Chapter 127 Win the pillar ascends the throne, Zi Chu supervises the country! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

When King Zhaoxiang died, An Guojun became the new King of Qin, that is, the future King of Qin Xiaowen.

Once the emperor and the courtier!

The change of regime will inevitably lead to the re-division of domestic power.

The first ones to bear the brunt are Zi Chu and Mrs. Hua Yang.

Winning Zi Chu was established as the prince, which completely stabilized the position of the future crown prince, and it is justified; Mrs. Huayang was promoted to become the queen of Huayang, and the position of power is not the same.

According to the ritual system, King Zhaoxiang passed away, and even though An Guojun Yingzhu inherited the throne, he had to keep his filial piety for one year before the succession ceremony could be held.

During the period of An Guojun’s filial piety, state affairs will be temporarily handled by the prince, that is, Zi Chu, and Mrs. Huayang will be the “supervisor” and temporarily supervise Zi Chu’s governance matters.

In this way, Mrs. Huayang represented An Guojun in the council, and the power was greater than that of Zichu.

It is not uncommon for the harem to be involved in politics among the major vassal states. In Qin’s words alone, there were Queen Hui and Queen Mother Xuan a few decades ago, but now there is only one more Mrs. Huayang.

Xiao Cheng Jiao is also very aware of this.

Mrs. Hua Yang is highly powerful and has the power to control countless lives and deaths. How could Xiao Cheng Jiao be unhappy?

His grandmother has always been on his side! 267

Ever since, Xiao Cheng Jiao would go to greet Mrs. Huayang if he was okay.

“Grandma! When will we start to win the government?” Xiao Cheng Jiao said impatiently.

Today’s Cheng Jiao is also one year older and has become an eight-year-old “big boy”, but the heart of the city is still not attached to him, at best he is still a little clever.

“Hehe~” Mrs. Hua Yang chuckled, “You child, you are always so uncomfortable!”

“Grandma! Grandpa used to protect him, but now that grandpa is gone, can’t you still win the government? No matter how powerful he is, he is just a courtier now!” Xiao Cheng Jiao took it for granted.

“Hey! It’s not as easy as you think!” Mrs. Hua Yang sighed, and then frowned, “Little Cheng Jiao, you have to calm down, don’t startle the snake, lest Yingzheng becomes vigilant. ”

Hearing these words, Cheng Jiao showed a look of doubt on his face, and the doubt turned into a loss again. He was a little unsure of his grandmother’s attitude.

Madam Hua Yang saw the change in Cheng Jiao’s expression and sighed again.

“Don’t underestimate winning politics, his current power is not something we can move if we want! Even if your grandfather is gone, the same is true.

“Your foster father’s attitude towards winning the government should be very clear. He has now become a prince, and it is not because we support the higher authority, understand?”

“He relies on winning politics! He will only continue to maintain winning politics. Even if he becomes King Qin in the future, it is absolutely impossible to make you a prince!”

“Grandmother! What should I do then? Is it true that he should be allowed to succeed to the throne?” Xiao Cheng Jiao panicked for a while. In any case, he had to pass through Zi Chu to become the prince.

Mrs. Hua Yang then analyzed:

“Zi Chu is no longer the original Zi Chu. He has also taken root in the court. There are countless old Qin people in the court and the opposition who have loyally supported their father and son.”

“There is also Lu Buwei, who is now standing firm in Chaotang, and even the prime minister Cai Ze is on the side with Lu Buwei. They are Zi Chu’s right-hand man.”

Fortunately, after she finished speaking, Cheng Jiao lost confidence even more, his little head drooped and said nothing.

“Haha, what’s the matter? Xiao Chengjiao has no confidence?” Mrs. Hua Yang chuckled, “Don’t worry, anyway, we are already invincible, but if we want to deal with winning politics, we still need a suitable one. The timing is only!”

Suspicious Xiao Cheng Jiao left Mrs. Huayang’s room.

Generally speaking, Mrs. Huayang is indeed invincible.

King Zhaoxiang is dead, An Guojun is in the prestige, and Mrs. Huayang’s status is extremely respected. Winning the government is a great contribution and can not pose any threat to her; and if Mrs. Huayang comes out (aibd) to deal with the victory, then An Guojun It is impossible to punish her.

Coupled with the help of a large number of powerful ministers of the Chu family

A confident smile returned to Mrs. Hua Yang’s face.

Although it is more difficult to get Cheng Jiao to gain power than imagined, the death of King Zhaoxiang undoubtedly moved away the mountain that was pressing on her, so that the clouds could see the sun and the sky could be seen.

Lion Mountain, the tomb of King Zhaoxiang.

After An Guojun had done the funeral for King Zhaoxiang, he followed the ancestral system and came to Lishan to keep his filial piety along with King Zhaoxiang’s spiritual hub. More than ten days have passed.

Even though he had never come to the court and held the ceremony of succession, he also deeply felt the majesty of being the King of Qin. The eunuch servants who accompanied him would be called “the great king”, and he himself was a widow.

When he became the prince, An Guojun didn’t feel very much. Now that he really became the King of Qin, his mentality has gradually begun to change.

Originally, he was insulated from the throne, and it was simply not his turn to become King of Qin.

Therefore, he was indulged in female sex when he was young. He had more than 20 sons alone, and countless daughters. By the time he married Mrs. Huayang, his body was basically ruined, and he could no longer produce an heir.

Even husbands and wives have very little life, and they are always powerless, so they feel more guilty for the young and beautiful Mrs. Huayang, and are compliant and favored.

There is a disadvantage, but there is also a benefit.

After being unable to do anything with women, An Guojun put more effort into martial arts cultivation and dealing with people. With the support of Qin’s abundant resources, he also managed to reach the half-step innate realm.

On weekdays, I also have a lot of contacts with the ministers of the DPRK and China, and I treat people with magnanimity.

Later, it was finally regarded as Shouduyunkai to see Yueming, his brother prince mourned, and died of illness in Wei State!

King Zhaoxiang saw all the changes of An Guojun in his eyes, and logically established him as the new prince and settled in the palace prince’s mansion.

For more than ten years, An Guojun was in the high position of the prince, and he gradually appeared to be more authoritative. In his early years, his sensual and sensual days were rarely mentioned.

In addition, his son Ying Zixi is also very talented, and he is highly regarded by King Zhaoxiang. His own position is becoming more and more stable, and he is more respected by the ministers in the court.

The Chu forces behind Mrs. Huayang also played a very important role, escorting the status of An Guojun. Most people have forgotten the earliest winning pillar.

Now, An Guojun has become the King of Qin once, and he is in control!

There was plenty of time during the period of filial piety, and he thought of those past experiences again, and sighed.

At this time, Mrs. Huayang came from Chengyang specially

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