Chapter 1219 Prince of the Huns]

“I heard that King Hun likes the princes under his knee very much, especially the heir equivalent to him on the stage in front of him.”

General Meng Tian was carefully observing the person on the stage while carefully discussing all the details he knew with Ying Zheng.

“It’s just that some time ago, these camps seemed to have discovered some unexpected things. We have many inquiries about this matter, but I have sent someone out to check it.”

Could it be said that there have been some things happening with the Huns recently, which can’t be known to outsiders?

“Does it need to say more about this? We have all talked about the situation so smoothly now, and they must now be able to-understand what we mean.”

“ok, I get it.”

They absolutely can’t fight in such a place, if it is once a fight, it is very bad, especially some of their Huns.

“Don’t tell me, I think that since we all understand the situation now, then these next things are actually not that good at all.”

“Although they are serious on the surface, in fact everyone in their hearts is staring at other people.”

“The Huns at the Lantern Festival, they have all put down their guard now. We just need to see what kind of person this shopkeeper is and what he is going to do in this place.”

If this fierce prince is too presumptuous in this place, Shengzheng will never let them stay in this place. This matter is very important.

“I think we must now push this situation directly to their side.

As long as they can be prepared, these things will go smoothly.

“Don’t say so much now. Let’s clarify the situation first. We must not ignore everything in this place. They are all enthusiastic now, and we should be the same now.”

“I know what you mean, don’t worry, I think if they say that some of the Huns don’t care about anything, it will have a great impact on us.

As long as we can help them, then this thing can be done smoothly. This thing has always been so simple.

“I think, it’s better not to be like this, because some of them have been staring at us for a long time, and we better not be so worried now.”

Not all the attitudes of some of them are kept in this place, so there is no need to pay so much attention to them.

“Have you noticed that these murals on these walls are all about the customs of their Huns. I think we can directly mark this place as a dangerous place now.”

“What kind of things will come out on the edge of the Huns? To be honest, it is very stressful in my heart. I actually don’t want to say or do anything at all.

“Their territory is actually constantly expanding, but they don’t take this matter seriously in their hearts, and I don’t want to say anything to them at all.”

“Actually, I think so in my heart, but in my heart I think there must be a reason why they are doing this now.”

0……Look for flowers……

From the very beginning, they should be a little presumptuous in this place, so that they wouldn’t dare to say more and do more, and this matter would go on very smoothly.

“I think, we still have to see what kind of attitude they used to talk to us when facing this matter.”

“Some time ago, their food and grass were cut off for a while, so they wanted to negotiate peace with us in this place. We just refused it at that time.”

Ying Zheng listened to General Meng Tian carefully speaking about these things. He felt that he had to let him know now that he would not let them slip away directly under his nose.

“This place must be closely guarded day and night. They must not be allowed to leave this place. This matter is too important. You should understand what I mean.”

“Are you sure? I still find it quite uncomfortable, because if we just don’t care about this matter directly, they will probably feel uncomfortable in their hearts.”

“Do you think I am not uncomfortable? Of course, I am also uncomfortable in my heart. If we just look at them like this, it is actually very bad.

“Well, isn’t their food and grass being cut off by us? Why are they operating and expanding this inn in this capital now? Is it because they have made a lot of money now?”

They dare to wear this kind of silver in this capital city. Now they are simply embarrassed by their ambitions, and Yingzheng now feels a bit angry when they think of such things. factory,

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