Chapter 1210 Did not receive the invitation]

“Are you sure? If we say we don’t want to join in the fun in this place now, then some people in particular, might really slip away from this place directly, can we say that we just watched them from this place like this? Slip away?”

“It is absolutely impossible. They will never slip away now. All the horses in their backyard have been stolen by us. They have no means of transportation at all.

“That said, if you don’t say it, my heart will be really uncomfortable. To be honest, you will always comfort me in such an unexpected way.”

“Don’t say these useless words. “Nine-Eighty Zero.” I think we should still walk around the edge of this street more. This is better.

“We only need to squeeze in front now. We must be able to reach the door of this inn. General Meng Tian and the others are now wearing some civilian clothes to clear the way for us. We can follow them closely now. .”

Yingzheng knows that everyone is working hard, and now he has to go forward without hesitation. This is really good.

“Have you ever thought that if we expose our identity at this door now, then we will really run away right now in our hands.”

Ying Zheng has been considering this matter in his heart. Even if they run away now, it will not have any effect on themselves.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, I actually have my own thoughts on this matter.”

They had been tired for several days, but they didn’t have the energy to eat anything. Now they decided to take them to the lobby of this inn to drink and eat meat after completing this task.

“You must be very tired now. When you take us to finish this task, you will surely reward you with a lot of treasures.

These people have stolen one after another, and they don’t even have such a covetous idea now.

“I think we should hurry up and ask now, what on earth should you be able to enter directly from this place, this is the most important thing.

There are a lot of things that you shouldn’t think about so much. If you try to do something in this place, each of them will feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

“They seem to be lining up to check something in this place now. If we go straight to this place now, maybe they will also be checked by them. We have so many weapons on our bodies.

If such knives were found out, they would definitely be taken care of by them, and they would never put them in this inn at all.

“Today is such a grand festival, absolutely can’t be messed up directly like this, we must go in directly now, no matter what method we think of.”

If they can’t get in during such a mess, then no matter where they want to go in the future, they will definitely not get in.

“I know, what are my thoughts here, but I still feel that this matter is not good at all, should we first ask them what they hope for this matter now.”

A good thing, when it comes to such a thing, everyone will feel uncomfortable in his heart, and he doesn’t want to say anything more, he feels that he should understand this process now.

“These things are nothing to all of us. I have also told you that for a person like Zhao Gao, no matter what we are doing now, we should keep it from him strictly.”

“I know, don’t worry, I will do my best to hide from him now, but I am not sure whether he will know our current action and plan through his own channels.”

No one knows how many people are behind Zhao Gao. Now he must be fully understood. Otherwise, he said he would really kill him halfway.

“I’m really getting more and more angry in my heart. Now we have to let the people in front stay a little longer.

“Don’t tell me, if you don’t say something like this, I don’t think I have any feelings in my heart. I think we have to let him know that we will let them try torture now.”

“They might really retreat now. When we said something like this on 1.3, they must be very nervous in their hearts. Let’s not say such things for now, okay?”

“They have been waiting in this place for so long, shouldn’t we give them some surprises now? We started preparations for this kind of thing at the beginning, and we can’t give up halfway like this.”

“What you said makes sense, but I think we should continue to look ahead now.”

“On the surface they seem to be very reasonable in this place, but in fact, when they are asked to do something, they will definitely withdraw now. Don’t worry.”

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