Chapter 1209 Robbers on the street]

Some of them don’t know why they suddenly turned off all the lights, maybe it was because they were about to hold the next ceremony.

“Some people like the Huns always like to make such bells and whistles. It makes people feel surprised and uncomfortable.”

“Don’t say so much, let’s wait and see in this place now.”

“This street is very lively. We can just slip past the chaos now. From this street to this small vendor, it takes about a quarter of an hour to reach the door of the inn.”

“You are now closely following the little children in front of you. These little children are about the same age as Bo’er. Don’t let them all get separated.”

“Whenever these little children encounter such a festival, they will ask the little ones in these inns for some sweets and the like. Now we can just take advantage of the chaos and just get over it.”

“Yes, this is also a very good method. When the baby ran over, other people didn’t notice him at all. This is also a very good phenomenon. We must go straight to it now.”

“I think we should let them know now that there are a lot of traffickers on this street, and we must not be targeted by them. If this happens, these little kids will probably not be able to keep it.”

Ying Zheng knew that Bao’er was the only son of General Meng Tian. In this case, he must now protect his safety and must not allow him to be injured.

“Although his goals in these tasks were very small, but we shouldn’t be like this now. If we really continue like this, it is simply too bad. You can go and protect him now.”

“As long as we can protect him in the past, then this matter will go smoothly. Winning politics is now very clear that what I am facing now is a very thrilling thing, and I must take the chain and take the risk.

“I think we should now drive all these small vendors to the front and let them all line up in this place, otherwise it would simply take up too much space.”

“As long as you talk to the people who manage this street, they must be able to deal with this problem immediately. Although they are very lively now, those people are armed with weapons, and these small vendors can’t Don’t listen to them.”

“Okay, I know what happened today. To be honest, I think we must make it clear to the little two in the inn now that they must not hurt these little children in this place.”

“There are many people who don’t know what this thing we are doing now means. If this is the case, let’s rush over now and let them know that we are not playing with them now.”

“The conspiracy and tricks can’t be hidden from us. These Huns want to hide from others in that place, what do you think?”

There is no need to say more about this matter. Winning the government can’t even think about it now, because he knows that he must get some initial victories now.

“We must let them know now that we really have been thinking a lot in this place now. If we drive them all away, our goal will be exposed. This is actually not good. We must now have harmony. Symbiosis.”

0……for flowers…

“Understood, I know what you mean, we will not drive him away for ourselves now.

“There are a lot of people robbing things on this street, and they are all joining in this place now, because there are many people who will distribute some food in this place.”

“Whenever there is such a large festival, a lot of wealthy people will come out to give out some food, some delicious food, we may really continue in this place and so on.”


“Don’t think about it so much, let’s preside over justice in this place first, and let them quickly maintain order, otherwise the street will be too chaotic.”

“Originally, we need to walk on such a small road in a quarter of an hour, but according to the current progress, a quarter of an hour is far from enough.

“Originally, when we stood on this street, we thought that there were a lot of people on this street, but walking shouldn’t be a problem. What we didn’t expect is that it is really difficult to move under this street.

“You should leave this place now. I think we’d better not think too much now, just wait in this place slowly.

Many people don’t care about these things at all. He feels that he should take a few steps forward now.

“Otherwise, forget it, let’s go straight from this place now.”

“This road is the right path no matter how you go. Don’t think too much about it now.” Factory,

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