Chapter 133 The mind of the second daughter! Life and death follow each other! [Second more, please customize]

Stunned and shocked!

The words of the victory made Zi Chu and Zhao Ji a little unacceptable, and their tough bodies were beyond ordinary people’s understanding.

Obviously it is a very soft and natural skin, how can it not even be damaged by a sharp knife? If you don’t use internal force, even a natural expert can’t do this, right?

What shocked them even more was what Ying Zheng said:

“There is no innate limit for the strong, no one can do it!”

If this is the case, winning the government is indeed invincible. The Lianpo of the strongest of the Sanjin Allied Forces is only the seven innate ranks.

After somehow, after calming the scene, Yingzheng talked to Zi Chu and Zhao Ji separately, and quickly slipped away~

“Zheng’er, is it really that powerful?” Zhao Ji was still in a daze, asking Zi Chu in disbelief.

“I believe Zheng’er! He won’t make fun of his life!” Zi Chu firmly said, “By the way, this matter must be kept secret~!”

After leaving the Prince’s Mansion, Ying Zheng went back to his fief directly. Before going on the expedition, he still needed to explain the matters in the fief.

When he arrived at the fief mansion, three people had already been waiting there.

Zhao Gao, Feiyan, Tian Yan.

“My son, you can’t go!” Fei Yan was the first to speak.

Among the three, only Feiyan and Yingzheng are not related to superiors and subordinates, and they speak more casually without so much scruples.

“Haha, it seems that you have already got the news?” Ying Zheng laughed.

“My son, say something that the subordinates shouldn’t say, I’m afraid the current king has something else to say!” Tian Yan’s expression was very worried, but his tone was very determined.

“Luo Net has sent back the specific news from the front line. This battle is very dangerous!” Xiao Zhaogao did not discourage whether he could go, he directly stated the specific situation.

Yingzheng pursed his mouth, his expression indifferent.

“Ayan, you really shouldn’t say this! But I also have to admit that your inference is very reasonable.” Winning the political leader said.

It is indeed not what Tian Yan should say to discuss the current King Qin, because of her status as a peasant disciple.

But saying these words, on the contrary, showed her loyalty to winning the government!

Even if she was jealous of the winning government, she still said it!

Tian Yan didn’t feel any panic. Her heart fell on the son, and she also believed that the son could understand her loyalty.

Taking a deep breath, spit it out heavily, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Gao, and his eyes became sharp:

“It should be considered dangerous, it is Sanjin!”

Although the victory of the government has reduced the momentum of the whole body, the sharp eyes and the domineering words still affected the three people in front of him.

Xiao Zhao Gao also immediately became blazing!

Since eating Tiger Wolf Pill, his body has no more feminine energy, replaced by tiger wolf-like sturdy, brave and fearless.

Tian Yan also ate Tiger Wolf Pill, and was also affected by the domineering power of winning. Although his mind was still calm and calm, his expression had become very firm.

Scarlet smoke is not so easy to be incited~

She looked at the victory in front of her, as if she had returned to the time when she fought for Yiqu. This kind of domineering was most obvious on the battlefield, and the impression was the most profound.


This time is different!

The total strength of the Sanjin Allied Forces has reached 300,000, and there is also the existence of an innate 7-rank master such as Lianpo. Even if the winning political cultivation is quite high, it is impossible to be like justice in the face of this level of war. It sweeps everything like that.

Qin’s total force in the Hanguguan area is 150,000. It is not a big problem to face one country or two countries, but there is a clear gap between the three countries.

“My son, you can think about it again! The strength of the Sanjin coalition is twice that of the Qin State, and the elite arms are exhausted, and there will be no shortage of masters. Your personal strength will not play a decisive role at all.” Feiyan still does not. Give up persuasion.

“You don’t believe me?” Yingzheng looked at Feiyan playfully.

“I… Wei Yan’s face is slightly red, and I don’t know how to answer.

In the subconscious, she always believes in winning the government and is full of confidence.Even if it is a dangerous situation, there must be a way to resolve it; but a rational analysis, the difference in strength between the two sides is extremely huge and irreparable!

There is another situation:

As long as you are on the battlefield, winning politics will definitely be targeted!

Wei Wuji will inevitably tell the other two countries the news of winning the government.

This is what Feiyan is most worried about!

0……Look for flowers…

Yingzheng no longer “embossed” the smoke, and chuckled:

“Hehe, don’t persuade anymore, I have my own decision.

Immediately, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Gao again, and said seriously:

“During this son’s expedition to Hangu Pass, all the changes in the court must be mastered! Now is the critical period for the new king to be established. People’s minds change and what kind of pattern can be formed in the future will also be revealed in the near future.”

“My son, Zhao Gao has also thought of this. He has already explained that the intelligence organizations of the Black Ice Platform and Luowang will pay full attention to the movements of the DPRK!” Zhao Gao bowed and replied, “But this time the battle at Hangu Pass, Zhao Gao wants Follow the son!”

Xiao Zhao Gao’s eyes revealed extremely longing and excitement!


He is not reconciled to just mastering intelligence behind the scenes. With his current strength, he is already a master and has the conditions to fight on the battlefield.

The will of Han Guguan to win the political battle has been decided, and it is impossible to change it. The three of them all felt this.

Therefore, after Xiao Zhao Gao took the lead in expressing his position, Tian Yan and Fei Yan also said in the same way:

“My son! I’ll go too!”

“My son! I’ll go too!”

The minds of the three people can be felt to win the government, but they are not ready to take them to the battlefield.

Fei Yan has been promoted to half a step innate, Tian Yan has also reached the first-class peak, Zhao Gao is weaker, only a second-rate master, placed in an ordinary battlefield, the three can play a big role, this time the battle. It’s dispensable.

“No, you can’t go!” Ying Zheng shook his head, “It is meaningless if you go to the battlefield, and the affairs of the black ice platform and the net must be presided over, and the fief is not to be lost.

Tian Yan and Fei Yan looked at Zhao Gao together, looked at winning the government, and then took a firm step forward!

The meaning is obvious: Xiao Zhaogao looks after the house~

Although Yingzheng did not regard the battle as a dangerous thing, the second daughter was not so calm.

The battle at Hangu Pass was basically a battle of life and death!

Winning politics is also likely to be dangerous!

At this time, how could they let Yingzheng face it alone?

They must accompany Yingzheng to help him and protect him, even if they are in danger of losing their lives, they must live and die together!

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