Chapter 130 The influence of the winning government in the court! [third update, ask for customization]

The reason why An Guojun behaved so badly was mainly because he was in the transition of his identity, and he did not adapt to the Qin king’s identity that faced the military affairs in one word.

On the other hand, King Zhaoxiang was actually responsible.

The prince for more than ten years has not decided anything big!

King Zhaoxiang was not the kind of model worker who had to do everything personally, but he never let others intervene in military affairs, and the Emperor An also lacked the training of this ability accordingly.

Various reasons have caused the current An Guojun to be in a hurry.

But when he saw the victory, he seemed to be infected by the calm atmosphere of the victory, and his flustered heart gradually calmed down.

However, his gaze towards winning the government is even more ardent.

It’s so hot that it doesn’t hide it!

When the civil and military officials in the court saw the appearance of An Guojun, they immediately understood An Guojun’s thoughts.

Obviously, I want Ding Tianjun to go to help Hangu Pass!

The strength of Ding Tianjun is strong, and he can face a battle of hundreds of thousands of people.

On the battlefield, there is no love 08, and swords, bows and crossbows will not deliberately avoid Ding Tianjun!

Seeing that Ding Tianjun’s peerless talent is destined to become a master of innate limit in the future, if the loss is at Hangu Pass this time, the loss is too great for Qin State!

Some ministers who really thought about Qin State began to panic in their hearts, for fear that An Guojun would send the winning government out.

“Majesty, Lord Dingtian has insufficient experience in the battle. I only fought Yiqu once. This time, facing the Sanjin coalition forces, it is extremely dangerous. You can’t let Dingtian ruler!”

“Great King, with Ding Tianjun’s qualifications, he will surely become a powerhouse with innate limits in the future, so there is no room for loss!”

“Ding Tianjun is my hope for the future of Da Qin, and there must be no accident! The king think twice!”

“Great King, Ding Tianjun is the great grandson appointed by the previous king, and he will take over the throne from now on. If you rush to help the Hangu Pass, you can hand it over to the veteran!”

“Great King, it is said that Ding Tianjun has already broken through to the innate realm. This kind of aptitude is looking at the past, and it is impossible to find a second one! If something happens during the war, how can you be worthy of the ancestors of the Qin kingdom? Lizong!”

“Sovereign Dingtian shoulders the heavy responsibility of unifying the six kingdoms. The last wish of the ancestors rests entirely on Sovereign Dingtian, so you can’t go on a business trip anyway!

Speaking of the end, many ministers have already started crying, begging, and begging An Guojun not to bring the winning political faction into the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Zi Chu also felt inexplicably sad.

Fortunately, these ministers said that no matter what, it was for the sake of Qin State and the future of Qin State. However, as the prince Ying Zi Chu, it was inconvenient to say these words.

If he asks, as a father who wins politics, that is to indulge, pamper, and shelter!

So, he can’t help but stare!

On the side of the main hall, Mrs. Hua Yang also saw such a sight, her pretty face was frosty, her face sinking like water.

She still underestimated the influence of winning politics.

These ministers in the dynasty actually disregarded their faces and risked offending An Guojun to admonish them.When they talked about their excitement and tears, it felt like An Guojun was making a decision to destroy the Qin Kingdom!

Where does this behavior place the current King of Qin Yingzhu?

The one who felt the deepest was Yingzhu himself.

The performance of the civil and military officials reminded him of what Mrs. Huayang said, and the prestige of winning the government is indeed above him!

Just staring at Yingzheng for a while, without speaking or making any decisions, the courtiers are almost collectively opposed.

“Xiao Huayang is right. Even if he has no other thoughts about winning the government, his existence has already affected the majesty of the widow!” An Guojun realized this soberly in his heart.

“Throne! King power! Those are widows! Never allow others to get involved!” Yingzhu’s heart began to become fierce.

However, An Guojun’s city residence is still very deep, and there are so many thoughts in his heart, but on the surface it is calm.

There was a cry in the hall, An Guojun just thought he hadn’t heard it, and resolutely opened his mouth to the victory:

“Ding Tianjun, are you willing to go?”

He still said it!

This question from An Guojun sounded to Zi Chu’s heart as if he had been sentenced to death, and Zi Chu’s face instantly changed wildly!

Let Yingzheng rush to the battlefield of the Han, Zhao, Wei and Sanjin coalition forces, isn’t it just to win the government and die?

Thinking of this, Zi Chu could no longer care about other people’s opinions, and immediately wanted to speak out to stop An Guojun!

As his current prince prince, speaking should still be a little weighty, presumably An Guojun will definitely consider it again.

However, Zi Chu hadn’t said what he said, but Yingzheng answered it first and foremost:

“Going back to the king, the minister is naturally willing to share the worries for the king! It is incumbent to rush to help Hangu Pass and solve the danger of the Great Qin Dynasty!”

On the other side, inside the fiefdom of winning government.

Xuan Jian was competing with Chaos God, and hundreds of soldiers watched intently around him.

These soldiers are all wearing special black armors, and bursts of murderous air spread from the soldiers. Looking at the eyes of those soldiers, they are all fierce and fierce.

If there are people from Wei Wu’s pawn here, you can definitely recognize that they are the sharp men of Da Qin!

Another name is the Black Armored Army.

Qin’s most elite unit!

Hundreds of people surrounded Xuan Jian and Luan Shen, and they didn’t say a word. Only one sword strike could be heard in the field.

The two played against each other for hundreds of rounds. After 267 times of fighting, they stopped fighting each other.

Only then did hundreds of soldiers applaud the sky, wave after wave.

“Xuan Jian leads the mighty!”

“The gods of chaos rule the mighty!”


Zengri also hid among the crowd and watched the fight from beginning to end. In fact, the fight between Xuanjian and Chaoshen was not new anymore, and they had to fight several times every day.

Xuan Jian is a fighting frenzy. He likes to compare swords with people the most. She was almost tortured crazy early in the day, and decisively handed this chore to Chaos God~

After the fight was over, the soldiers also left one after another.

Their resident is in the guard station outside, so every time they come to the fief of winning the government, the number of people will not be too many.

“This is so much every day! It’s so boring! The son doesn’t send us to perform tasks. He just stays on the black ice platform all day, and the idleness hurts!” Xuan Jian grumbled dissatisfiedly.

“You can cut it!” Luan Shen replied briefly.

“Hey! I miss the time when I was with the son in the beam, and I was so happy to kill! I don’t know if Wei Wuji is dead now?” Xuan melancholy said.

“If you pay more attention to the news of the snare, you should have known it long ago!” Hengri said with contempt. .

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