Chapter 1224 Leaving Home]

“I don’t know why, when I just saw the prince of the Huns smiling at us, I actually felt that he didn’t Damn it at all, maybe because of the feeling of pity for the same disease.”

Yang Duanhe and Meng Tian both think so. I don’t know why, it may be because this person is too disguised.

“They have been in this place for such a long time, they must have understood our living habits, and they all know where our hearts are soft now.”

Why did the person in front of him leave his hometown, away from their hometown, and come to this place?

“Find out when they came to this place, and when did the inn let the Huns take over.”

If such a small matter is not investigated clearly, what will happen next? No one can figure it out.

“There must be a reason why the Huns always dominate this place, and they seem to want a direct relationship with the people in our palace.”

Everything else doesn’t really matter, and there is no need to think about what these people in front of you will think about.

“Let’s now ~ take your time first.”

Ying Zheng looked at the prince of the Huns in front of him, and felt that he must have a good relationship with him now, so that he could gain his trust now.

“We are also from a foreign country, but it is not convenient for us to tell our homeland, because we are all the same identity, you know what I mean.”

Yingzheng thought for a while. Fortunately, when he came, he dressed himself up and gave himself a shaved beard.

“Where are you from?”

Ying Zheng shook his head and would not say at all, because he knew he had to gain his trust now.

“I think we better stay away from them now, and don’t let him discover our true identity, because they will definitely investigate us secretly now.”

Generals Yang Duanhe and Meng Tian, ​​as well as some things around them, will wear ordinary people’s clothes in the future, and they will all dress up on this face, otherwise they will definitely be recognized at a glance.

“You had better not stand arrogantly in this place, otherwise they can tell at a glance that you are a general with so many soldiers and horses.

“I know I’m wretched enough now. To be honest, the masculine temperament I have now is not so simple if I want to hide it.”

Yingzheng has considered it, and now if these guards are asked to go back, they can’t tell the news as soon as possible, so it is better to let them support in this place.

“Since you have said this, let’s talk more now. Go to this backyard. I will put this factory down first, so that some other people will feel that nothing is happening in this place. Slowly bring it on.”

It seems that this inn still has a mysterious backyard. Yingzheng feels that such a backyard is definitely not some other people, who can come in at will if they want to come in.

“Don’t say so much, those other people are waiting for us in that place.”

Ying Zheng has already understood what their thoughts are, and if this is the case, General Meng Tian should be kept away from this place.

0……for flowers…

“You guys go back first. I stayed in this place with the little guards next to me. You now feel frightened.”

Now only need to gain their trust, nothing else matters at all.

“Did you understand this? If we say that we go directly into this backyard, they will now pinch us to death.”

“You care about what happens to them, don’t make this one a big deal now.


Yingzheng thinks so too. He feels that he should give them some opportunities now to let them taste the sweetness of this place.

“Didn’t we have some soldiers and horses escorting them to the backyard of this inn? Don’t mention them. Otherwise, they might really doubt us.”

When they get to the back, they will find that the horses behind them are all dead or lost.

“There are some horses who listen to their masters very much, so when we were near they were very irritable in this place and killed our guards.

Yingzheng thought for a while, if these horses were killed, in the end they would not have these horses to transport these grains.

“These food and grass don’t matter. I think we just need to gain their trust now. Otherwise, let’s pretend some assassins come to assassinate him, and then some other people come to rescue him. What do you think of this plan?

Yingzheng nodded, thinking this plan is very wonderful. factory,

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