Chapter 126 King Zhaoxiang has passed away, and three generations of kings will be appointed! [Third update, please customize]

Going east of the river, the waves are exhausted, and the eternal lover!

With a feeling in his heart, Ying Zheng remembered this poem Nostalgia for the Red Cliff.

The darling of many times and the overlord who ruled the roost will inevitably die in the end. Only confusing historical stories are left to future generations.

This is a kind of “potential,” an inevitable result that cannot be stopped.

Suddenly, Yingzheng seemed to understand the meaning of King Zhaoxiang.

Why didn’t the children and grandchildren wait in front of you?

The general trend is unstoppable, and it only adds to the sorrow!

Rather than watching the true or false emotions of future generations, it is better to savor the rest of your life quietly, and completely save the last moments of life to yourself.

An enlightenment flashed in the heart of Yingzheng!

The fate of life and death, the rivers that are rolling eastward, this is an unstoppable general trend, sweeping the world!

“Grandpa’s life is vigorous and vigorous. Since grandpa wants to enjoy the last time for himself, Zheng’er will not be bothered, but please accept this kind of heart!”

“Grandpa returns, but Qin will sweep the world! This is Zheng’er’s promise!”

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng took out the Heavenly Emperor’s Divine Sword, and walked away from the fief.

To the east of Heibing County is a mountain, the highest point outside of Xianyang City, the destination of winning government.

With the sword dance of Ying Zheng, the little bit of enlightenment in his heart began to gradually enlarge, and the comprehension of the emperor’s sword technique became more profound, from the first to the fifth.

Moreover, his own aura, no longer concealed on this unmanned mountain, broke out completely!

Between the opening and closing of the Divine Sword, the embryonic form of a fire dragon was born out of thin air. As the sword became more and more rapid, the fire dragon was completely formed, and the invisible and blazing aura of the world was all concentrated on its body, and the battle turned and circled.

Winning Zheng’s eyes were closed tightly, his movements were never slow, and the second coherent act was followed.

Only seeing the dragon of the fire dragon, the sound of the dragon’s chanting that went straight to the sky resounded across the fields, and the sound had not disappeared, and a substantial dazzling group of light was spit out from the dragon’s mouth, slowly rising into the air, and bursting open suddenly, Xianyang City There was an instant flash of light outside, illuminating the mountain top in detail.

At the same time, the fire dragon dissipated.

It was replaced by a faintly figured dragon, like the wind and fog, and the shadows were fascinating. In an instant, it rushed from the top of the mountain to the sky above Xianyang City, adding a haze to the night.

A soft voice that seemed to call and murmur, centered on the Xianyang Palace, slowly spread outwards, like weeping, with inexplicable sadness.

The giant dragon concealed into the night sky, without any other actions, dozens of miles away, there was another sky-shaking sword shadow on the top of the mountain, pointing up to the sky. The implication is in it, with a roar, no trace.

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the clear sky at midnight, and it suddenly exploded!

There were countless lightning flashes among the stars, which spread rapidly to the surroundings, seeming to connect the stars together, but then flashed away, disappearing.

At this moment, the momentum of winning the government reached its peak!

A small figure leaped high on the top of the mountain, and the Heavenly Emperor’s Divine Sword violently waved towards the east. Hanging upside down for nine days, it is like the waters of the four seas are about to flood the Shenzhou, rolling east, unstoppable.

The fifth style of the emperor’s sword: the white dragon fell into the sea and flooded the Shenzhou!

Concentrating all the momentum to win the government, the first to fifth forms of a continuous blow, hanging high in the night sky, the sound of water flow in the ears, the sound of swords rang through Xianyang.

After Donghuang Taiyi reported the result of stargazing, he had already left the sleeping hall. For the last period of King Zhaoxiang’s life, he belonged only to himself.

But at the beginning of the sword dance, King Zhaoxiang, who was in the palace, immediately sensed the pound and phosphorus momentum of the victory, and even more thought of the sword shadow that fought against the thunder and dark clouds in the rainy night.

Speaking of the last bit of strength of Huiguangfanzhao, the old Zhaoxiang King stepped out of the sleeping hall, leaped forward, and has leaped to the highest point of the palace, sitting in Wolong Pavilion, looking up at the starry sky.

The fire dragon rises in the sky, the divine dragon spits pearls to illuminate the common people, the dragon crosses thousands of peaks and the four directions, the blue dragon smashes the earth and shakes the world, and the four-style swordsmanship caused the heaven and earth anomalies, all of which were seen by King Zhaoxiang.

At the end of the victory, the white dragon pours into the sea and floods Shenzhou, and the ocean of swords that rolls east is even more eloquent.

King Zhaoxiang lay on his back at the apex of the palace, not afraid of the precipitous spring cold, regardless of the sickly sick body, under the stars, watching the flooded east, listening to the vast sword chant, brazen laughter against the white dragon falling into the sea.

Until the end, he took the Feng Yuan to dominate the world with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Without losing the domineering power of a generation of heroes to death!

He felt the momentum of winning the government, and had already broken through to the innate; he also felt the promise attached to the sword intent, swallowing the six kingdoms, and unifying the world.

In the same way, he also firmly believes that his great-grandson, winning the government, must be able to do all this!

A generation of great demon kings passed away in this way, at the age of seventy-five years.

The Qin Palace is full of sorrows and joys, and everyone has edited it.

Ying Zichu himself rode to the fief of Yingzheng, and brought Yingzheng into the palace together.

The body of King Zhaoxiang was placed on the dragon couch with a smile on his mouth and kindness in his eyes.

But at the moment, Yingzheng is invisible. The purpose of coming to the palace is because of the edict left by King Zhaoxiang.

The important officials of the court, the dignitaries of the Qin Kingdom, and the royal family all prepared in advance. They did not rush in their actions. They had already bowed down on the palace hall to mourn for King Zhaoxiang.

When Yingzheng arrived, and never stepped into the hall, the emcee eunuchs took the service of white heavy filial piety, dressed the father and son properly, and led them to the side of An Guojun.

Because Yingzheng lives outside Xianyang City, their father and son are the last and indispensable people to come.

An Guojun looked at Zi Chu and Ying Zheng, Zi Chu nodded, and took Ying Zheng to kneel (to Wang Zhao) beside An Guojun.

When all the personnel arrived, the old eunuch opened the will and announced the will in public.

The one who inherited the throne is naturally the King An, the prince, and the winning pillar.This is not surprising; but in addition, King Zhaoxiang also appointed the prince, and even the grandson’s candidates in advance!

Three emperors and five emperors until now, in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties for thousands of years, almost only King Zhaoxiang has done this:

Establish the winning pillar as the King of Qin, the winning son Chu as the prince, and the winning government as the grandson.

Three generations of King Qin were directly designated!

Win Zheng’s heart was naturally grateful for the great love of the grandfather, and did not think that King Zhaoxiang was superfluous, but

Everyone can understand what Taisun is, but this name is absolutely wrong!

Greatly uncomfortable hunger!

Do you have to say “^”Taisundian, 々下” when someone calls you?

It’s called a grandson directly~.

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