Chapter 132 The trump card to win politics! [First update, please customize]

Yingzheng left the palace hall, but the court meeting did not end right away, because the 3,000-strong guards who went to help Hangu Pass were almost a drop in the bucket, and they might not be able to play a big role.

The biggest effect was that An Guojun calmed down.

He is gradually adapting to the identity of King Qin!

“During the period of filial piety, the widow was worried about the king, so that he was exhausted and unable to make a firm decision immediately. However, everyone knows the ability of Dingtianjun. The piles are all courageous and strategic!

“If you want to come to Dingtianjun to go to Hangu Pass in person, there is absolutely no problem in a short time. Coupled with the overall planning of the general situation, it is as stable as Mount Tai. All the Qings will spare no effort to prepare logistics materials and perform their duties!”

“Go all, retreat!” An Guojun waved his hand and walked toward the apse first.

The attack of Sanjin made him not have to go back to Lishan to keep his filial piety for the time being.

Inside the Prince’s House.

Zhao Ji took the hand of Yingzheng, with an anxious look on her face.

Because of the last time I went to Daliang, Zhao Ji’s heart was really a little scared, and he deliberately told me to win the government, and I must say hello in advance when I go out!

Therefore, after Ying Zheng left the hall, he came to the Prince’s Mansion first to be alone with his mother, so as not to worry Zhao Ji.

My parents are here, not far away.

There must be a way to swim!

Although Zhao Ji will be worried about telling the truth 270, but this is something that can’t be kept, Zhao Ji will know it sooner or later, it is better to say it in person, so that she will also have a preparation in her heart.

“Zheng’er, you are too reckless! How can you promise your grandfather this kind of thing! The other party has 300,000 people! What’s the use of being more than you?” Zhao Ji’s eye circles began to turn red, and tears began to fall. .

“Mother, don’t worry, Zheng’er knows it! You can rest assured!” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly and reached out and hugged Zhao Ji.

“What do you have! How old are you! Is the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people jokes?” Zhao Ji’s voice suddenly became excited, her beautiful eyes were angry, and she reprimanded winning the government.

In fact, she usually treats outsiders very mildly.

One is a merchant family, with a low status; the other is that Zhao Guo was frightened all day long, and the conditions were not good. She did everything by herself in every detail, and she did not develop any sense of superiority; the third was her innocent nature. , Silly white sweet

But when you treat your own son, don’t you just reprimand it as you want?

The majestic Ding Tianjun, in Zhao Ji’s place, dare not have any airs, and he dare not even have grievances!

“Okay, mother (aibd) dear, what can I do if the king gave the order? Your son’s ability is still okay, self-preservation can definitely be done! Now you can rest assured?” Yingzheng can only comfort Zhao Ji with a good word .

If I knew this, it would be better to just slip away~

“The king gave the order, what can I do?,

When Zhao Ji heard this sentence, she couldn’t hold back anymore, and cried out with a “wow”.

“How come our mothers are so fateful! We finally returned to Qin, fighting and arresting fugitives. If we knew this, we might as well stay in Handan! At least we don’t have to go to the battlefield! Mingming

Go! It broke out~

At this time, Zi Chu also returned to the Prince’s Mansion from the palace hall, and Zhao Ji’s cry was heard all the way back.

Pushing open the door, what I saw was that Zhao Ji cried with her arms around Yingzheng, her eyes were red, and this moment also touched his own sadness.

“Zheng’er, you are too reckless! Alas~” Zi Chu’s first sentence was almost exactly the same as Zhao Ji.

Yingzheng shook his head helplessly, feeling bitter in his heart.

Even parents don’t believe in themselves!

Am I so impulsive? So reckless?

It’s not a child of seven or eight years old!

“What kind of prince you are! Even his own son is sent out to fight! He is only nine years old!” Zhao Ji suddenly let go of winning the government, and the conversation turned to Zi Chu.

Eight years! Eight full years!

When Zichu fled Handan alone, Yingzheng was the newborn baby. The mother and son lived in Youdan for eight years without any support.

With such a debt, Zi Chu would never have any cold words about Zhao Ji, which made Zhao Ji’s status in the family increase day by day!

It is also for this reason that the atmosphere at home is much more friendly than that in the homes of other powerful and powerful people.

“Oh! The king is clearly forcing me to die!” Zi Chu’s mood was also extremely unstable, and he was infected by Zhao Ji.

“My Zheng’er! Mingming Zhao Ji cried more fiercely after hearing these words, tears streaming down her eyes.

Completely in a passive victory, he was hugged tightly by Zhao Ji, and the clothes on his shoulders were also wet with tears.

After seeing this situation, Zi Chu’s heart was even more miserable, and he stretched out his arms to hold both mother and son in his arms. A family of three, it is not miserable~

“Stop! Stop! What are you doing?” Yingzheng found that the plot had a tendency to develop towards tragedy, and hurriedly spoke to stop it, and at the same time also released his own momentum.

The cold, unparalleled air of the emperor played an immediate role and controlled the scene.

Both Zhao Ji and Zi Chu felt that they were in a solemn environment, surrounded by an invisible aura, and that aura was daunting and frightening.

It was as if the crying child faced his parents and immediately stopped crying by saying “hold back”, Zhao Ji was the child and stopped crying.

She felt that the person she was holding was so strange, remote, and frightening, but she didn’t let go of her embrace, because no matter how the person in her embrace changed, it was her government!

“Well, father and mother!”

After quelling the scene, Ying Zheng broke free by himself and regained his momentum. He walked to the table and picked up a sharp fruit knife. He rolled up his sleeve and cut it to his wrist.


Zhao Ji was horrified for the first time, and she didn’t have time to think about what happened. She wanted to stop winning the government in the past.

But when she rushed over, the victory had already been cut.

Zi Chu was completely stunned, not knowing why, he also couldn’t figure out what the winning government was doing.

“Mother, have you seen it?” Ying Zheng raised his unscathed wrist.

Zhao Ji, who rushed to the front, was immediately stunned, a little confused.

It’s another cut!

Zhao Ji wasn’t screaming this time either, but her eyes still couldn’t help but blink.

Another cut, one cut

“Father and mother, rest assured! With Zheng’er’s strength, it is already difficult for anyone to hurt me! As long as there is no innate limit on the battlefield, no one can do anything about me!” Ying Zheng said proudly.

What he is practicing is not the kung fu of the armored door, but the emperor’s confession of the gods, cultivating the body of heaven and earth!

I didn’t want to expose so much, in order to reassure Zhao Ji and Zi Chu, he had no choice but to make the best move.

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