Chapter 1222 About the transaction of grain and grass]

“As long as we can stay calm and stay in this place, everything will go smoothly. Haven’t we already seen the prince of the Huns? This is the best start.”

“I know where you are from, so we don’t need to hide the liquid at all now, we just need to stay in this place well now.

Yingzheng didn’t think about it too much. He felt that it was not the time to say such things at all.

“Have you ever thought that if we really want to trade with them, then this matter will be very bad.”

Such a transaction is particularly bad for them. If there are any other accidents, they will definitely be very uncomfortable.

“Do you mean that we can now negotiate based on things like grain and grass? There was indeed a person who had been doing transactions with me in these cases before, but that person seemed a little unreliable

If this person is not very reliable, the one person that Win Zheng can imagine is Zhao Gao.

“Zhao Gao has never been a reliable person. We really have guessed it now. In that case, let’s go directly and ask who they are dealing with.”

Yingzheng didn’t talk more, he felt that he should think about it slowly now.

“Have you ever considered that if we are negotiating with them now, then they might be really upset now, 々.”

“They will only be very happy now. You can rest assured on such a problem.”

Ying Zheng’s eyes widened, and he felt that he seemed to be very calm now.

“Have you considered such a thing? If we say that we have been staying in this place, then this thing may leave them some very deep impressions.

They shouldn’t be in contact with them for too long. In fact, some of the Xiongnu people are very keen. Sooner or later, he will know his identity.

“There is no need to say more about their identities. If you continue to say something like this, the consequences may be unimaginable.

Yingzheng has some brand new ideas, and he feels that it is better to ask other people.

“Do you know? Let’s chat with them first, this is better than anything.

If Zhao Gao really provided them with these food and grass directly, Yingzheng would have his legs cut off immediately when he returned.

“General Meng Tian, ​​let him come over immediately. I have one thing to discuss with him. I don’t think Zhao Gao can be kept anymore. He is really uncomfortable now.”

If you let him stay in this place, I’m afraid it would be inappropriate.

“Hurry up and get him out. To tell the truth, these things in our palace might be stolen by him for a day in this palace. When I think of such things, I feel a little sick.”

General Meng Tian’s victory should not be too angry, because he knew that if he was too angry, some other people would definitely feel particularly uncomfortable.

“Don’t say so much for now, our son may be in anger, so we may be emotionally unstable now. Let’s consider their thoughts slowly now.”

“They are really angry now, but I don’t think we should say anything in this place now.”

“Have you ever thought that if they continue to stay in this place, they may cause some trouble to other people, and the food and grass we have on hand may not be enough.”

*” This is not the time to say such things. Have you ever considered that if they continue to say things now, things are not appropriate.

“Did you know? General Meng Tian, ​​General Yang Duan and General General Meng Tian hit it off right away. They will definitely guard this place now and prevent others from invading it.”

“Once they invade now, things will be more troublesome. I think it’s better for us to ventilate with them a little now. This is more appropriate.

“Have you ever considered why he (Nuoqian Zhao) stayed in this place forever? We must hurry up now.”

If you are not prepared for this event, then there is no opportunity for other things. Such a Lantern Festival is the best opportunity.

“Those other people have been staring at us. To be honest, I think we better not look like this now, because there are still many people who have a slight expectation for this matter of us.”

“You don’t need to think about it so much now. We all have the grain and grass in our hands. If we can really get it to this level, we don’t need to think too much about it now.

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