Chapter 145 The report returned to Qin, and the whole country was shocked! [Second update, please customize]

Xianyang, Prince’s Mansion.

“Congratulations, Madam, the son won the battle on the front line, and the Hangu Pass is a great victory!” Xiao Zhao Gao respectfully said.

“Really? Is Zheng’er okay?” Zhao Ji excitedly took Xiao Zhao Gao’s hand and asked eagerly, “Sit down, Xiao Zhao Gao, sit down and say!”

“Return to Madam, the son has nothing to do! The little one is that he has been ordered by the son to report that he is safe. The battle on the front line has been set. The Sanjin coalition army is defeated and the son has taken people to regain the Shangdang.” Xiao Zhao Gao did not dare to sit, and there was no seat for him in front of Zhao Ji.

Although Zhao Ji treats Xiao Zhao Gao as a child, Zhao Gao himself is very aware of the relationship between the master and the child.

“That’s good, that’s good! I can finally rest assured!” Zhao Ji closed her eyes, patted her heart, and let out a breath.

She doesn’t care about achievements in battle, as long as winning politics is safe and sound.

At the same time, in the inner hall of the palace, Mrs. Huayang and Cheng Jiao also received news of the snare. This time the news was more accurate.

Miao Du recounted the battle on the front line from beginning to end.

Three thousand cavalry arbitrarily galloped among the 300,000 army, Yingzheng personally attacked Lianpo who had seven innate ranks, and conquered Shangdang County and killed one hundred thousand Han troops. All said it clearly.

Any of these news is shocking enough!

The expressions of Mrs. Hua Yang and Cheng Jiao were like shit.

The imaginary confrontation stage did not appear at all. After I arrived at Hangu Pass in the afternoon of the victory, I only took a rest for one night, and then led the troops out the next day, and then it was a sweep!

“Miao Du, are you sure you are not joking?” Madam Hua Yang couldn’t hide the shock in her heart.

“Subordinates don’t dare!” Miao Du hurriedly lowered his head.

“Why is there no news about the Meng police in your information? Didn’t Meng Yu participate in the war when Lianpo was killed?” Xiao Chengjiao discovered the loopholes in it.

“General Meng is seriously ill and bedridden. This war is under the command of Lord Ding Tian.” Li Du answered truthfully.

Win the government as commander-in-chief

In this way, wouldn’t this military merit be much greater?

Chaotang has also received news from the front line of Hangu Pass.

In the palace hall, when the court meeting was going on, the messenger sent back by the military reported the battle.

The civil and military officials were extremely excited and inexplicably excited.

Since Dingtian Jun was in danger and was ordered to leave Xianyang, until now, even half a month has not passed, and the Battle of Hangu Pass has ended in this way!

The size of the 300,000 coalition forces, coupled with the restraint of Chu’s 100,000 troops, although this battle is still inferior to the long peace battle, it is not far away.

The Battle of Changping has been fought for more than three years, and the Qin State dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops, which cost countless military supplies. Except for Wu’an Jun’s pit to kill 400,000 Zhao Guo’s soldiers and the beheading of the innate master Zhao Kuo, the rest of the battle was achieved. It’s not necessarily that big.

The Battle of Hangu Pass was completely different.

The time used is short, less than half a month; the army participating in the war only has more than 100,000; the military supplies consumed are basically the same as the daily consumption of the army.

The results are not bad at all!

Annihilated the Three Jin coalition forces more than two hundred thousand, killed the innate masters Lian Po and Zhao Sheng, shot Ji Wuye blind in one eye, and finally successfully conquered Shangdang County, and the battlefield seized countless, his own casualties It is minimal.

This kind of battle of victory is simply unprecedented!

What is more far-reaching is that Qin Guo once again proved to the people of the world:

Regardless of whether King Zhaoxiang is present or not, Qin is still the eldest brother! The Six Nations is still the second and fifth!

Strong Qin, inviolable!

Winning the government and the Mongolian police have not yet returned to the court, and it is too early to discuss merits and rewards. After everyone had their own cares, An Guojun also announced that he would withdraw from the court.

All matters concerning the awards will need to be discussed when Mengyu and Yingzheng come back.

Zi Chu and Lu Buwei returned to the Prince’s Mansion side by side, still unable to conceal their excitement.

“His Royal Highness, the strength of the young man is really shocking! Killing Lianpo, who is the seventh-rank innate, is already qualified to become a general!” Lu Buwei thought of the personal strength of winning the government for the first time.

“It’s really unexpected!” Zi Chu sighed with relief.

Until now, he really believed what Yingzheng said before his departure.

“Prince Zheng’s military merits are already there, and the position of His Royal Highness is more stable! I am afraid that the king has any other ideas, and it should be curbed!” Lu Buwei said meaningfully.

The forces of Old Qin were also extremely excited.

Although this group of people are mostly generals in the Israeli army, most of them are rough, but the real brain and political wisdom are not lacking at all.

What they hate most is the six powers in the country, and they are all planning for the Qin State.Now they are thinking about supporting the successors of the Chu family?

How does a child like Cheng Jiao compare with Ding Tianjun?

It’s not at the same level at all!

Only Ding Tianjun is the next king of Qin deservedly!

This is not only the case of King Zhaoxiang’s legacy, but also with this battle, Yingzheng himself thoroughly proved his own strength and status.

King Zhaoxiang, who had frightened the six kingdoms, was gone, and the Ding Tianjun who conquered the six kingdoms was born!

The win-government that everyone hopes to return to, but did not get the approval of An Guojun.

Although above the court, he was very calm, but as soon as he retreated, his expression became gloomy at 277 horses.

The stronger the victory, the greater the fear in An Guojun’s heart!

After more than fifty years, he finally got to the position of King Qin. The feeling of being King Qin is so wonderful, it is simply overwhelming.

But his status has been threatened! Why?

He saw the expressions of the courtiers all in his eyes, and it was clearly a posture that he was ready to sing praises at any time!

If it hadn’t been for him to pick up the subject, I am afraid that he would not be able to stop the praise of the officials!

Shouldn’t this kind of compliment be exclusive to King Qin?

In addition to this jealousy and jealousy, his personal strength to win the government also made him feel deeply disturbed.

Being able to kill Lianpo, who is 7th innate, does it mean that winning politics itself is at least the strength of 7th innate?

A year ago, the Prince’s Mansion competed against each other, and Guojun An was in the eyes of the whole process.

The winning politics at that time was only a top-notch master.

After a year, this nine-year-old child can already compete with the most powerful person in the world!

If it takes some more time, with the qualifications, strength, and prestige to win politics

Wanting to abolish him, King Qin, is simply a piece of cake! There is no power to resist!

This in itself is the greatest insult to kingship!.

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