Chapter 129 The Sanjin Allied Forces are coming menacingly! [Second update, ask for customization]

The most poisonous woman’s heart!

This sentence may be a bit improper, but Mrs. Hua Yang is indeed much more cruel than Xiao Cheng Jiao.

What Xiao Cheng Jiao can think of is nothing more than using various means to force victory in politics, let him lose face, make him lose the seal of Ding Tianjun and Taisun, and even Xiao Cheng Jiao still dreams that one day he will make victory in politics. Courtier.

After all, winning politics is still a talent!

But Mrs. Huayang was completely different.

Her first idea was to get rid of the winning government!

With the power of the court and the power that Zi Chu currently holds, plus the personal prestige of the victory, if the victory cannot be killed, then Cheng Jiao will never hope to inherit the position of King Qin.

The Chu forces will inevitably gradually come to an end.

The competition for power simply cannot tolerate the slightest softness, and Mrs. Hua Yang understands this very well.

How tyrannical was the Wei-style forces in the “26th and 7th” years? There was support from the State of Wei on the outside, and Huiwen on the inside to take charge personally. The result was because of the defeat in the struggle, and the final result was horrible.

Wasn’t it the case with the Chu forces in the era of the Queen Mother?

To this day, when she is here with her Madam Huayang, she will never be able to give up the current good situation, she must completely stifle the winning government that has not yet grown up!

To stifle the victory, she must obtain the support of An Guojun, which is why she came to the Lishan Mausoleum.

Thousands of miles away in the three Jin lands, Han, Zhao, and Wei all received news of King Zhaoxiang’s death.

In an instant, it seemed that the sky became clearer and brighter, as if a thick dark cloud covering the sky over the Six Nations collapsed and disappeared.

King Zhaoxiang is like the nightmare of the Six Kingdoms, shrouded on the heads of the Six Kingdoms in the East, for decades!

In addition to the powerful national power of the Qin State, it also completely overwhelmed the Six Nations because of the personal strength of King Zhaoxiang.

Innate Nine!

This is the real strength of King Zhaoxiang, even if it is a great general of various countries, no one can resist it at all. Fortunately, although King Zhaoxiang lived long enough, his body has always been poor, and he himself made very few shots.

Otherwise, the situation of the six countries is far more difficult than it is now.

it’s good now.

The dream monster that couldn’t be shaken off unexpectedly collapsed automatically.

Ever since Wei Wuji escaped back to Wei State without knowing his life or death, he really survived, but he has been recovering from his injuries, and he has not completely healed yet, and his broken arm cannot grow out anyway.

Every time he thinks that he has become crippled because of winning politics, and he is so embarrassed, his heart is filled with endless hatred!

In addition, the peerless talent to win politics makes him feel jealous and sleepless.

Maybe it doesn’t even need ten years, and winning politics will truly grow up, and it will be even more terrifying than King Zhaoxiang!

However, winning the government has always stayed in Xianyang. No matter what he has the ability, he can’t think of a way to get rid of the winning government. Fortunately, King Zhaoxiang died at the right time and gave him a chance to stifle the winning government!

King An Li raised his hands and feet in favor of Wei Wuji’s desire to get rid of the winning government, and fully supported him, without any disagreement.

On the one hand, the threat of winning the government is indeed too great, on the other hand, the fact that he was scared to pee at the beginning has always made King Anri worry about it.

Finally, Wei Wuji came forward to match up, and after half a month of communication and negotiation, Sanjin reached a consensus.

The three families of Han, Zhao, and Wei each have 100,000 troops. The elite arms and combat equipment are even more unselfish. They are doing their best to form a powerful coalition army. Re-enter the Northwest Wilderness!

The Jinggong strong crossbow of Han, the border animal of Zhao, and the military pawn of Wei, all the elites!

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces will be Zhao Sheng, the king of the plains of the Zhao country, and the famous general Lian Po will be the deputy commander in command of the coalition forces’ coordinated operations.

The 300,000 army set off toward Hangu Pass in an orderly manner, with sufficient food and grass, and an unstoppable posture!

In addition to the Three Jin Dynasties, the southern kingdom of Chu also sent out a large army to respond. Chunshenjun Huang Xie personally dispatched troops and 100,000 troops gathered on the border of Qin and Chu, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Qin’s monarchs and ministers received the battle report from the frontier scouts at the first time.

General Meng Yu led a group of lieutenant generals to immediately rush to Hangu Pass, while Wang Jian was deployed to the border of Qin and Chu, and waited for it.

It is impossible for Zichu to be responsible for the major affairs of the military. The King An, who is in Lishan, received the call from Xianyang immediately, and quickly returned to Xianyang from Lishan, no longer caring about filial piety…

Three hundred thousand army!

Famous general Lianpo!

The impending battle made An Guojun tremble and uneasy.

The State of Qin was indeed strong, but suddenly faced with the constraints of the Sanjin Allied Forces and the State of Chu, it was also extremely dangerous!

Faced with any country alone, King An would not be afraid to be like this, but now it is the Four Kingdoms!

Especially Zhao Guo’s Lian Po, that is a well-known general. The early stage of the Battle of Changping was commanded by Lian Po, and his military attainments were not under Bai Qi!

The difference is that the martial arts cultivation base can’t be compared to Bai Qi, but it has also reached the realm of the seventh congenital rank, which is the same level as Meng Yu.

The king of Xinling, Wei Wuji, was not a simple character. The failure of the State of Qin in the Battle of Handan was mainly due to his defeat in the hands of Wei Wuji. He was courageous and conspiring, and he was definitely considered a famous general in the world!

On the way back to Xianyang, An Guojun’s heart was already panicked, and when he got the discussion from the palace hall, he seemed even more panicked.

Above the court, there was an extremely depressed aura, lifeless, all waiting for An Guojun to make a decision.

But after a long time, An Guojun didn’t utter a single word except walking back and forth.

“Great King! Now war is about to start, please make a decision early!”

“General Meng has not many soldiers stationed outside the Hangu Pass 1.3, at best it is 150,000. It is extremely unfavorable to resist the 300,000 coalition forces of the Three Jins!”

“Wang Jian’s army is still sufficient. The Sima family in Bashu is ready and is mobilizing soldiers and horses to support it, but Hangu Pass is the top priority. The king has made arrangements early!

“Hangu Pass must send reinforcements. General Mongolia is afraid of chaos at the border and walks in a hurry. The soldiers and horses are not dispatched. It depends on the king’s overall planning!”

An Guojun is also anxious!

But this is the first time he has dealt with this kind of military affairs!

There is no experience in this area at all, no thoughts!

In the midst of hesitation, An Guojun’s gaze suddenly caught a glimpse of the calm and relaxed Dingtianjun in the hall.

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