Chapter 1223 Unfavorable choice]

“Did you see that these people in front have been thinking about these things in this place, we don’t need to think about these messes now.”

“From the way they look at us, you can know that they will never make any choices that are unfavorable to us now. Don’t worry.”

If the princes of the Huns said that they should be a reliable supplier of food and grass, they would definitely cut off contact with Zhao Gao immediately.

“We can test them a bit now, but I don’t think I should come forward now, and should let some other people come forward, because if I say that once I come forward, it’s simply too obvious.

The prince of the brothers in front of him, if once described his appearance slightly with some other people, so shocked by the appearance of the heavens, then Zhao Gao must be able to guess that it is his own.

“I think we better not make choices that are unfavorable to us now. We should now let them know that we are here and waiting for their response 987.

“Whether they respond to us or not respond to us?”

From the very beginning, we should let them know that this is actually very good.

“Let’s take it slow now. Have you ever thought about why we do this? The thing in front of you is actually very Damn it.”

“Do you know? Since we are all waiting in this place now, we should now let the prince of the Huns tell us what the previous food supplier looked like?”

Meng Tian couldn’t help it. He wanted to see if some people like Zhao Gao had been betraying these people in the palace.

“It must be Zhao Gao, don’t worry, there are many people besides Zhao Gao. They are all hanging one by one, like a string of grasshoppers, tied (aibd) on a rope.”

“We only need to follow the vines now, then this series of people will be caught by us, so you can rest assured.”

“Can you do this well? I think if it’s not bad, we won’t be able to guess the rest, because they are really covering up too well. Only this Zhao Gao is really bad. Through.”

Yingzheng laughed loudly. He felt that it was not the time to say such things at all.

“It’s over, I think we’d better let them know our true identity now, otherwise they might actually do business with us.”

Yingzheng thought for a while and thought that he wouldn’t break at all, contacting himself, and now even want to see what kind of thoughts they will have.

“Don’t think about it so much now, it’s not that you don’t know.”

“Don’t talk about this mess now, these food and grass suppliers are very important to us, let’s not test them now.”

If it is to test them now, then this matter will be very thrilling, and Yingzheng knows that this matter should not be done.

“If you know where the problem is, you’d better stay in this place for a while. You should understand what I mean. This matter is very important.”

“Did you see that some of them have already revealed their true identity. Let’s quickly take this prince of the Huns as hostages, what do you think?”

A lot of people can’t help it. They can’t hold back their anger now, and they have some difficulties in winning politics.

“Don’t think about it so much. Although they say they are waiting in this place, they are not our enemy at all. We may still be able to cooperate with them to get this tender directly out, and I think this A prince of the Huns must have some stories, otherwise, how could he leave his hometown.”

“This prince of the Huns should have been favored by the King of Huns very much before. He had a proud son before, and that was him.

Meng Tian knew him because he had gone deep into the enemy camp before.

“I know they must have had some old friends before, but we don’t need to say much now.”

“Just wait with them in this place, nothing else matters. You should understand what I mean. I hope you can have a little bit of fun and understand the thoughts in my heart.

“Do you know? I think we must be down-to-earth now, stay in this place for a while, don’t think about the messy things, this matter is too important.

These people in front don’t want to talk nonsense at all, and they all know where the problem is.

“Have you ever thought that if we say this is true, those other people will not be able to end it at all?”

Ying Zheng raised his head and looked at the benevolent Hun prince in front of him. He felt that he was not as bad as he had imagined. .

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