Chapter 123 Book of Shang Jun, the horror of memorizing backwards! [Fourth update, please customize]

Mention of Shang Yang’s Reform is almost well-known in later generations, but there are not many specific studies.

Shang Yang was a person named Gongsun Ji, who was a native of the Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period, so he was also called Wei Yang and Gongsun Yang.

Several famous reforms during the Warring States Period have achieved remarkable results, all with the purpose of making the country strong. The main thrust of Shang Yang’s reform is also the same.

In general, Shang Yang’s reforms focused on three aspects: practicing law, emphasizing agriculture, and strengthening the army.

The people of Qin were either peasants or the army under the restriction of severe penalties.

As a result, the Qin State completely became a country of farming and warfare, with a strong army and sufficient food supply, and gradually possessed the military power that disregarded the six countries.

Xiao Chengjiao was defeated in three battles and three defeats, faceless, and utterly disappointed in fighting spirit. Winning the government performed extremely well and was sought after and respected by everyone.

Not only the powerful and powerful generals, but Zhao Ji and Zi Chu in the audience were also excited.

Zhao Ji didn’t even dream of thinking that her son had such knowledge. Although she didn’t talk about this kind of thing on weekdays, she didn’t see Yingzheng who specializes in it.

“Zheng’er, is everything Zheng’er said right?” Zhao Ji looked at Zi Chu beside her, still couldn’t believe it.

“Hehe, madam, why don’t you even believe your son? I told you that you don’t need to worry! But I never expected Zheng’er’s performance!” Zi Chu said with emotion.

“In this case, has Zheng’er already won? This competition is over?” Zhao Ji asked happily.

“Well, according to the past practice, it should be over. In fact, for this age group under ten years old, Dabi has no special meaning, but this time it is Zhenger and Cheng… hey!” Zi Chu sighed Screamed.

What is comparable to a child under ten? In the big comparisons over the years, the age group under ten is just for the occasion. The exam questions are also very simple, and there will be no such difficult exam questions this year.

It’s all because of the dispute between the heirs!


Mrs. Huayang behind Cheng Jiao, or the Chu family, is not so easy to give up.

Mrs. Hua Yang stepped onto the test table of the Big Competition.

The big match between Ying Zheng and Cheng Jiao, which should have ended, has changed because of Mrs. Hua Yang’s sudden admission.

“In the past, I only knew Zheng’er’s unique talent in martial arts, but I couldn’t expect to be so proficient in knowledge. It’s really a talent!” Madam Hua Yang resisted the disappointment of Cheng Jiao in her heart, pretending to smile.

“Grandma, too much reputation!” Ying Zheng also put on a humble and polite look.

If it weren’t for Mrs. Huayang’s sudden appearance, Yingzheng would have forgotten that he still had such a grandmother, even the name would be so strange.

Zi Chu is Madam Huayang’s adopted son, isn’t he the grandson of Madam Huayang if he wins the government? The status is the same as Cheng Jiao, but their treatment is completely different.

“Zheng’er, do you know my “Book of Shang Jun” by Daqin?” Mrs. Hua Yang asked softly.

“heard about it.”

Mrs. Hua Yang smiled again:

“The Book of Shang Jun is a powerful tool in Daqin, and there is no copy in any institution. There is one copy in the library, one in the Prince’s Mansion, one by the king, and only three copies. I wonder if Zheng’er has ever read it?”

Yingzheng shook his head.

“Hehe, that’s really a great pity! But today I have this opportunity, is Zheng’er willing to read this “Book of Merchants”? Grandmother has already prepared it in advance!” Mrs. Hua Yang smiled, then The appearance is basically abducting underage boys.

Xiao Cheng Jiao, who had been standing not far away, also began to smile.

Since Mrs. Huayang came to power and mentioned “Book of Shang Jun”, a faint hope has rekindled in his heart.

Because this book is definitely his killer copper!

Yingzheng never made a statement. It was impossible for Mrs. Huayang to come on stage to say these words for no reason. There must be a plan. Thinking of this, Yingzheng turned to look in the direction of King Zhaoxiang.

At this time, King Zhaoxiang half-closed his eyes, as if he was asleep or awake, he didn’t care about what was happening here, and he didn’t make a statement either.

After hesitating a bit, Winning tentatively asked:

“I don’t know if my grandmother thinks that Zhenger should watch it? How do you think about it?”

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of in the heart of the winning government. There is a literary library to provide the background. What is it to be afraid of? Regardless of whether it is the book of Shangjun, the book of the farmer, and the book of the Gongjun, what tricks can the early spring competition play?

0……Look for flowers……

In addition, whether it is civil or military, the current victory in politics has enough confidence!

“Haha, Zheng’er!” Mrs. Hua Yang smiled all over her face, one by one Zheng’er, she didn’t know how kind it was.

“Since “Book of Shang Jun” is my Daqin’s heavy weapon, you and Cheng Jiao are both Wang and Sun’s family. How can you not have this book for school examinations? Zheng’er, do you think it is not?”

While speaking, Mrs. Huayang waved towards the audience.

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a servant was holding a tray in his hands, and on the tray was a roll of bamboo slips, and came to Mrs. Huayang.

Zi Chu in the audience could not help but change his face slightly when he saw this scene, and the secret way was not good.

“Isn’t it over? Why doesn’t it look like it?” Zhao Ji also noticed something strange.

“Mrs. Huayang intends to let Cheng Jiao and Zheng’er compare the knowledge in “Book of Shang Jun”.” Zi Chu’s expression was a little ugly.

“It’s just an early spring competition. As for it to be like this?”

He was extremely dissatisfied with Mrs. Hua Yang’s actions, but he was helpless.

The king didn’t say anything, what can he do?

The rest of the people also looked at the stage one after another, and they didn’t understand what Mrs. Hua Yang wanted to do.

“Grandma has a suggestion, you two might as well try “Book of Shang Jun”! Cheng Jiao read half an hour, Zheng’er read an hour, and then compare who has more knowledge in the book. Simply put, who is it? There is more memory!”

“Yi Zheng’er’s martial arts and knowledge, and Cheng Jiao’s comparison, is expected to be considered fair?”

“Of course, my grandmother didn’t mean to force it. It’s up to you to decide whether or not to compete. Grandma’s instincts just want you to take this opportunity to read the “Book of Merchants”!”

Original heart? Win the government immediately.

Cheng Jiao has lived in the Prince’s Mansion since he was a child. If he has not been in contact with this book, he would not believe it if he was beaten to death and won politics!

Most of the people in the audience don’t know the tricks of it for the time being, so

Looking at an hour with Ding Tianjun’s aptitude, then Cheng Jiao only looked at half an hour. Who has more memories compared with each other?

Mrs. Hua Yang is not confused, right?

Is the early spring competition changed to a memory test meeting?

Could it be said that this time it will be enough to become a Jiao? Factory,

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