Chapter 120 Open the literary library! The expectation of the old Qin people! [First update, please customize]

The word “old” in Qin represents nobleness, grandeur, and orthodoxy. It is the respect and admiration of Qin people for their own country and race.

Most of the forces of Lao Qin were Qin nobles, mainly in the army.

These aristocratic forces have been suppressed by Shang Yang’s reforms, but it is undeniable that the old Qin people are still the backbone of the Qin state, and they are still the most trusted group of people in the Qin royal family.

The reason why Lao Qin people value the early spring competition is also because of Shang Yang.

The reform of Shang Yang was in the period of Qin Xiaogong.

Xiao Gong’s own ability to govern the country is limited, but he employs meritocracy, so Shang Yang was re-used, and Lao Qin people were severely suppressed.

The throes of reforming the law to become stronger are inevitable, but the old Qin people also want the king of Qin to have sufficient means of governing the country even more, and do not want to have foreign ministers like Shang Yang.

In the guest room of the winning government.

Lu Buwei gave a reminder of winning the government, but the winning government had a weird expression. He didn’t say a word, and seemed to be stunned.

After a while, Ying Zheng recovered, and smiled faintly:

“Master Lu doesn’t worry too much, my son has a certain number in his heart!”

Hearing such a reply from Yingzheng, Lu Buwei said no more in 08, and immediately left with a good-bye.

In the guest room, only Yingzheng was alone. He immersed his consciousness into the system space.

“Dip! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task: promoting sweet potatoes! Earn 20,000 points!”

“Dip! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the literary library!”

This is why Yingzheng just froze.

“If you are thirsty, someone delivers water, because someone delivers pillows! This system is really an urgent need!” Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

The meaning of literary library, it is naturally a library, knowledge base, all kinds of books and knowledge are all-encompassing, as long as you are willing to spend points to buy, you have all kinds of knowledge.

Especially the various knowledge and books of the Warring States Period, that is even more than dozens of points, all are cabbage prices!

In this way, Xiao Cheng Jiao is somewhat tragedy.

Don’t say that you have been eager for four months, it is four epochs, and it will not be able to win the government with its own system~

Early the next morning.

The large square inside the palace is open to all civil and military officials, as well as royal family clan members and powerful families, regardless of men, women or children, all can come.

Because today is the early spring competition for the younger generations.

The square was crowded with nearly 10,000 people. All of them arrived early and paid close attention to the Wen Bi; the younger generations who participated in the Grand Bi also stood in line according to the pre-arranged arrangements.

King Zhaoxiang didn’t make people wait for a long time, and he steadily climbed onto the high platform and stood with his hands, his voice resounding through the square:

“The country is well-established, and civil and military can’t be abolished. The martial arts of the Qin Dynasty will conquer the world! However, the matter of Wenhua has always been a treatment for people. Today’s early spring competition, it depends on you young people!”

After all, King Zhaoxiang walked straight to the throne that had already been arranged, and sat down, staring at the audience.

The old eunuch’s soft voice shouted:

“Early Spring Competition, start!”

A long note~

The Grand Competition officially began, and young people stepped onto the examination platform one after another.

The “parents” in the audience are all watching their children nervously, each with their own thoughts.

“Zheng’er lacked the foundation of this kind of knowledge since he was a child, will he be inferior to others?” Zhao Ji pulled Zi Chu next to him, constantly thinking about it, and there was a look of worry in her beautiful eyes.

“You! What is there to worry about Wenbi? The big deal is that you can’t get a good ranking. What’s the matter? And you look at Zheng’er like that, full of confidence, you have told us a long time ago, he is very good Confident!” Zi Chu quickly comforted.

“But I’m just worried! Wooming~” Zhao Ji flattened her mouth, some aggrieved, some self-blame.

When I was in Handan, Zhao Country, it was impossible to learn any cultural knowledge under that condition. Zhao Ji himself was basically illiterate, and literacy was barely possible. It would be impossible for her to write articles or something. NS.

She is at this level, what can she use to educate and win politics?

These things don’t feel much to Zi Chu, but Zhao Ji, who has been with Yingzheng day and night, is not clear? It takes less than a year to return to Qin Guoman, so how can he make up for it in this year?

On the other side, Mrs. Hua Yang was also watching Xiao Cheng Jiao nervously.

Although it is said that Cheng Jiao’s previous battles with winning politics have been undoubtedly gorgeous and fiasco, but Cheng Jiao’s own aptitude is still good, and his little head is very smart.

Moreover, Cheng Jiao’s growth atmosphere was very good since he was a child. The people around him are all culturally and there are special teachers to teach. The foundation is definitely not worse than anyone else, at least winning politics is absolutely incomparable.

Coupled with the hard work of Xiao Cheng Jiao who had prepared for four months in advance, Mrs. Hua Yang could still see her, so she said that she had a lot of confidence in Xiao Cheng Jiao.

The battle between Ying Zheng and Cheng Jiao was also the one that everyone paid the most attention to.

Judging from the current situation, Ying Zichu became the heir of Prince An Guojun, so the next generation of heirs of Ying Zi Chu is likely to be selected from Ying Zheng and Cheng Jiao.

The force to win the government has penetrated into the body and mind, completely defeating Cheng Jiao, this is something everyone knows; but to become the King of Qin, the use of force is absolutely impossible, and the means of governing the country must be possessed.

Especially Lao Qin people attach great importance to the early spring competition. Wang Chi and Wang Jian are the representatives.

“Hey, Lord Dingtian, I really hope he can win 263! The boy Cheng Jiao is a special Chu family, Laozi just sees him upset!” Wang Yi stayed in a remote corner and grumbled.

“The old general is careful!” The only audience around him is Wang Jian. “People are too mixed, don’t talk about this kind of thing here, it is not appropriate to be heard.”

“What are you afraid of? Your kid also participated in this competition, right? You don’t want to see it?” Wang Yi didn’t care.

“The knowledge of responsibilities is average, similar to me, and he is a prudent temperament. I don’t ask him to have any good grades and increase his experience.” Wang Jian smiled lightly.

“What is humility? Your family’s background is still good. Wang Ben’s boy has been reading poetry since he was a child. But Ding Tianjun is indeed a disadvantage in this regard. How can the place in Handan ask him for a husband?” Wang Yi worried The way.

In his heart, he was very fond of winning politics, and he also recognized the mind of winning politics, but this time, Da Bi relied on real knowledge, and other things were imaginary and useless.

“I don’t think so! Although Ding Tianjun is not very young, he always feels so unfathomable. If you don’t have a bit of knowledge, you can’t do this just by being flexible in your mind and changing things.”

Wang Jian’s eyes looked at the winning government in the distance, thoughtfully.

Big than, start

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