Chapter 149 The contradiction is intensified, and the murderous intention of King Qin Xiaowen! [Second update, ask for customization]

Basically, it can be said that Yingzheng does not have the slightest affection for this grandfather of his own.

It was from the time when the prince’s mansion was compared to the fight, Yingzheng and An Guojun formally recognized each other, and in every incident that happened, An Guojun almost never stood on the side of winning the government.

Everything was just obeying King Zhaoxiang’s orders to do things, and there was no contact at all in private.

Even if there is a relationship between grandfather, grandson and father and son, the relationship still needs to be maintained continuously, and the emotions that are not maintained will inevitably become weaker.

Moreover, the relationship between Yingzheng and An Guojun is even more special.

If the grandchildren of An Guojun are all together, there are more than a hundred people, and a single grandson does not value him much; Yingzheng’s body is filled with another soul, and he has no sense of identity with this grandfather at all.

This also caused the family relationship between the two to be extremely weak.

The swords in the courtroom were tense, because the words of Yingzheng disappeared and collapsed. After expressing his opinion, he did not stay, turned around and strode out of the courtroom.

The trajectory of history is still roughly the same, and the life span of the winning column is only one year. There is no need to bother to deal with him at this time.

In fact, Yingzheng has roughly clarified An Guojun’s thoughts.

Before leaving for the letter Guguan, he personally arranged the intelligence focus of the Luonet, and almost all the movements of the DPRK and China were under the control of the winning government.

There is a problem with the food and grass supplying the front lines!

It is not that the Qin State does not have the national power to supply grain and grass, but that the relevant courtiers and small officials have done tricks in it.

Perhaps the winning government in the previous life did not have any talents that were exceptionally clever, but after practicing the emperor’s confession of gods, the first layer of Sun and Moon Tonghui was dedicated to enhancing the human’s fundamental understanding and temperament, and his mind became extremely because of this. Transparent, I don’t know how much more than the previous life!

It is the most terrifying part of the emperor’s conjuration technique that can improve the fundamental understanding of people!

Therefore, An Guojun’s thoughts have been guessed by Ying Zheng.

I don’t bother to care about it!

Why do you care about so much with a dying person?

On the other hand, Winning Government doesn’t care about what kind of big waves An Guojun or Mrs. Huayang can pull out.The force in their hands is not a threat to Winning Government at all!

However, Mrs. Huayang and An Guojun did not think so~

Mrs. Hua Yang’s current status is essentially a queen, but she still needs to wait for the official succession of King An to be regarded as justified.

The rise in status will intensify people’s ambitions!

Like An Guojun, Mrs. Huayang is also indulged in the wonderful pleasure brought by power.

She enjoys the reverence and fear of the eyes around her, and enjoys the superiority of life and death in one word. She will not give up all this, she wants more!

The way to continue power is to make Xiao Cheng Jiao the successor of King Qin!

But winning politics is like a stubborn stumbling block that forcibly stands in this way.

Moreover, this stumbling block is becoming more and more huge, even with the full support of Lao Qin people, Cheng Jiao wants to cross this stone, it is almost impossible.

If you want to make the continuation of power smooth, then winning politics must be eliminated!

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Mrs. Huayang’s eyes became more intense, and her eyes grew gloomy with the back of Yingzheng leaving.

An Guojun snorted coldly and broke up the meeting.

The set goal has been achieved, but the process is very unpleasant.

If it weren’t for winning the government and “retiring in the face of difficulties”, this time it might really be a tragedy that will cause blood and blood.

Returning to the apse, An Guojun poured a few large glasses of wine fiercely into his anger.

When time was short, Mrs. Hua Yang walked in from outside.

“Why is the king drinking boring wine alone?” Mrs. Hua Yang asked knowingly.

An Guojun squinted at Madam Huayang, and said nothing. He was in a bad mood and didn’t want to talk.

“The concubine wants to get rid of the winning government!” Madam Huayang looked straight at An Guojun, waiting for his reply.

“Huh?” An Guojun turned his head, frowned and looked at Mrs. Hua Yang.

In fact, although he himself is afraid of winning politics, he has not considered taking direct shots to get rid of it. idea.

Chu’s credential, Han’s gifts, these respects from the outside also made him feel the majesty of King Qin, and these are all the merits of winning the government.

Therefore, the threat of winning the government is a bit bigger, and it is still useful!

On the other hand, no matter how weak family affection is, winning politics is still his grandson.

Mrs. Hua Yang saw An Guojun’s thoughts, but she did not give up.

“Great King, can’t you make up this determination? Look at what happened in the court today! Those old Qin people dare to draw their swords in the hall!”

“It’s just that I won’t let you win the government for the time being. Wang Yi and Wang Jian dare to question you in court! What does this show?”

“Winning the government has long been able to respond in the court! If he has any thoughts of disobedience in his heart, the consequences will be unimaginable!”

“Above Chaotang, if you just say a word, you can calm down the fight immediately. His words are more useful than yours!”

“Who is the current King Qin?”

“It took you more than fifty years to finally get to where you are today. Do you just want to be such a King Qin?”

Mrs. Hua Yang became more and more excited when she talked about it, her eyes turned red when she talked about it.

The most unbearable thing for men is the aggressiveness of women. This is a kind of nature. Male creatures instinctively want to show their strength in front of female creatures.

The same goes for An Guojun, who is in his fifties.

Seeing his most beloved woman fight for himself, the anger in his own heart also began to ignite.

Isn’t it because a person is drunk alone because he wins politics?

As the most noble King Qin 1.3 among the Seven Kingdoms, how could it be possible to endure this insult?

How could kingship be trampled on in this way?

It’s done!

An Guojun finally made a murderous move.

There are more than 20 sons and more than 100 grandsons, so it’s not too bad to win politics!

As for the personal strength to win the government

Innate masters are also human!

The strength of the killer does not necessarily exceed the target of the assassination.

As long as you are determined to get rid of the winning government, work out a careful plan, and send a powerful killer, the success rate is still very high, and Luo Wangben is an expert in this area.

“Let the poison do this thing! The sooner the better!” An Guojun said angrily.

Mrs. Hua Yang bowed down and bowed and exited the room with a yin smile at the corner of her mouth.

King Qin wants to kill and win the government, how can he still survive if he wins the government?

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