Chapter 146 The shock of the monarchs and ministers of the Six Kingdoms! [Third update, please customize]

The news of the Battle of Hangu Pass was known to the royal families of the other six countries except Qin Kingdom, and it caused a landslide and tsunami-like vibration.

The strongest shock was the country Han, and King Han Henghui was directly scared to death!

The national strength of the entire Han country has declined to the extreme. The 100,000 troops is already close to the country’s military limit. There are only tens of thousands of people remaining in the Han country to guard public security.

It doesn’t matter if the entire army is overthrown with 100,000 soldiers and horses. More importantly, it offends the State of Qin.

Since the Battle of Handan was defeated by the Qin State, the Han State joined the coalition forces of the other countries and took the opportunity to retake the Shangdang County.

After more than a year, Qin State, which had just recovered from the war, sent troops to Han State again!

Without the support of the rest of the princes, the Han country could not resist it at all, and could only cede territory again and seek reconciliation.

For various reasons, King Zhaoxiang did not take back the Shangdang. It is a relatively sensitive place and it is easy to trigger the changes in the Six Nations again.

However, the behavior of Xiaoxiaohan’s courage to pluck the tiger’s buttocks is not enough just to sever the land and seek reconciliation.

King Han Henghui personally entered the Qin pilgrimage, this is considered a sincere apology!

Therefore, King Henghui worshiped King Zhaoxiang in fear.

The last time it was considered that Han country could be preserved, but this time?

Thinking of the serious consequences, Henghui Wang Han Ran was already suffering from a heart attack, and he was frightened to death.

Prince Han An immediately succeeded to the throne and appointed Xiangguo to openly select gifts at all costs and enter Qin to apologize.

Ying Zheng, who was sitting in the carriage, shook his head slightly and sneered.

Huiyan and Tian Yan looked at him suspiciously, not knowing why.

Yingzheng didn’t explain much, and the secrets in his heart would not be casually said.

King Han Henghui, who shouldn’t die, died more than ten years in advance.

The timeline and character settings of the entire Tian Xing Jiuge are chaotic, and they will still be integrated into the current world. Ying Zheng himself does not know where he has traveled.

Maybe this is the welfare of the traveler, after all, there are so many beautiful women in Jiuge waiting for him to conquer~

King Zhao Xiaocheng, Zhao Dan, was not much better than King Han, but because of his young age, his cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems had no major problems. After vomiting two mouthfuls of blood, he barely survived.

The unlucky child succeeded to the throne for only five years. Because of his greed for the territory of Shangdang County, he suffered a great loss of national power in the battle of Changping with Qin, and then the battle of Handan. Although it was a lucky victory, the national power was also greatly lost.

Fortunately, there are still two mainstay figures in the country. Pingyuan Jun stabilizes the court and Lian quite stable army. Zhao Guo can be considered to be able to survive.

Although it’s not as fast as Qin State’s recovery of national strength, the domestic situation is still stable.

But this time it was really lard that was blindfolded, and he obeyed the confusion of Lord Xinling, what did the Three Jin coalition forces do!

The results of it?

The bit of national and military strength that was hard to accumulate was all taken in!

The two pillars are also broken!

“Wei Wuji, I mistaken Zhao Guo, 々!” Zhao Dan angrily broke the raw egg in his hand~

Wei Wuji in the Three Jin Dynasty, Wei Wuji didn’t know that Zhao Dan was cursing. Although he fled back after losing his army and surrendering his generals, Wei has already become panicked.

The chief culprit for Qin’s defeat in the Battle of Handan was Wei, so how could Qin not retaliate?

After several attacks, King Anli reduced Wei to the state of Qin, which was able to be preserved.

After unbearable to endure this humiliation, he secretly invited Wei Wuji back, who was staying in Zhao Guo and dared not to come back.

Wei Wuji raised the banner of resisting Qin again!

In the Three Jin Dynasty, it was Wei Wuji who ran away from the Qin Dynasty and finally made it happen.

Unfortunately, Wei Wuji did not continue the victory of Handan.

When the state is in trouble, the following crimes are committed, and the Anli dynasty and the officials in the dynasty have begun to consider the serious consequences.

The rulers of Chu Kingdom were equally shocked!

After King Kaolie and Chunshenjun learned of the battle at Hangu Pass, they immediately withdrew the troops on the border of Qin and Chu, and immediately sent the letter of credence to the State of Qin.

The book of credence is full of humble words, mourning the death of King Zhaoxiang, and congratulating King An on his position, without mentioning the confrontation at the border.

“Great King, this Dingtian Monarch won the government, it is really terrible! Too unexpected!” Chunshenjun Huang Xie said this sentence with difficulty.

All his plans fell through.

In the Battle of Hangu Pass, it was the Three Jins that hurt their muscles and bones, and it was also the Three Jins that failed.

Not only that, the fear of the Qin State of the Chu Kingdom’s emperors and his officials has intensified a little bit more than before.

Only nine years old because of winning politics!

Such an age is far more terrifying than the old Zhaoxiang King!

Among the six nations, Qi State can be regarded as a complete bystander status.

Although I was shocked by the power of Qin and the victory of the government, there was a long distance between Qi and Qin. No matter how strong Qin was, it would not be possible to directly hit Qi.

Isn’t there still three Jins in the middle?

The most thoughtful person is actually Yan Guo.

Because of Wang Zhaoxiang’s strategy of attacking close relations, the relationship between Yan and Qin was fairly good, there were not many military conflicts, and there were several cooperations.

The monarchs and ministers of the Yan Kingdom were inevitably shocked by the strength of the victory, but after the shock, the Yan Kingdom thought of the Zhao Kingdom in the Three Jin Dynasties.

Old neighbor, old opponent!

In the Kingdom of Yan, the power is in the hands of the ruling and the opposition, Yan Chunjun, the younger brother of Yan Wang.

**” The king, in the battle at Hangu Pass, Zhao Guo lost Pingyuan Jun and Lianpo. Now is the time to do a lot!” Yan Chun Jun’s eyes flashed greed.

“Oh? Brother Wang means, let’s take advantage of this opportunity to kill Zhao?” King Yan also brightened his eyes, and came in interest.

“Zhao Guo lost more than 70,000 people at Hangu Pass, especially their cavalry, which suffered a lot! The long (Zhao Zhao) Battle of Ping, the Battle of Han, and this time the battle of Hangu Pass, The country of Zhao now is the weakest time!”

“As long as we send a large army to attack the State of Zhao, then after losing Lianpo, the State of Zhao will inevitably retreat steadily and can only cede the city and the land!” Yan Chunjun narrowed his eyes and began to analyze the situation of the State of Zhao.

“Brother Wang is right! It’s just that there is a military master in the State of Zhao, and we have to guard against it! And if Zhao State is too weakened by us and shoulders the heavy responsibility of resisting the State of Qin, it will be very difficult!”

“You still need to be cautious about killing Zhao!” King Yan did not directly agree with Yan Chunjun’s proposal.

It is also necessary to retain Zhao State as a strategic buffer between Yan and Qin.

The monarchs and ministers of the six countries continued to fear the Qin State because of the relationship between winning the government.

What is ridiculous is that the great king of Qin Kingdom actually wants to destroy this pillar!

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