Chapter 122 Terror wins politics, completely dumbfounded Cheng Jiao! [third update, ask for customization]

The early spring competition continues, winning the government VS Cheng Jiao, the second round!

“How many levels is Qin’s military merit? How can the current king win the battle?” the examiner said without joy or sorrow.

Xiao Cheng Jiao, who was already flushed with embarrassment, heard this topic, and immediately became excited:

“I’m coming! I’m coming!

“We have a great general, general, general, and commander in the country of Qin!”

After Xiao Chengjiao finished speaking, he proudly despised winning the government, but he didn’t want to. The chief examiner, who had been expressionless, even smiled, and then asked:

“anything else?”

“There’s still more?” Xiao Cheng Jiao was taken aback for a moment, and hesitated to continue: “Centurion, what is the commander, the corporal leader?”

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was already roaring with laughter.

How famous is Qin’s twentieth-level military merit system?

Ordinary people can memorize it backwards!

The Qin generals who have experienced the battle can write with their eyes closed.How can they not laugh?

“Master Cheng Jiao is mighty! Amazing!”

“The little boy missed one! There is another ten thousand chief did not say!”

“My backhand is a string of 666, Master Cheng Jiao answered well!”

All kinds of nonsense rushed to Xiao Cheng Jiao again.

Mrs. Hua Yang’s face also changed to 263 in an instant, making it hard to look.

I can’t answer such small questions. Why have you been in retreat for four months?

Waste! Mud can’t support the wall!

In fact, this is no wonder Cheng Jiao.

Ordinary people know this twentieth-level military merit nobility system, because it is the only way for them to be promoted; the soldiers on the battlefield know this, it is to receive merits and rewards.

Cheng Jiao is neither an ordinary person nor has he ever been on the battlefield. How could he know so much? In addition, the previous early spring competitions were all culturally related, and he had never tested this kind of thing!

In fact, I don’t know about winning politics!


The title of military merit does not have much to do with him. When it comes to the promotion of King Qin in the future, it is to sweep the Six Nations and become the first emperor. Why does he need military merit?

But there is a system to win the government, there are points, you can buy, buy, buy~

Just listen to him start “reciting” again:

“The law of Qin stipulates that there are twenty-level military knighthoods, which are the official priest, the priest, the hairpin, the no change, the doctor, the official doctor, the official doctor, the public servant, the five doctors, the left general, the right general, and the left. , Zhonggeng, Yougeng, Shao Shangzao, Da Liangzao, Shuchao Chang, Da Shu Chang, Guan Nei (aibd) Hou, and Che Hou.”

This problem is relatively simple, there are no shocked people, but the flatterers still exist!

The generals in the army who speak to the victory of the government, in fact, most of them are people from the old Qin forces. Don’t hesitate.

Another call sign

Ying Zheng smiled and gestured to the surroundings, and then continued to answer the questions:

“Since the current king succeeded to the throne, the State of Qin has won a total of 16 big wins and 29 small wins! Expanding its territory by hundreds of thousands of miles! Annihilating the enemy is even more than a million!”

This answer is relatively good, no need to think about it, and it will not be so thorough and clear at all.

The people in the audience began to lament that Yingzheng was talented and intelligent. Seeing that he was about to eulogize his merits again, it was a turn of the conversation for the victory, and he began his “performance” with stern words.

“We have won the battle and opened up our territory. It is indeed exhilarating! But the victory does not forget the defeat, and the defeat is still to be said!”

“Since the king succeeded to the throne, Da Qin has lost five battles in total!’

“The first time I was defeated by the attack on Zhao Yueyu, the second time by Wang Gan attacked Zhao, the third time by Zheng Anping’s support battle, the fourth time by Wangling’s Handan battle, the fifth time by the river outside the river, five defeated battles!”

“With these five defeats, if my Daqin soldiers can remember them, they will be invincible in the future!

Seeing the awe-inspiring face of winning the government, everyone was shocked and unable to say a word. The winning government was only a nine-year-old boy, but he said something that Ming Jun could hardly say, and everyone was shocked.

Even King Zhaoxiang felt the same feeling after hearing the words of winning the government.

The venue for tens of thousands of people is silent for a while, and everyone has different feelings in their hearts.

It’s just that the big match is still going on.

The chief examiner no longer thought about it, and did not record any results or other processes, and directly started the next examination question.

Win Zheng VS Cheng Jiao, round three!

“Qin Law shares the geometry of the laws and the geometry of the laws?” the examiner asked calmly.

Xiao Cheng Jiao has already lost two rounds in a row.

“Me! Me! Me…”

After I spent a long time, Xiao Cheng Jiao blushed again and his neck was thick and speechless.

I really don’t know this at all!

There is no way to say anything blindly, and the answer is for nothing.

By this time, he had completely lost his square inch, the young adult, facing the cynicism of everyone, no matter what, he could no longer maintain his rational mind.

Then, Ying Zheng, who opened the literary library, once again calmly said the correct answer.

“The Twenty-Three Laws of the Qin Law, and the Articles of Law are two thousand six hundred and thirty-eight.

“Military Law, Farming Law, City Yi Law, Baigong Law, Youshi Law, People’s Law, Baojialian Zuo Law, Penalty Law, Gu Yuan Law, Jinbu Law, Warehouse Law, Tax Law, Yield Law, Dismissal of Officials Law, Internal History Law, Sikong Law, Chuanyou Law, Chuanshi Law, Weights and Measures Law, Bus Law, Chengbian Law, Royal Family Law, Miscellaneous Law, these are the twenty-three laws.

“The law includes, Article 1”

“Stop! Stop!” The examiner hurriedly stopped.

“Ding Tianjun really has a lot of knowledge, it’s okay, the law is too complicated, no need to go into details.”

There is another “wow”!

The people in the audience couldn’t bear it anymore, and they burst into applause.

“Ding Tianjun is really a genius of heaven, not only the martial arts cultivation is extremely profound, even the knowledge is so extensive, both civil and martial arts, great Qin stock brachii!”

“Great Qin Wannian! Ding Tianjun Wannian!

“Ding Tianjun’s martial arts are all outstanding, and the great Qin is fortunate!”

If it is said that there was a flattering element before, then this time it is even more sincere, and the five bodies are on the ground.

Among all kinds of learning, which is the most boring and boring, which one can exceed the law?

Winning politics can be proficient in the law, that is, thoroughly working hard in the way of governing the country!

The people of Qin emphasized the law and ruled the country by law. They are as proficient in the law as winning politics. Although they have not yet become the king of Qin, the image of Mingjun is beginning to be established.

All around were cheers for winning the government, no one was going to target Xiao Cheng Jiao again, there was no sarcasm, but Xiao Cheng Jiao’s face was even uglier than before.

My face was flushed before, but now my face is pale.

Complete defeat! Another complete defeat!

Not only the martial arts cultivation base, but also the academic aspect, winning politics is also beyond his reach.

A deep sense of frustration surrounds Xiao Cheng Jiao’s heart

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