Chapter 1220 Cut off the grain]

“Don’t say so much for now, let’s control everything now.

As long as they can be allowed to stay in this place for a while, then this matter will be more and more smooth.

“Are you sure? To be honest, I still think we’d better not stay in this place for too long. These people will definitely find out. When they find us, it will all be too late.

“I heard that their food and grass have indeed been disconnected for a while, but I don’t know who helped them secretly, so that their food and grass have always been very sufficient. Although it is not very rich, it is enough for them. “Nine Eight or seven” to eat.

It must be Zhao Gao and the group of people. When Ying Zheng just said this sentence, Yang Duan and them already had some meanings in anger.

“Yang Duan and you are now quickly calming down your emotions. If you stare at other people like this angrily, it will make people feel very strange.”

The people around are all talking in this place. In this case, winning the government is actually very happy in his heart, because he knows that he understands more and more now.

“Don’t take these people’s affairs seriously. I have told you many times, and now they have to cut off the grain and grass they have on hand.

“I think it’s best not to think too much in this place. Since we are all ready now, we must be steadfast.”

“I know, don’t worry, I don’t think we are the time to say such things at all.”

“Don’t be procrastinating in this place. These people have been staring at us. Although they are far away from us on this platform, they can still see our actions at a glance.

“I know you can rest assured, if we wait too long in this place now, it will have a particularly bad effect on them.”

“You know, I have already told you in my heart for a long time. You just don’t take it seriously. There will be some lessons that will make you nervous in this place.”

Regarding these matters about grain and grass, Yingzheng did not want to say more, because he felt that such matters would be handled by General Meng Tian.

“General Meng Tian knows a lot better than us. He is now on this battlefield. He will definitely think of this when he kills the enemy. Don’t worry.”

While thinking about these things, Ying Zheng thought carefully, he felt that he had to grasp the handle of these people now.

“Don’t say these useless words, I have already told you so much, you stay here honestly for me.”

When the people around were warning them, Yingzheng did not say much at all, because he knew that it was not the time to say such things at all.

“I’ve already told you so much, don’t you mean you still want to procrastinate in this place? Don’t have problems in this place, can’t I beg you?”

“It’s over, I think they seem to have discovered something now, they seem to have sent some people over now, this prince of the Huns, he must see through our identity now, shall we leave now?,

When Yingzheng turned his head, there were three or five guards in front of them. They now seem to be holding some long knives in their hands, sneaking towards this side.

“Let’s not alarm them now, just stay in this place. Some people may show up later.”

No one can guess what these people will be like in this place.

“Come slowly, if we say that we just walk through directly like this, we will definitely not have any good results.”

“Have you ever thought that if they handle this matter directly now, it will have a particularly bad impact on all of us.”

“Why did they come with knives? Are they trying to cut us off the roots directly? When did they stare at us?”

“About such a thing, you should know better than me. Why do you say so much in this place?”

Ying Zheng felt that he had to clean up these guards directly now.

“These guards are actually nothing to all of us. We just need to get rid of them now. They haven’t made any major movements yet.”

“This prince of the Huns is also a very noble man at 1.3. We must now avoid his sharp edge and cannot kill him directly.

“You don’t need you to teach me about such things. Don’t worry, I will definitely clean them out directly.”

General Meng Tian helped the dagger in his hand, and Ying Zheng immediately understood in his heart that he would definitely do this thing right now.

“It’s over, I don’t think these things we are doing right now are not very good, because a lot of people have been staring at us, is it really right for us to do this now?”.

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