs. Huayang. He then retreated after telling some of the current situation in his hometown.

In the study room of King Zhaoxiang before his death, An Guojun was dealing with the affairs of the court, part of which was the courtier’s post-war summary of the Battle of Hangu Pass.

Lord 277 is about the military merits and rewards of the generals.

An Guojun felt annoyed by seeing this kind of things, but it was completely impossible for him to do real combat without awards, which made him extremely distressed.

At this moment, Mrs. Hua Yang quietly walked in, still holding a bowl of sweet potato porridge~

“My lord, don’t work too hard, your body is important!” Mrs. Hua Yang said softly.

“Oh! Madam, do you know what worries people most now?” An Guojun sighed heavily, and pointed to the bamboo slips in front of him, “Look at the content on it!”

Mrs. Hua Yang moved to the side of An Guojun and looked at the content on the bamboo slips, frowning slightly.

What the bamboo slips record is exactly the military merits of Yingzheng this time and the criteria for awards.

“My lord, these military exploits cannot be changed, and rewards have already been customized. Even if you are distressed, it will not help!”

The rewards and punishments of the army in the Qin law are the most detailed. Only in this way can the enthusiasm of the army be really mobilized, and so many people will sacrifice their lives to fight for their military merits.

“It’s just that, in this way, the prestige of winning the government will be even higher!” Mrs. Hua Yang said worriedly.

“How can the widow know what the madam said?” An Guojun sighed again.

“Even if there is no reward, the reputation of winning politics in the army and the people is already in full swing! Although the king can barely suppress him now, I am afraid that even the king will not have this ability in the near future” Mrs. Hua Yang She pursed her lips, her beautiful eyes turned wildly.

“What can I do, Madam?” An Guojun looked at Madam Huayang hopefully.

“In fact, the prestige of Yingzheng is mainly cultivated step by step by the first king!”

“If the former king hadn’t appointed him temporarily to attack Yiqu and capture Ying Zixi, he wouldn’t have the prestige he is now! He wants to gradually weaken this prestige.

“Just throw it away!” While speaking, Mrs. Hua Yang picked up the porridge bowl and placed it far away.

“Huh?” An Guojun’s eyes lit up, “Xiao Huayang, go on!”

“At the age of winning the government, it is far from reaching the age of the Shang Dynasty as an official. We don’t need him. In addition, those who support him, the king only needs to make some transfers, and it is not difficult to weaken them. ”

“You are King Qin, the means of checks and balances of power must be much better than the concubines!” Mrs. Hua Yang gave a flattering.

“Suppress a group and win a group. This method is naturally understood by the widows! But if you want to vigorously promote any talents, it requires merit, and it is impossible to casually!” An Guojun shook his head.

“Jun Yangquan retreated one hundred thousand from the enemy alone this time, is this kind of feat enough?” Madam Hua Yang said this shameless remark with a light smile~

“Jun Yangquan? Your brother? Isn’t he in Chu country? What retired? Oh! Not bad! It’s not an exaggeration to be promoted to the prime minister with such merit (aibd)!” An Guojun suddenly realized.

Morning morning the next day.

The expressions of the civil and military officials are all extremely excited, because today is the day when Ding Tianjun plenipotentiary representative General Hanguguan accepts the reward.

An Guojun’s face was also full of joy and smiles.

“Well, today is the day to discuss merits and deeds, Zhu Qing’s complexion looks good!” An Guojun first adjusted the atmosphere of the early dynasty.

All the ministers also echoed a few words with a smile.

“In this battle, there are two people who have made great contributions. It is indisputable!” An Guojun said solemnly, “Yangquan!”

“The minister is here!” Yang Quanjun hurried out of work to perform the ceremony.

It wasn’t until this time that the officials discovered that there was one more person in the court!

Yangquan Jun, a guy who rarely goes to court, why did he come to court today?

What’s the matter with him?

Just listen to An Guojun’s passionate voice:

“Mr. Yangquan, you can come forward during the crisis in the Great Qin Dynasty, and the widow is very gratified! When you are in danger, you are ordered to go into the Chu to clarify your interests and be courageous and courageous! What you do is in the eyes of the widow.”

“One hundred thousand Chu army, no match for my great Qin Yangquan!”

“For such a credit, the widow has dubbed you the right prime minister, the same rank as the left prime minister Cai Ze! But after all, you are still too young to be arrogant, and everything has to be learned from the left prime minister!”

The prime minister? One hundred thousand Chu army?

All the officials are regretful!

Cai Ze is the most daunting one!

Suddenly became Prime Minister Zuo?

Who am I? Where am I? What happened?

Jun Yangquan had been prepared for a long time. Hearing the king’s will for the seal, he immediately responded with neither humble nor arrogant response:

“Thanks to the great king for your reward! The Weichen must remember the teachings of the great king, and must learn a lot from Prime Minister Zuo!”

An Guojun pretended to be so majestic:

“Well, that’s right! The most important thing for young people is to guard against arrogance and rashness. They can’t take credit for a little achievement and be proud of themselves. Let’s keep working hard!”

Brother-in-law and brother-in-law are two people, just like singing double reeds, they work together perfectly and seamlessly.

The group of officials also reacted at this time, and the feeling is that the king An Guo put the credit of Chu’s retreat on Yangquan Jun!

Everyone knew that Chu State retired because Ding Tianjun frightened Chu State’s monarchs and officials, but how can this kind of thing be made clear?

Subsequently, under the order of An Guojun, the young eunuch read out the rewards of the generals in the Battle of Hangu Pass one by one according to the contents of the rewards prepared in advance.

Winning the government received a lot of money, and the scope of the fief was expanded to a hundred miles, which is not a treat.

However, after the little eunuch announced the award, An Guojun then said a few words to Ying Zheng in the court:

“Ding Tianjun made great achievements in the Battle of Hangu Pass. It is fortunate for the Great Qin! But, Zheng’er, you are still young after all, and you are not suitable for participating in court affairs. Starting tomorrow, you don’t have to come to court. !”

No need to come up..

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