Chapter 125 King Zhaoxiang is critically ill! [Second update, please customize]

On the examination platform, King Zhaoxiang above the throne suddenly felt his eyes blurred, and subconsciously wanted to come closer to see the victory. As soon as he stood up, his eyes suddenly went dark and he fell backward.

“Great King! Great King!” Meng Gao’s hand was quick and his eyes were quick, and he held on to King Zhaoxiang who was about to fall, calling out in his mouth anxiously.

“Doctor! Quickly pass the medical officer!” An Guojun roared towards the audience.

King Zhaoxiang was ill, and the medical officer naturally stayed around, but they weren’t able to go up to the examination platform casually. At this time, seeing that the king was in trouble, he hurried to the examination platform.

After the chaos, King Zhaoxiang returned to the palace hall under the protection of many courtiers.

When this kind of thing happened to the king, no one paid attention to the early spring competition anymore, and the competition ended there.

As soon as the medical officers gave first aid, King Zhaoxiang on the bed woke up, but with an extremely tired expression, he gave an order to repatriate the ministers and the royal family.

The sick people all need to rest and not to be disturbed, and everyone has no reason to stay, and they all retreat.

Yingzheng returned to his fief, but he vaguely felt that 08 felt a little bad.

Although King Zhaoxiang regained his consciousness under the rescue of the medical officer, his body did not seem to have any serious problems, but according to the historical trajectory, King Zhaoxiang’s deadline was in the past two years.

From the first time I saw King Zhaoxiang in the palace hall, in more than a year, bits and pieces of things continued to appear in Yingzheng’s mind.

He felt the kind of love the old man had for his younger generations, and even the kind of tolerance for Cheng Jiao.

The various forces above the court are intricate and complicated, and the descendants of future generations are fighting for power. In the eyes of this old man, perhaps there is a lot of helplessness in his heart.

What King Zhaoxiang longed most in his life was family affection, and the most difficult thing to give up was family affection. However, as King Qin, even if he was an innate powerhouse, he still couldn’t keep this most cherished emotion.

Before he succeeded, King Zhaoxiang won Ji because of the game of various forces, and he had the qualification to succeed. His coming to power meant that King Zhao Wuling and the Chu forces reached a consensus and overwhelmed the Wei forces.

Therefore, the mother of King Wu Qin and the brothers of the same mother were suppressed, expelled, and killed by the Qin State, and the power of the Wei family was greatly weakened; after King Zhaoxiang succeeded to the throne, his mother declared empress dowager, uncle Wei Zai, and younger brother son Buried, his younger brother, the son belt, ruled the government all the year round, restricting the king’s power.

As a last resort, King Zhaoxiang could only personally eradicate this increasingly powerful Chu force, and split this emotion with his own hands.

Finally, when the power of King Zhaoxiang is gone, he can continue to develop his grand ambitions. However, in order to implement the momentum of disintegrating the three-jin union, he personally arranged for his eldest son, the prince, to go to the Wei state to ease the relationship between Qin and Wei.

After stabilizing the state of Wei, the north can attack the state of Zhao, and the south direction can attack the state of Han, but the state of Wei can be blocked between the two countries, making it impossible for them to rescue each other.

The Battle of Changping has been fought for more than three years, and Zhao Guo has never received assistance from Wei and Han for this reason.

This is the credit left over from the mourning of the prince.

However, the prince mourned for himself but died of illness in the State of Wei. Before he died, he could not see his father. As the father, King Zhaoxiang was also unable to feel well.

Chase family affection, maintain family affection, and ruin family affection!

Above the throne, he is destined to be a man who cannot put family affection first.

It was almost because of these that in his later years, King Zhaoxiang would make up all his family affection for the winner, defend him, care for him, rejoice for him, and cheer for him.

Throughout the day, Ying Zheng’s mind was thinking about these things, and he couldn’t get rid of it, and his heart was full of inexplicable sorrow and sorrow.

Until nightfall, the cheap old man Win Zichu came to the fief and brought news that King Zhaoxiang was critically ill.

“Zheng’er, be mentally prepared, your grandfather may not be able to survive this time, maybe even tonight.” Zi Chu’s heart also felt a little uncomfortable.

Because An Guojun’s attitude towards winning politics is far inferior to that of King Zhaoxiang. Once An Guojun succeeds to the throne and becomes King of Qin, it is still unclear whether there will be any changes in the future.

Although there was a speculation about the victory, when he heard the news that the grandfather was critically ill, his heart trembled suddenly, and there was a kind of sadness all over his body.

“Grandpa didn’t summon me to the palace?” Yingzheng asked suspiciously.

Zi Chu shook his head and said:

“Except for your grandfather An Guojun staying in the dormitory, the rest of the royal family have not been summoned, and in the dormitory, there is only the Eastern Emperor.”

“Emperor of the East.” Ying Zheng thoughtfully read out a sentence.

On the other side, the palace, in the bedroom of King Zhaoxiang.

According to the medical officer, air needs to circulate, so there is some fresh breeze in the room, and the lights flicker.

But this kind of sight seemed to indicate something.

“Your Excellency, the last stargazing that the widow can know, is there a result?” King Zhaoxiang’s voice looked tired, but his face was extremely ruddy, and he didn’t seem to be critically ill at all.

“Given the great king, there has been a clear result.” Donghuang Taiyi replied respectfully.

He came in from outside the sleeping hall, and at the request of King Zhaoxiang, he just performed a stargazing technique.

“Can Zheng’er rule the world?” King Zhaoxiang reluctantly looked at Donghuang Taiyi.

267 “Great Qin has Ding Tianjun, dominating the world, just around the corner!” Dong Huang Taiyi’s words were extremely positive.

Upon hearing these words, a smile appeared on King Zhaoxiang’s face:

“Hehe, good, that’s good! In that case, there is no need to worry about anyone!”

Zi Chu left after passing the news. When it comes to preparation, there is actually nothing to prepare. To put it bluntly, he is always waiting to enter the palace to worship.

Ying Zheng remembered the Donghuang Taiyi mentioned earlier, so he also left the room and went to the courtyard.

I raised my head and looked at the sky, but the moon did not rise, only the stars shone.

Although he didn’t practice the yin and yang family’s stargazing technique, the emperor’s conjuration technique of Yingzheng can deduced almost all the techniques, and his own sense of qi luck is far beyond ordinary people, and it has a mysterious connection with the distant starry sky.

Vaguely, Ying Zheng saw that Ziwei Star was dim, and it seemed to be a sign of fall!

In fact, everyone sees the same starry sky, but what they want to understand is different.

The same purple star can not only represent victory in politics, but also victory in Ji. Different stargazers and different stargazers have completely different results.

At this moment, the dim purple star that Yingzheng sees is naturally King Zhaoxiang.

“Life and death are fateful, I can’t force it at all,” Yingzheng murmured. .

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