Chapter 1221 Unruly Heart]

If this is not right, then what else will keep them safe and sound in their hearts?

“It can be seen from their faces that their target seems to be not us at all. Their target seems to be the group of people at the door. The group at the door all have some shaved beards, and they seem to be some unruly people. .”

“These people are sneaking in this place, and they don’t know what they are doing. They say they want to come in and steal things. We’d better help the prince of the Huns to be a little busy now, so that we can pull with him. Something about it.”

At this time, before the guards got their hands, Yingzheng directly knocked this beard to the ground, and the others were all stunned.

“For such a very lively feast, why is there still someone messing up in this place? Who is this person who has a bad heart 08?”

When these guards saw that Yingzheng was making trouble in this place, they wanted to catch Yingzheng directly, but what they didn’t expect was that the prince of the Xiongnu raised his hand to tell him not to mess around.

“This is the king’s benefactor. You dare to provoke the king’s benefactor in this place. Are you guilty of ambition now?”

The person in front of him who wanted to win the government knelt on the ground with a plop, and began to tremble all over the body. They had never thought that such a thing would happen.

“Don’t think about this, he is not to blame for this matter. Who can tell at a glance what these people are wrong, don’t worry.,

“I think we should now let them know who is truly loyal to you, so we’d better stay in this place for a while.”

“Are you sure? The group of people in front of you are not good people.

If you stay here forever, then this fierce prince may slowly trust them, as long as he can gain his trust, then the matter will go smoothly.

“Oh, if we say that we don’t care about anything like this now, we might really get a mess in the end. To be honest, our son’s strategy is really good. Only when we take the initiative can we get the initiative.

General Meng Tian and other doctors said so secretly, and Ying Zheng could also hear their whispers secretly.

“Our son deserves to be our son.”

These people around began to sigh, and they all know that winning politics has been very smart since childhood.

In retrospect, I began to ascend the throne when I was a teenager. In such a very lofty position, staying alone for such a long time is really brilliant.

“It’s no wonder that when our son was a teenager, he was called a very wise star in the sky by some other people.

Yingzheng thought for a while. It seems that the kind of worship that some other people have in their hearts has been established since they were young.

“You don’t seem to be a local when you go up the Prince Bridge. If that’s the case, let’s sit at the back of this place and relive the past. I think there is some fate with you.”

At this moment, Yingzheng thought about it carefully, and felt that his decision was completely correct.

“I just suddenly discovered that some of the Huns seem to have been waiting in this place for a long time.”

If you let them stay in this place, then I’m afraid this thing will be very bad.

“It’s better not to say so much. We only need to follow the rhythm of our son now, and the other people don’t need to say more.”

These people have a bad heart, and the person in front of them must know it. If this is the case, then they should be allowed to talk more.

“Looking at our entire Daqin, I don’t think anyone knows you better than me. We only need to talk a little bit in this place now, then we can make friends now.”

While smiling, Ying Zheng stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with the prince 987 of the Xiongnu. What he didn’t expect was that the others seemed to be unimportant.

“I have already told you that the thoughts in our son’s heart are far more profound than those in our hearts. Now we only need to follow them and do things.”

“Have you ever considered that if we talk too much to these people now, then these people might really entangle us directly?”

While they were talking, these struggling people on the ground seemed to want to run away in the chaos. Ying Zheng put his foot on that person’s shoulder, and he directly squatted on the ground.

“No one would have thought that such a small episode would happen on a Christmas day like today. We don’t need to worry about it now. We just need to put them under the care of the Yan family.

“I don’t know where these people come from. Let’s stay quietly in this place for a while now.”

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