Chapter 128 Power is a poison! King Qin Xiaowen’s mind! [First update, please customize]

An Guojun is in her fifties, and Mrs. Huayang is in her early thirties. The age difference between the two is twenty years old.

The old eunuch immediately reported the news of Mrs. Hua Yang’s arrival to An Guojun.

An Guojun, who was struggling for years in the palace outside the mausoleum, was overjoyed when he heard that his favorite wife came to visit him specially.

He hasn’t seen each other for more than ten days, and he misses Hu Yang very much.

“It’s bitterly cold in the mountains, why did Madam come here in person?” An Guojun pretended to be reproachful.

“Huayang, I have seen the king!” Madam Huayang made a special polite, her mature body outlined a graceful arc, and she saw that the monarch’s mouth was dry.

But what he cares more about is the name of Mrs. Hua Yang:


Finally became the king!

This makes An Guojun seem to have a feeling of exultation!

How many years has it been?

Outsiders don’t know, but he himself always has the meaning of not raising his head in front of Mrs. Huayang, which is both a debt and a shame.

Fortunately, over the years, Mrs. Huayang has never spoken coldly. She still takes care of herself like that, gentle and pleasant, consistent.

Now, he can finally make Mrs. Huayang the most noble woman in the entire Qin Kingdom!

This is a compensation!

“Madam free of courtesy! For twenty years, why should old husbands and wives care about this kind of courtesy?” An Guojun raised his hand to help Madam Huayang, his eyes full of doting.

“That can’t be done, the king is the king, Huayang knows how to score!” Mrs. Huayang said tenderly.

An Guojun waved away the outsiders, and all the eunuchs and servants were driven out, leaving only their husband and wife in the room.

“The mausoleum of the first king is on the side, the king should bear it!” Madam Hua Yang struggled and reminded.

“Huh?” An Guojun frowned, a little annoyed in his heart.

What is forbearance?

Could it be said that as King Qin, do you need to have any scruples when starting things?

Who would dare to make irresponsible remarks?


Enough for a long time!

On the day of birth, until half a month ago, the winning column was always enduring.

Patience is destined to be unable to become the torture of King Qin, to endure the torment of being a prince and not being able to inherit the throne, and now being King of Qin, you have to endure the heavy courtesy system of filial piety!

I don’t want to bear it anymore!

Thinking of this, the big rough hands of Yingzhu never let go of their strength, and tightly grasped Mrs. Huayang in his arms.

This is a vent!

Even if he can’t do other things, he has to prove his authority, and no one can refuse or violate it!

Mrs. Hua Yang didn’t really refuse. It was normal for a couple of 20 years to do anything. Moreover, even if she wanted to refuse, how could she resist An Guojun with her ordinary human strength?

After the excitement passed, An Guojun suddenly woke up, he was a bit too tough just now, lest he hurt Madam Huayang’s heart, he wanted to speak to comfort him.

But when I thought about it, I suddenly found something unusual!

Xiao Huayang has always been obedient to herself, why is she resisting today? It’s just because of the mausoleum?


“Xiao Huayang, are you just coming here today to visit the widow?” An Guojun asked tentatively.

Mrs. Huayang, who is out of the control of An Guojun, still has a ruddy face, and is finishing her clothes. Hearing An Guojun’s question, she calmly raised her head, as if she had become the Queen Qin of the world in an instant. .

“My lord, Hua Yang has one more thing besides visiting the lord!” Mrs. Hua Yang replied very solemnly while wearing a skirt.

“What’s the matter?” An Guojun asked intently.

“It’s a matter of the throne!” Mrs. Hua Yang had already put on her dress, her face was serious, and after a pause, she said: “Our good grandson, win the government! The king has to be more careful!”

“Zheng’er?” An Guojun frowned again.

“It’s him! During the ten days of the king’s filial piety, Zichu was in charge of administration, and I was in charge of supervising the administration. During this period, I also contacted a lot of government affairs and civil affairs and the ministers of the DPRK. As a result,” “Mrs. Huayang hesitated slightly.

“What is the result?” An Guojun asked.

“The result is… the prestige of winning the government, whether in the hearts of the ministers, the generals, or the hearts of the people of Daqin, surpasses you!” “Mrs. Huayang breathed out, It seemed that these words had been suppressed in my heart for a long time.

0……Look for flowers……

“They are more than a few people?” An Guojun gently closed his eyelids, as if to think about it seriously.

Mrs. Hua Yang did not stop, instead she continued to talk endlessly like a flood of gate opening.

“The Prince’s Mansion competition, the battle of hunting beasts, the rebellion of Yiqu, and the trip to the beams. The Zixi family has made Yingzheng a great military service and prestige. In addition, the former king attaches great importance to winning the government and has repeatedly maintained it. This makes the whole The court almost recognized the status and strength of winning the government.”

“The army worships the strong, and wins politics and possesses peerless talent. Even Mengshen, Wang Fu, and Wang Jian are extremely optimistic about winning politics, let alone ordinary generals and soldiers!!

“In terms of people’s sentiment, the fact that winning the government made sweet potatoes is well known throughout the country, and it has completely solved the food problem of the Qin State. Countless civilians have been able to fill their stomachs, and their love for winning the government has reached an unprecedented height.”

“There is also the early spring competition. Even the way to win the country’s governance has been recognized by the ministers of the DPRK and China, and it is highly respected!”

“My lord, the prestige of winning the government is so high, don’t you worry?” Mrs. Hua Yang stared at An Guojun firmly.

After An Guojun listened to these words, he was really shaken, and his expression showed anxiety.

Mrs. Hua Yang took the opportunity and said again:

“Although the former king has appointed Yingzheng to be his grandson, the king still has to guard against! And even if a person like Yingzheng is not dissatisfied, I am afraid it will definitely affect your authority, the king!”

“You have tolerated it for decades, no matter whether the King An or the prince has any real power! Now that you have finally ascended to the throne of King Qin, can it be said that you have to be countered by a nine-year-old child?”

Every word punishes the heart!

Even An Guojun had to admit that everything Mrs. Huayang said was true!

These actions of winning politics, any of them, are the heights that he has never achieved before!

After pondering for a moment, An Guojun’s eyes revealed nothing but murderous intent:

“The widow’s throne will never allow anyone to get involved!” Factory,

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