Chapter 131 King Xiaowen Qin, you are just a trash! [Fourth update, please customize]

Luo Wang’s intelligence organizations are spread across seven countries. The true pervasiveness may not be mentioned, but how can large-scale military operations be hidden?

Covering the sun, chaos, and Xuanjian are now all high-levels in the Black Ice Platform, and they have always had the power to contact Luowang intelligence, but Xuanjian has never asked about these things at all.

Otherwise, he should know the current situation of Wei Wuji.

Not only was Wei Wuji alive and well, but he could also stir up the wind and rain with the Sanjin!

Xianyang Palace, above the Chaoyi Hall.

Ying Zheng’s answer was sonorous and unambiguous. After listening to it, An Guojun was immediately happy.

If Yingzheng really refuses through the plea of ​​the courtiers, as the king of Qin who just came to power, he would really not be able to offend so many courtiers directly.

But now that Yingzheng himself agreed, there is nothing left to say, and he can’t talk about offending courtiers.

“Ding Tianjun is really the pillar of the country! Let’s talk about it, what preparations you need to make, how many people you need to dispatch, how many materials you carry, the whole Daqin will cooperate with all you, and there will be no delay!” An Guojun pretended to be generous.

“Great King! No! You can’t let Lord Dingtian go, he still doesn’t know what the concept of a battle between hundreds of thousands of people is!

“Ding Tianjun is, after all, limited in age, so he can’t let him go crazy, and ask the king to take his life back!”

“The old minister is willing to go! The old minister himself asked to issue a military order to replace Dingtianjun to help Hanguguan!”

All the ministers were red-eyed, and still did not give up, they all opened their mouths and continued to plead with King An.

On the other hand, An Guojun completely ignored it, and simply treated it as if he hadn’t heard it. He simply ignored what these courtiers said, and just waited for the answer from the winning government.

Yingzheng was a little emotional, raised his voice a little, and shouted several times to the courtiers who were pleading:

“My lords! Your kindness, you have the heart to win the government! Winning the government is not only the people of Da Qin, but also the royal family of Da Qin. It is incumbent on the family and the country to help Hanguguan! I have decided, you guys don’t let it go. The king is embarrassed, 々!”

With such an awe-inspiring remark, the courtiers had nothing to say anymore, and calm was restored in the court.

It’s just that they don’t say anything, their hearts are still full of thoughts and sadness in their eyes.

Most of them are resentment and contempt for An Guojun!

On the battlefield, I won’t talk about how much the victory can play. The dignified generation of King Qin actually needs a nine-year-old grandson like the victory to relieve the siege.

When did the royal family become so unbearable?

The most worrying thing is that once Ding Tianjun is on the battlefield, he will definitely be taken care of by the Sanjin!

How humiliated King Anli and Wei Wuji were at the beginning, the courtiers all heard Feiyan talk about it, and it was a national ceremony personally arranged by King Zhaoxiang.

Those two people have a very deep understanding of Ding Tianjun, and it is impossible not to see how terrible the future of winning the government is!

Killing Ding Tianjun would be tantamount to ruining the future of Qin in advance.As long as the generals of the Sanjin coalition found out that Ding Tianjun was on the battlefield, they would inevitably besiege them with all their strength!

Lord Dingtian, in danger!

The courtiers all thought so, but winning the government didn’t put Wei Wuji’s kind of stuff in his eyes at all.

“When the grandfather was alive, he had promised three thousand guards to me. This is not a secret. The guards have been formed for a while, and the progress of training is pretty good. I believe it will give the country of three Jins a big surprise. !”

“As for the preparation mentioned by the king, I don’t need it. The soldiers, horses, food, and grass in the guard post are very sufficient. You don’t need any preparation, and you can set off right away!”

“The king can provide logistics supplements to General Mongolia and General Wang Jian as much as possible, and distribute them according to the number of troops in their hands!’

The meaning of winning the government is that he will first bring the army of the three thousand guards to help Hangu Pass, and for the follow-up matters, the An Guojun can arrange another candidate.

“Hahaha! Good!” An Guojun laughed loudly, “Zheng’er deserves to be an outstanding son of the Daqin royal family! Grandpa is proud of you!”

“The king is too acclaimed! What Yingzheng does is for the sake of Daqin!” Yingzheng said with a calm expression.

“Okay! That’s the case, Lord Dingtian! If you have no one to kill you, now organize the guards to help Hanguguan, and set off immediately! No delay!”

“Ding Tianjun, I believe that I can solve the danger of my Qin country! Go, the widow is waiting for the news of your victory in the palace!” An Guojun learned the heroism of King Zhaoxiang and issued an order.

Winning the political hands, he promised, turned around and left without a moment’s stay.

In the hall, the courtiers looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

Zi Chu’s mood was a little depressed, and he seemed to think of extremely bad results, but Yingzheng actively agreed to An Guojun.

Lu Buwei’s mind is always sober, and he is not confused because of fear of winning the government like Zi Chu.

Therefore, he quickly saw through the mind of An Guojun.

An Guojun intends to watch the victory of the government fail or even die!

Because the prestige of Winning Government has clearly surpassed that of An Guojun, An Guojun will inevitably suppress Winning!

No king would want his subject’s prestige and power to surpass himself, even if that subject is his grandson, even if the subject’s talents are so outstanding!

This is the trade-off in the imperial arts!

* The word “weighing” originally originated from the court, and the balance of power is “weighing”!

Winning politics destroys this balance, so be prepared to be suppressed.

Thinking of this, Lu Buwei glanced at An Guojun in a very vague manner. In his heart, An Guojun’s winning of the pillar is a waste of inspection and waste! It is even more useless than the soft egg of Zi Chu!

In the whole Da Qin, there is only an outstanding junior like Yingzheng, what else do you want to suppress? Even an outsider like him can’t pass it (Wang Zhao).

However, Ying Zheng promised so simply, it was indeed beyond Lu Buwei’s expectations.

In his impression, winning politics has never been a reckless person.Although he is only nine years old, what he does is something a nine-year-old child can do?

Let alone children, how many of these top powers and responsibilities in North Korea can do it?

Vaguely, he remembered some news reported by the men who raised tiger wolves.

The soldiers in the guards, occasionally hundreds of people come into the fief, it seems that every time they leave, great changes will occur!

And every time before the arrival of the soldiers, there will be a large number of tigers and wolves beheaded by Ding Tianjun!

Could it be said that the changes in the soldiers have something to do with these tigers and wolves?

He also remembered that when he was in the beast cage, it seemed that the victory was to use those brutal beasts to cultivate!

If those soldiers can be as strong as winning politics

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