Chapter 121 Open the plug-in, the audience is shocked! [Second update, please customize]

No matter how good Wang Jian is and no matter how high his military attainment is, it is natural that he will not have the in-depth understanding and historical knowledge of the 21st century in his memory of winning politics.

To talk about the knowledge of this era, Yingzheng really doesn’t know much, but Yingzheng’s opening of the system literature library has also made up for this deficiency.

The scale of the early spring competition is very large. It is to remove talents from the entire ruling class of Qin. It is not that there are no talents among the civilians. It is true that there are not many literate and hyphenated people. The way for civilians to be promoted can only be military merit.

But according to the age group, among the children under ten years old, there are only a few people such as Ying Zheng and Cheng Jiao, Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Yi.

The chief examiner is very rich!

Coupled with the deliberate operation of Mrs. Huayang, the dignified early spring competition has turned into a “single match” occasion for Cheng Jiao and winning politics. The written test phase is completely filtered and the real person PK is directly started!

Ying Zheng and Cheng Jiao were put in a group, and the match began on the spot.

In this way, young people of the rest of the age group are taking written tests, and the two most powerful competitors of the future King of Qin are facing each other head-on.


It immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Xiao Cheng Jiao raised his head arrogantly and looked at the cheap brother who was much taller than him.

Wasn’t it just for today to “retreat” for four months and strive for strength?

He has absolute confidence to surpass the win in Wen Bi!

Having been suppressed by the winning politics for so long, I can finally show off once, especially under the gaze of nearly ten thousand people. As long as the winning politics can’t compare to myself, I am afraid that it is indispensable to ridicule.

The Ying Zheng on the other side was completely expressionless when he looked at Cheng Jiao, but he was muttering in his heart:

Why is this guy so excited?

Where did you find the sense of superiority again?


The chief examiner is an old civil servant from the Qin country, with a bit of literati style, facing the two “big men” without any fake color, and treats them equally.

“Two sons, are you ready, 々?”

“Come on, let’s start! My son is already impatient!” Cheng Jiao said excitedly.

Ying Zheng also nodded to the chief examiner.

“Okay, then we will start now!”

In the early spring competition, the first round, win the government VS Cheng Jiao!

“The first question, how many counties, territories, and people are there in Qin?” the examiner asked very naturally.

Why don’t you play the card according to the routine??

This is an old question! According to the common practice, the old question from last year will not appear in this year’s exam questions!

Xiao Cheng Jiao was stunned for a while, then his face flushed, and he was not convinced:

“You are obviously the old question from last year! What kind of knowledge!”

“Qin Law does not stipulate that old questions cannot appear.” The examiner said indifferently.

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that Cheng Jiao can no longer answer this question, and some young people among the generals began to take advantage of the chaos:

“Prince Cheng Jiao is talented and intelligent, and he grew up in Qin since he was a child. These things must be a piece of cake. New questions and old questions are definitely not a problem!”

“Yes, yes, how could Young Master Cheng Jiao not even answer the old questions? Impossible!

“That must be! My ordinary people of Da Qin can answer a lot, not to mention the Cheng Jiao son, absolutely no problem, it’s a trivial matter!”

All kinds of ridicule came like a tide.

Because of the relationship between winning the government, most people have actually seen Cheng Jiao’s loss. The future King of Qin will definitely be the Ding Tianjun. Saying these words now is tantamount to winning the government.

It is to please the future King Qin!

The originally confident Xiao Cheng Jiao, faced with so much ridicule, immediately panicked and gritted his teeth:

“Hexi eight hundred miles, Qinchuan eight hundred miles, I can’t remember the specific counties!’

The examiner nodded slightly, and turned to win the government:

“Ding Tianjun?”

Heh heh! Yingzheng coughed twice, and immediately started cheating~

“System, geography map of Qin country!”

“Dip! The contemporary geography of Qin country is detected! It costs 50 points. Does the host buy it?”

“Buy, buy, buy!”

“Dip! Congratulations to the host for the successful purchase!

Congratulations for a successful purchase? Yingzheng is in his heart, and then he unfolds the geography of the Qin country in his consciousness.

Under the curse of Xiao Chengjiao, under the examination of the chief examiner, and the expectation of countless people, winning politics without changing the color, without feeling ashamed, began to “read”:

“Qin has fifteen counties, three hundred and twenty-two counties, a land area of ​​700,000 miles, and a population of more than 13.4 million. As for the county names, Neishi County, Beidi County, Shangjun, and Jiuyuan County , Longxi County, Sanchuan County, Hanoi County, Hadong County, Taiyuan County, Shangdang County, Shangyu County, Shu County, Ba County, Nan County, and Dong County, among which Shangdang County is still in dispute.”


The whole audience looked at me!

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Winning the government is better than Cheng Jiao, it is not a little bit!

Look at the attitude of others, how calm, so calm, not arrogant or impetuous, it is completely the demeanor of everyone!

Look at Xiao Cheng Jiao again, his face is red, his ears are red, and he shrinks, he can’t compare it!

Ding Tianjun, who grew up in Zhao State, was so familiar with the geography of Qin State, but Cheng Jiao, who had always stayed in Qin State, was dumbfounded, which fully shows that Ding Tianjun has worked hard.

But after I finished talking about the county name, I didn’t finish it!

*” The current boundary of Qin State, from the east

“The 322 counties start from the west, Kaixian, Chencang, Yongxian, Haoxian, Yinxian, Qixian, Meiyang, Lixian, Hershey, Yunyang, Duxian, Gaoling”


The audience was shocked!

Cheers and thunder!!

Was completely shocked by the erudition of winning politics.

Even the civil and military officials in the DPRK, and even the officials who are responsible for geostatistics and surveying, may not be as proficient as winning politics. Again.

It’s just like reading the bamboo slips (good Wang)!

Not bad at all!

“Ding Tianjun is indeed knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and righteous!”

“Ding Tianjun is mighty, domineering and handsome, madly pulling the sword to blow the sky!”

“Ding Tianjun”

King Zhaoxiang, who was sitting not far away, also smiled and looked at the victory.

Winning government can achieve this level, it is undoubtedly knowing the entire Qin country’s geography well, as if the map has been printed in the brain, otherwise it would not be possible to do this at all.

In terms of the childhood experience of winning the government, it is even more difficult!

It is enough to show his dedication and diligence, and it is enough to prove that he has done some research on the concept of governing the country!

After a brief period of uproar, it returned to peace, and the Big Bi was still in the winter.

Just listen to the chief examiner who still has the calm expression, calmly said:

“Let’s start the second test!”.

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